Contract: Cargo request: Silver Name: Tex.Mex Used callsign: Summary and notes: Four trips of 3000 units of silver per trip has been made to planet Malta. Total amount of silver is 12 000 units as requested. Can payment please be in unmarked, non-sequential bills so as to keep it's origin secret. Attachments: ; ; ; Account for payout: Tex.Mex
Salvager Wrecker Pilgrim Liner Waran Bustard Pirate Transport
Thank you for delivering the Silver. The plantations in the area will be grateful and thus we will consider this contract as concluded.
The quick delivery is expected to increase cardamine yield by 3% in the area. You should certainly stop by one of their ports, I am certain that you'll receive the good harvest for a discount.
Payment is being authorized as we speak.
//we paid out this time because we knew for a fact this was being done.
This is the first and last time we will pay out without full timestamped screens though.
Thank you for delivering us a little battalion. I have to say the portmaster was more than surprised when the vehicles just kept arriving. Even after your contract was way fulfilled you delivered us as much as double of what we asked.
We don't know if you got a discount or why you did this but luckily we found a buyer for the other half of the vehicles.
Half of the vehicles went to Atlantis Manufacturing and the other half was delivered to the Bloodrose estates and are now part of President Martelli's private troops.
You did a good job Junker. Though next time we might not find such a convenient buyer. So better check the details.
Contract: Cargo request Tea and Cargo Request Blood Diamonds Name: Cash Ivankov Used callsign: JM|-Toothpick Summary and notes: Two loads of tea, one load of Blood Diamonds as requested.