From: Patrick C. West
To: [FL-ER]
Subject: Contract
Location: Glendalough Orbital
Encryption: 85-48-52-extreme
--- Incoming Transmission ---
Greetings, members of Freelancing Escorts and Repairs,
my name is Patrick West and I'm manager of a new instalation Glendalough Orbital. I have been instructed by the instalation owner - who happens to be a member of your group - to contact you and offer you a contract. Our base is currently undergoing Core Upgrade and we'd like to offer you a contract for delivery of 36 000 crates of Hull Segments, and 40 000 crates of High Performance Alloys. I can offer you a 1100 SC for a crate of Hull Segments and 800 SC for a crate of High Performance Alloys. Should you accept this offer, you can start the deliveries whenever you want, your ships are already cleared to dock. Location of the base will be send to you through a secured channel.
With Regards Patrick C. West
P.S. I'd like to thank to the two of your members who already helped with building of Shield Module and Bulk Storage module.
I don't understand if one of us built that base why he isn't contacting us instead. But well, moving on. The price seems fair enough, we will start taking care of the deliveries. Mind if i ask something? That base building activity, it sounds like something Emmerich would do to get a larger lab or maybe Jimmy. I just hope the owner isn't Redfire... the base would probably get blown up on one of his researches in the name of preserving humanity...
From: Patrick C. West
To: [FL-ER]
Subject: Contract
Location: Glendalough Orbital
Encryption: 85-48-52-extreme
--- Incoming Transmission ---
Greetings, Mr. Nunes,
apollogies for the lack of information. The owner is Mr. O'Brian, who is currently fully occupied by shipping necessary stuff to the base, that's why I'm sending the communications.
User ID: Abigail Location: Glendalough Orbital Encryption: Active
Are you listening to this transmission Jimmy sweetie?!.. I'm so happy that you're building your own base!!! way to go baby. You are really becoming successfull huh?! I'm so excited for you! *high-pitch scream* ...
OH! and I hope you build some nice bars, and some nice discos so I can spend a good time in your base, what do you think? great idea right sweetie? *giggle* - Ah and you should also build a nice suite for me just like the one you had on that liner *winks*
Anyways sweetie, The reason I am sending you this transmission is because Xalo sent me a message telling me that I should transport some commodities to your base, and this is really good for me cause, nowadays, things are getting even more expensive and I wasn't making enough cash with the part-time job i had supplying Poena... So I JUST had to take this opportunity! *Closes her eyes and grins*
I've already got you some os the requestes materials, i got you: 34.400 units of Hull Segments; Uploading..... Proof
The guy that was in charge of the storage said that they didn't need anymore Segments... so i'm guessing someone else delivered the remaining before I did.
bye bye Jimmy!
Good day Mr. West, I made a few shipments to Glendalough Orbital and just wanted to send this file for your records. The first is for the hull segments required for the construction of your storage module. For this, I delivered 4,896 units of Hull Segments
Here is the manifest for that shipment.
I also delivered 10,095 units of High Performance Alloy for your future upgrade.
And here is the manifest for that delivery.
Good luck with your new installation and give Jimmy my regards. Cpt. Jack Burton
From: Patrick C. West
To: [FL-ER]
Subject: Contract
Location: Glendalough Orbital
Encryption: 85-48-52-extreme
--- Incoming Transmission ---
Members of FL-ER,
I must admit I'm amazed. I assumed Mr. O'Brian wanted to send this contract your way mainly as a token of gratitude for your help with the initial building of our station, but now I see his reasons. Your speed is really impressive.
Miss. Abigail, don't worry, I'll relay your message to Mr. O'Brian.
With Regards Patrick C. West
P.S. According to our logs, your contract is already finished. I assume the rest west delivered by somone who wishes to remain incognito. Thank you again for your work.
From: Patrick C. West
To: [FL-ER]
Subject: Contract
Location: Glendalough Orbital
Encryption: 85-48-52-extreme
--- Incoming Transmission ---
Greetings, freelancers,
Your work on the first contract was very fast and professional, and that's why I would like to offer you a new one. I would need 40 000 crates of hull segments delivered to the station, and this time, for a price of 2 000 SC per unit. I hope you will find this offer satisfactory.
Once again that amount looks quite appealing. We will start our deliveries to Glendalough Orbital right away. We hope that all future business between your station and our group are as fruitfull as these last few deals.