Maybe the attack on Bering with the mighty RM fleet was a little bit... overkill. That's why I'm here, to say actually sorry.
Alot of People know me and my "I never ganked or will gank anyone, no matter if he ganked me like 1000 times" attitude, but... I kinda breaked this personal rule for me this sunday.
So yeah, as the 2iC of [RM], I'm here to say sorry for the steamroll that happened yesterday in Bering and I swear that something like this will never happen under my command again.
I find it amusing that you found some time to file a huge complain to the other's faction feedback... While not replying your own. Even making a short lectures about the purpose of those threads.
If that's the case, then I will ask additional question to your yesterday's behaviour. You started up in Texas with a huge group, something about six or seven playes. When LN logged to interract with you and have a fight, you ran to Rheinland. You have made all the way to Stuttgart, pirated with 1 battleship, 3 cruisers and 2 bombers at the lane. Killed one Bowex 5ker on my own eyes, despite the fact that he stopped, but not at once. We have tried to get RM and others to log, it's harder than in Liberty and took some time. Just as we got more or less decent numbers you started to run again.
Sorry for the delay. Trying to enjoy the new year.
That's mostly correct, yes, except for some smaller details.
We started in Texas with four players, two cruisers, the rest two snubs. We saw a large group log on with a diversity of fighters from BHG to LN, plus gunboats, battleships, siege cruisers, battlecruisers, decided to go to Hamburg as it didn't look very navigable and smuggling would have been impossible under the situation. We wanted to do more in Rheinland anyway. In the mean time, more Unioners logged on, far more than we expected as this was just going to be a casual RP flyaround. They tailed along and logged Hamburg shareds + individual ships. What ended up happening was a large mixed force of snubs, cruisers, and one battleship.
We decided to pirate in Stuttgart. A Rep Shipping transport came through the trade lane, was asked to stop, typed "OMG", didn't stop, kept moving, and was thus destroyed. We moved into the field as we thought RM would mobilise as there was a RM snub loitering around reporting positions and composition. The pilot was told in certain terms to stay away from the force or be engaged by the cap secondaries and snubs, but did not not indulge. He was fired on, kept CD'ing in an attempt to straggle out the fleet, so we consolidated our point defence. The pilot got slightly too close and was neutralised.
We headed to the UN base in Koeln as some of our bombers needed to regen torpedoes, our cruisers needed CDs again, etc. The RM encountered us just as we were undocking from the station and went weapons free. We wern't completely co-ordinated due to the caps getting stuck in the undock animation. Our battleship was fired on, we returned fire. UN won the cap fight, but lost the snub fight.
Thank you for the encounter. Was fun. Let me posit a question: If you flew right up to a battleship you were CD'ing whilst lawful caps were logging and whilst firing upon its accompanying bombers, what did you think was going to happen? The only way the battleship can prevent you from CD'ing it, is to blow you to kingdom come, which it did, with plenty of warning.
(A co-operative of Rheinland's Shipping Unions, retired from a life of piracy.)
LN party that went after you consisted of 1 LABC, 1 Archer and 2 vhfs. And I don't know why'd you lower numbers of the UN|, but even if you was four, then there was no clear reason to run.
Transport did in fact stop, I saw it from the side and even one of your group had enough time to write down the line about it.
[14.02.2018 16:42:09] UN|Conrad:Grier: Move again and you die
[14.02.2018 16:42:09] Death: T.Red was put out of action by UN|Empress.Leicht (Gun)
I still see no proper reason why'd you run from RM with a superior force. As well as the running from Texas when people logged for you. That's a systematic interraction avoidance, so I tried to stop you with CD to let other RM catch up.
(02-15-2018, 11:55 AM)Shikizumi Wrote: LN party that went after you consisted of 1 LABC, 1 Archer and 2 vhfs. And I don't know why'd you lower numbers of the UN|, but even if you was four, then there was no clear reason to run.
Transport did in fact stop, I saw it from the side and even one of your group had enough time to write down the line about it.
[14.02.2018 16:42:09] UN|Conrad:Grier: Move again and you die
[14.02.2018 16:42:09] Death: T.Red was put out of action by UN|Empress.Leicht (Gun)
I still see no proper reason why'd you run from RM with a superior force. As well as the running from Texas when people logged for you. That's a systematic interraction avoidance, so I tried to stop you with CD to let other RM catch up.
I was flying the Leicht. I saw his thruster working and his distance decreasing to the lane. Could have been lag, but it was enough for me to run up engagement and fire the mortar.
We were concerned that we were low on munitions and some ships on regens after encountering a couple of wierd cap spawns in texas that just blinked in out of nowhere, that's why we went to the base. We also didn't know how many RM were coming because we weren't scanning the playerlist.
(A co-operative of Rheinland's Shipping Unions, retired from a life of piracy.)
While what you mentioned in the 6th thread was taken as humor, I genuinely think you should set up a dualnova heavy bomber wing for your newer players, especially if you feel that they might start getting upset about uneven fights. I am not sure what your tech cell is on it, but a UN fafnir wing sounds awesome. And potentially lethal.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here:
(03-05-2018, 03:05 PM)sindroms Wrote: While what you mentioned in the 6th thread was taken as humor, I genuinely think you should set up a dualnova heavy bomber wing for your newer players, especially if you feel that they might start getting upset about uneven fights. I am not sure what your tech cell is on it, but a UN fafnir wing sounds awesome. And potentially lethal.
Good observation.
We have 100% tech on all Rheinland snub ships, but out of respect to wanting to keep RM unique we usually don't use the line.
It's worth considering.
(A co-operative of Rheinland's Shipping Unions, retired from a life of piracy.)
We did Warans bombers wing 1 nova 1 snac, specially becouse Im and some my friends noobs on disco, its looking nice if you can do fighter/gb cover for them
In general, I pass to the following: tired from school, I sat down to play in Freelancer. I saw three guys in Gamubrga. Judging by the levels: the cruiser and 2 fighters. "To hell with the cruiser," I thought, and decided to play against your fighters. Now you look from the side to your RP:
- Firstly, the incomprehensible behavior of the gunboat captain: he attacks, then tells the crew not to shoot, then he again attacks (without ordering the crew);
- Secondly, your passion for dishonest battles. Here I laughed very much at the level of your RP: you say that I'm a coward, because I'm leaving the fight on a fighter, where me trying to attack 2 fighters and a gunboat?
In addition, let the captain of GB learn the word "duel". A duel is a battle 1:1, not 3:1. If your fighters only attacked me, and you did not help them, then I would have taken this fight. But you have tried to deceive me ooRP by replacing it with an RP-phrase.
I recommend the leader to think twice before taking the participants to his faction. You are an official faction but not a bunch of "lolwuts".