Some say that he is allergic to a fungus found only between the toes of Corsairs,
and that he is oblivious to 98% of Liberty Law. All we know is... He's called the Busdriver!
so here I go again... I do want some feedback here. I want advice and stuff, how I can improve it...
I know its fairly simple, but I wanted bold, simple images that just carry the character across rather than being an exercise in photoshop smuggery.
Tenacity thats quite nice. Only thing I would suggest it altering the background a little so it doesn't look like the image changes underneath the destroyer.
You know the ink blotch tests that freud, jung, and numerous others used for psychoanalysis? well his face is made up of those... I might try to make it a bit more simple and face like, but it is meant to be a kind of mask...
Infact its called a rorschach test (geddit), look linky... if you mirror his face you get one...
I would like some ideas on how to make the RT a bit more defined without it looking silly. I kinda want it to blent into the background a bit and be stylised but I agree it looks a bit wrong right now, any ideas?