I'm looking for someone who can provide me the files of the old Omicron Iota system as well as the old Omicron Kappa (practically vanilla) files. Not just the system inis but also their respective asteroid and nebulae files. If anyone has those files, please upload them as rar and link them here, that would be very nice.
(11-12-2017, 06:47 PM)ronillon Wrote: So you want vanilla freelancer files? I could upload the original installation to somewhere, if you want.
No, not vanilla. Just the old Kappa before they effed it up with the O-74 merge and the old Iota, as I don't like the current Iota at all. I have a vanilla installation of Freelancer myself, but there is differences between the old Kappa and Vanilla Kappa.
I don't know if King Boo has the files at the moment, or if he even has them anymore. Last I heard it was Finn and King boo that turned iota into what it is now. I'll ask him later today (King boo) if he has the old Iota files for ya
Use moddb and download an old version. Remove the file from that.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502