Yes, I did one my own music pack for Discovery Freelancer. Here's the.... ehm.... I don't know how to name it... uhm...
Here, yes! The Boh pack!
It hadn't to have more reasons to be a public pack that since it was just to fun myself with different musics so get ready to listen various and sometimes senseless musics at the wrong time or the wrong place. I sincerely published what I listen when I log ingame and I die because I suck just for 2 reasons:
1) I saw some other private music packs also not published, aaaaand I was anxious to personalize the game too, without be reported for cheating. Is the devstreams going in trend? Maybe I could start to do it too... 2) I need your help. I was aware of this tutorial but right when I had already edited a good part of musics with different ways and apps and, despite it's going well because I hear edited musics well, the files are ehm... a bit too much big. Now I could start to update this pack with new musics with that right way but now.................... I'm feeling a bit lazy to return to edit all musics so... find the edited musics (Order the folder for Size, you find immediately), use your techniques to edit to the right way (Editing maybe using that tutorial), send me the new, "lighten" pack without any modifications of the musics... and WIN 100.000.000$ IN GAME!! (Kudos to @Regulus)
To install it:
1) Download here (Piombo65 music pack.rar)
2) Create a Discovery Freelancer MUSIC folder backup somewhere
3) Replace the ENTIRE MUSIC folder with the music pack that it's into the rar (Copy/paste the MUSIC folder of the .rar into the AUDIO freelancer folder, merging the 2 MUSIC folders and overwriting vanilla musics).
4) Enjoy, boh...
for /F "delims=" %%f in ('dir /b *.*') do (call :EXTRACT "%%f")
subst w: /D
dir /b WAVs\*.wav>WAVs\!_PlayList_Music.m3u
echo Nothing more /
ping -n 10>nul
goto END
set FICHIER=%~n1
set EXT=%~x1
for %%e in (wav mp3) do (
if /i "%EXT%"==".%%e" echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if /i "%EXT%"==".%%e" echo %FICHIEREXT%
if /i "%EXT%"==".%%e" echo.
if /i "%EXT%"==".%%e" w:\ffmpeg -i "%FICHIEREXT%" -acodec mp3 -ab 80k -ar 22050 -y "WAVs\%FICHIER%.wav" -hide_banner
if /i "%EXT%"==".%%e" echo.
if /i "%EXT%"==".%%e" ping -n 5>nul
(10-31-2017, 07:42 PM)Sombra Hookier Wrote:
(10-31-2017, 05:45 PM)Piombo65 Wrote:
(10-31-2017, 05:43 PM)Docent Wrote: 1,1 gig? uff... gonna' need to make some room on my 2002 pc
It's the entire MUSIC Discovery Freelancer folder (Plus the DISCOVERY folder), with my edited songs that can weigh 30 MB...
Look up the tutorial Ruairi wrote on how to shrink the size of .wav files. It will make your sound files ten times smaller without much quality loss.
(10-31-2017, 05:38 PM)Piombo65 Wrote: I was aware of this tutorial but right when I had already edited a good part of musics with different ways and apps and, despite it's going well because I hear edited musics well, the files are ehm... a bit too much big. Now I could start to update this pack with new musics with that right way but now.................... I'm feeling a bit lazy to return to edit all musics
Copy paste the script in a text editor
Replace the path line 8 by the one where ffmpeg.exe is : subst w: "C:\PortableAppsPlatform\PortableApps\FFmpeg\bin"
Line 28, if required, add audio files extensions
Record the file with a name like : something.bat in the MUSIC folder of Discovery (or where you have audio files to convert)
Launch the something.bat
It will create a subfolder where you will find the audio files converted in the Freelancer/mp3 format
Copy paste the script in a text editor
Replace the path line 8 by the one where ffmpeg.exe is : subst w: "C:\PortableAppsPlatform\PortableApps\FFmpeg\bin"
Line 28, if required, add audio files extensions
Record the file with a name like : something.bat in the MUSIC folder of Discovery (or where you have audio files to convert)
Launch the something.bat
It will create a subfolder where you will find the audio files converted in the Freelancer/mp3 format
....... Not exactly. You see, Freelancer's audio files have the .wav extension, yes...but they are encoded in Fraunhofer's MPEG2 Layer-3 (mp3) format. This sounds weird, but this game was made back in Windows 98/XP days, when this was actually pretty common. In fact, we can do this ourselves using an old Windows XP program. ..........