(03-08-2018, 05:13 AM)Reeves Wrote: Make a scaled down version of the Hellbores for BCs that are slow to fire and have inherent inaccuracy but hit hard and have them take up BC heavy slots and drain quite a bit of energy. This way, people can choose to either specialise their BCs against Dreads and so on, or equip themselves to try and counter cruisers, or try to do both and excel at neither.
it is already in the game but as a codename weapon
Of course we can add more guns as Battlecruiser Primaries, we have lots of opportunity right now because Bc guns are seperated from cruiser and battleships so we can have weapons balanced for Battlecruisers only
(03-08-2018, 11:56 AM)Reeves Wrote: Your focus should have been on balancing BCs against cruisers more, but not by completely eliminating a player's ability to outfit them to act as long range support via primaries. Yes, the light mortar invincibility was horrible and made battleships seem like paper, the concept of this change was clearly a step in the right direction but obviously deviated from this.
BCs need to be able to choose between being anti Battleship and anti cruiser, just like any other capital ship class is capable of specialising in terms of equipment.
long-range primaries adds invulnerability tbh, Thats what old BCs had they were nearly impossible to hit with battleship weapons
I said this before, Battleship vs Battlecruiser fight was taking too much time and usually ends up on draw except If it is Heavy Battleship vs Battlecruiser, Heavy BS had no chance.
If an Osiris, a light battleship to which new battlecruisers are similarly scaled, can kite at 2k while effectively dealing damage, how is it that battlecruisers whose primary guns have a range of 2.5k cannot? Seems a little weird to me...
(03-08-2018, 12:28 PM)Durandal Wrote: Here's an interesting hypothetical -
If an Osiris, a light battleship to which new battlecruisers are similarly scaled, can kite at 2k while effectively dealing damage, how is it that battlecruisers whose primary guns have a range of 2.5k cannot? Seems a little weird to me...
(03-08-2018, 12:28 PM)Durandal Wrote: Here's an interesting hypothetical -
If an Osiris, a light battleship to which new battlecruisers are similarly scaled, can kite at 2k while effectively dealing damage, how is it that battlecruisers whose primary guns have a range of 2.5k cannot? Seems a little weird to me...
Because the opponent doesnt know how to blindfire, the osiris has a higher shield recharge thus compensates incoming fire better while having 4 prims that obviously do more damage than 2 BS Prims as the bc prior had and the opponent is a larger battleship that is incapable of dodging the incoming fire from the osiris, probably a heavy bs?
Because people did actually start complaining before checking stats and testing out equipment and ships properly and think that new bc prims are slower than old bs prims (though they are faster and now have even 4 of them, doing more damage than 2 bs prims and are more effective overall) And do not realize that the new equipment makes them even better against smaller battleships?
Honestly, this thread is a bad joke. A joke of ill-conceived complains called 'arguments'. There is no way 800 ms prims and 650ms cerbs could have been any better at hitting cruisers or battleships than the new 900ms bc prims. Really, this thread needs to be locked, it's more like a harassment to all the players who are okay with the changes.
There are about 3 people complaining here. Lets say the community exists of 10 people. 3 is still less than 50% of the community.
There was a good old motto used on this server, mainly by, lets say, people who were not really liked that much for their playstyle: "Deal with it".
The last balance patch was just a day ago, and a few minutes after its release people complained, there is no chance these players could have tested everything out with the new equipment. And yet these people go on with the same arguments, just as if the patch never existed.
The BC class, now really being a class, is well balanced, I am even using them now, before I just killed them without caring much about their 'great firepower through 2 bs prims and great speed, by being the second slowest class in the game'
Everything is better around the class. Everything- Except for a little scale up and a range nerf of 500m (those totally did not save them from a skilled cap player with almost any battleship except for some heavy bs such as turtle or ransy), I even instakilled snubs only using the new primaries and secondaries. I saw other people achieving the same.
Check the new equipment, train with it and be happy. The class got everything it needs to be useful.
After extensive Conn testing I can confirm the BCs do quite well against heavy battleships, definitely not worse than before. It's hard to dodge the 950 m/s mortars in a heavy BS at 2km. The new prims have marginally more dps than the old 2 BS prims while being faster, which makes them better against battleships, too.
The current BCs do around the same against battleships overall while being better against cruisers than in the past, have a better shield, have near light bs hull while having faster guns (950 m/s mortars, 900 m/s primaries) and have their own version of a nightmare silo. To say they are worse than in the past is just ludicrous.
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My first testing of battlecruisers since the rework, dueling an average cruiser pilot. Nothing special from my side, but I can explain what I did anyways if you want me to. I also did it the other way around and came on top against Titan's BC with 10% hull in the best cruiser for dueling bigger caps (Thresher), and we tested 2v2s which were very close and out of the 2 fights we did, 1 was won by cruisers and 1 by battlecruisers. Battlecruisers are nowhere near as bad as some people in this thread make it out to be, if anything you need to type /conn and start practicing more before typing on the forums.
Yeah, I've been testing out my Obstinate a bit since the patch and I don't see what people's gripe is.
I was able to get a Valor to 75% hull before I got vaporized. And that's with an anti-cruiser/gunboat/snub loadout.
" in skilled hands it indeed was able to take down a BS."
Haha... nice meme
Because before the rework, us battle ship whores would have to sweat our arses off to win against even a novice bc pilot who knew how to dodge...
Only fools got tricked into that reverse instant mortar kill trick.
Old thread but i just want to state the stress ratio for pvp bc vs bs was about 4:12 with the BC being the 4.
It was much easier to fight a battle ship player then it was for the battleship player to be by choice fighting the bc player.
Admittedly i am able to fly my kirk into a bc fleet of grn and come out well alive but that's because i use a rather old strafe turret steering technique used when TS was the way to go and the kirk is able to roll shots off its tail due to its size and shape . (same with murmi and other similar sized ships)
In short we were just fed up with fighting BC's... it wasn't fun... we had players going cerb/duel hm cloak load outs to try and EK on bc's to just instant remove them . etc
It made everyone toxic aside from i think 2 veterans who probably know who they are.
Now the stress in the fight is more evened out and the combat is more fair where as before it was a cruiser sized thing with the damage output of a light bs out of energy that we couldn't close distance on to hit consistently enough to kill.
Battle cruisers are good where they are now, when i rejoined this game for a month or two i wanted to buy one (but i cba to trade ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) because now its not a crutch for bad players to try to skip the learning curve. They can still kill us battleship whores. But now they MUST come within that edge zone of our effective range AT LEAST, or close into our gold zone of fire where we can fry you im okay with that ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) .
Antonio i don't know if you will agree with anything i said here but i most certainly am in favour of the current battle cruiser meta... In my time I've seen so many players quit this game because they got a battleship and left because they were too easily deleted by cheaper battle cruisers, and if they did not leave they would just abandon battleships for battle cruisers following the philosophy of if you can't beat em join em.
Also to anyone who wants to compare their survivability to me don't... I've told enough people to stop because i am an anomaly with my 19(+?) active keys for blinds fires, ek's, strafes, quick fires, rolls and much more.
I am like the Julius Caesar of not dying. If there is an advantage to keeping me alive, or helping my shots hit a little bit more, i will do it. I mean, other players can learn to join me in my abnormalities of flying sure but as of now i have this "ego" because i am the only one who flies like this since "@Simpleman" left due to bad internet.