TIME: Sunday, February 19th AT 21:00 UTC
PLACE: Omicron Xi at B4
- Büro der Marineintelligenz BDM|,
- National Council NC-
- The Brotherhood [TBH],
- The Unioners UN|.
GOAL FOR BOTH: right-click until no red contacts
Being not able to assemble enough forces to Xi fast enough, BDM Direktor Geoff Enfield calls their Outcast ally that was patrolling nearby. Patrol leader Marietta Mercante confirms they will join forces and repeal Corsair scouts before they get reinforced from Crete. But alas... The Unioners noticed fleet movements and will grab the opportunity to strike from behind. The battle begins before fleets would grow larger.
Both sides agree that Camera (or Admin, if available by any chance) will have full rights over the event:
- to stop uninvited IDs from participating
- to even the odds by moving over-logged players to standby
- to stop late-logged players to join winning side
Camera will hopefully be Sombra Hookier, or trustful replacement of her choice (in case she can't come).
1. BDM|RNC-Zeisenburg, SkyNet
Snubs BDM|:
1. BDM|-"Mantarochen", Shelco
2. BDM|Agt.Kat.Laurenz, Wesker
3. BDM|Panzerschreck, Exe
Snubs NC-:
1. NC-Mercante, Foxglove
2. NC-Stiletto.03, Foxglove
3. NC-Stiletto.01, Foxglove (yupp. Three heads, six arms and who knows what else. Lucky Sombra.)
I will log my Camera Ship on Corsair Side to assist Sombra in balancing the fight, though everything you can expect from me is nothing than making screenshots, since my laptop is pretty bad at recording videos.
1. List of participants added, including 1 cruiser and 6 snubs for each side,
2. It stays Officials-Only, but smaller side will be allowed to bring indies and provide the balance that way,
3. Camera will not be so busy today, but will hopefully use her power to provide a duel to the last one alive.