I'm currently playing around with Freelancer Mod Studio and actually make some progress. However, there is a problem I encounter when I create new nebulae. When you're outside the nebula, you can see what it contains, for example rocks. When you enter the nebula, all objects within the nebula become invisible (but they are still there). The nebulae are linked to their own nebulae file and are also having both the nebula designator and the defined nebula zone on the map. However, for example like the nebula in Delta, the big objects within it aren't hidden. Anyone knows what's happening?
Sounds like it may be something to do with the [Fog] values in the nebula ini. You could post the code of the nebula file and the zone itself and I could take a look at it if it turns out to be something more complicated than that.
That's basically with every new nebula I create using the Freelancer Mod Studio. For example, I added a new nebula to Omicron Delta, basically copying the values of the Omicron Delta Edge Nebula. I took away the Exclusion Zones, since Freelancer crashes if the exclusion zones aren't exactly where they should be. So this nebula has no exclusion zone and it only contains rocks, like the original ODEN does. Ingame, it looks like this right now:
Once I enter the cloud, the rocks become invisible, no matter how far I am away from them. Even if I collide with them, they stay invisible. When I tested placing a new nebula in another system, I had similar issues, making an jumphole invisible. I conclude it has nothing to do with the size of the objects the nebula contains.
It's also not the objects that cause the issue, as I scaled up the size of the ODEN once to see if they get hidden as they should. Worked then, however, that's not the solution.
Your new nebula might be overlapping with the old one, which can cause models inside to turn invisible (this used to happen in Minnesota at the corners of the system.)
If that's not the case though, you could open up the system file and the nebula file in a text editor and post the code for the zone and the nebula like I've done here. Then I might be able to track down the problem faster by looking at it myself and tell you what was causing it.
Nebula zones typically need edge_fraction property set to some value, most commonly it would be 0.25. Overall be aware that large objects need substantially larger zones around them, because you need to take into account factors like zone inset transition border to create fading effect when entering or leaving zone.
I tried the values, but that didn't fix it, sadly. The original Omicron Delta Edge Nebula doesn't have edge_fraction set to any value, yet it works, and scaling up the nebula doesn't seem to work as well, as a placed and working jump hole isn't shown either, even in another new nebula. I'll try a bit more.
Keep in mind exclusion zones within nebula zones also affect visibility, not only within themselves and nebula but also outside neubla. As a rule of thumb zones that are used for nebula and exclusion zones within nebula should have edge_fraction property which controls transition border depth, which in turn affects camera far plane as well as depth buffer and render order mechanism. Whoever poked around Omicron Delta has probably forgot to add it.
The thing is, by randomly opening systems, I have only seen the nebulae in Iota using edge_fraction. In other systems, I only saw the exclusion zones using edge_fraction, but nevertheless, adding those values to my nebulae didn't help. Both the rocks in my Omicron Delta Edge nebula_plus are still visible from the outside and invisible from the inside (this nebula has no exclusion zones, just the rocks inside) and the other nebula in a new system, which contains one exclusion zone and a jump hole, still doesn't show the jump hole in the inside. :C