>A lot more of bug crunching and fixes on Hex's part.
>As expected, had to upgrade the Warehouse I had rented. A few calls this Monday sorted everything out and the cargo stored therein was transferred with no workload on my part.
>Asked Hex to fix some inconsistencies on the Interface. >Received a request by the government office of finances today. Apparently, I had not declared all of my assets through public the interface. In their words, I was showing "an irresponsible and dangerous lack of patriotism". Situation has been fixed, patriotism has been assimilated.
>Added Contacts section. >Hex made some alterations on the Interface. >Some information was condensed to be easier to read.
>Added Declared Assets. >Hex made some alterations on the Interface. >Rehired Anthony, my last PR guy. >Fired Anthony again soon after hiring him for having mistyped my last name on the Neural Net Filename. Yes Hex, I should have noticed it before.
>Began logging changes. >Major refactor on interface layout. >Added Index, Changelog and Associates sections. >Put civil status on a topic of it's own. >Reordered sections. >Made clear which sections are public and which are not. >Updated the shamefully outdated Extra Details section.
>Updated the Anfänge project due to the completion of the Alpha phase, changing the inventory information and recording the meeting with the captains hired to transfer cargo to Bretonia.
>Added the Nebel Project. Not sure with whom I should share this information yet, both DWR and the whole Consensus have been awfully quiet as of late.
>Described the goals of every Project - should make it easier for external users to understand the data they are looking at.
>Alterations and updates on the Business Logs section. Still not looking good as I would like it, but it will do for now.
>Added the Frühjahr Project and also reordered them all - I know I might be making this harder on myself, but I will sleep better knowing they are in alphabetical order. >Added my sister to the Contacts area, since I'll probably have to rely on her for any support on the Anfänge. Feels weird looking at all these colored bars when thinking about her. Who knew that buying this stone would be so amusing. >Incremented the Business Logs section - it should now properly show which groups and projects we are currently working on. It'll make it easier to keep track of our operations in the future. >Left a part of the front interface open so projects get pushed towards the second page. I'm not sure what I'll put on that spot yet, though.
>Logged several deliveries for the Anfänge. >Asked Hex to group a few things on the interface, and altered a few details here and there.
>Uploaded a photo taken with Annika and logged the change of colors. I think this stone actually works.
>Logged in Anfänge a related warm moment - and the resulting mood-stone-thing change of color.
>Logged a few shipments to the new warehouse.
>Started logging deliveries for the Anfänge. >Since I was wasting my time declaring assets remotely relevant to my current condition, I also went ahead and logged some Business Logs regarding the Xenos and the Bretonian Intelligence Service.
>Filled in Miles and Annika information. >Added Business Logs regarding Cryer and the Outcasts. >Bought a weird rock in Baffin today. Supposedly, it changes color depending on my mood and opinion regarding other people, it's quite amusing. Also, since I've decided to log this information for future reference, you're getting restricted from checking it out Hex.
>Couldn't sleep - logged Hayes work on Anfänge.
>Filled Toulouse papers. Hex, stop looking at me like that.
>Filled Dr. Hayes and Hex's papers.
>Added Business Logs regarding several groups (Golden Chrysanthemums, Lane Hackers, Orbital Spa and Cruise, Rheinland Military, Zoners and The Seraphim). >Changed typo on the Bundschuh: DWB to Die Weisse Rose. >Filled Dietrich and Hannelore papers. >Fixed Anfänge Project links pointing to wrong posts. >Rewrote The Council Business Log.
>Due to the nature of his work, Allan has become used to being called by his middle name - Brahms - rather than his first.
> On Kusari, however, Allan was jokingly called 翡翠の獅子 (Hisui no Shishi) by his Samuran peers. which stands for Jade Lion, due to his Rheinland ascendancy, facial features and unchecked ego. He fondly carries the nickname to this day.
>Allan comes from a family of individuals of high achievements, therefore expectations of him are considerably high. He is remarkably close to his parents, Margret and Helmutt Brahms Fawkes. Both are still alive and well, still living on the Planet Stuttgart, a place where Allan usually ends his trade routes in.
>The older one of three brothers, one of which serves the Rheinland Army and another who works for the Bretonia Mining and Manufacturing as a Logistic Manager, and sister, who works for Orbital Spa & Cruise aboard the Luxury Liner Hawaii.
Education:PhD in Financial Management & Governance
>RWTH Aachen Academy for Mathematics in New Berlin. >Masters in Business via Queen Mary University of New London. >Financial Management & Governance PhD, Nagoya University of Commerce & Business.
Current Occupation:Seraphim Current Faction:Zoner Consensus
>Independent Interspace Commerce Trader - from 822 A.S. to 825 A.S. >Samura 従業員 Shain - from 800 A.S. to 817 A.S. >Manager at Gateway Shipping - from 785 A.S. to 800 A.S.
Allan experienced most of Sirius culture during his early life, which built a robust background.
Although his family originates from Stuttgard, most of his childhood was spent in New Berlin. Brahms stems from a family with strong values regarding mathematical sciences, therefore, at a young age, he was enrolled at a boarding school for the young. At the time the LWB had recently formed and posed a newborn threat to the Rheinland government. Being resident in the capital, he had the opportunity, along his peers, to study applied mathematical studies regarding supplying logistics before reaching his teens.
Once his basic education was close to an end, he had the opportunity to observe the foundation of Gateway Shipping. With an internship program being available in Bretonia he took the chance and moved to New London to work in the recently formed offices. Moving up on the company was only a matter of time and before long he had stablished himself on a job he was good at, learning a great deal about logistics and administration in the years that passed.
About a decade went by and it's around the time the first rumors of the alien life forms reach the public that he moved forward to Kusari.
With the background, experience and resources he had amassed, he bought a branch inside Samura and started a sprawl of business inside the Kusari territory. Although the experience served him as a great teacher on leadership and administration, the wars that begun after 817 A.S. cut the dream short.
With Liberty declaring war on Rheinland, Kusari becoming a Republic and Gallia moving into the political spectrum, he decided to go back home. Those were not very profitable five years of his life, but it was the safest decision to make. By the time the war was over, however, he was convinced that he had to experience what the other side of the conflict had to offer, he had to learn about the culture that had clashed against Rheinland.
After living on Liberty for a while, observing the financial map and learning about spacefaring, he decided to rent a ship on his name and undergo a program that teaches how to comandeer effectively. Although he was considering working for a major company once again - Interspace Commerce specifically - he has recently decided to aid the needed in a more independent fashion.
>Born into a family of political figures and individuals of high standards, Allan is used to speaking a lot, tending to get overcarried from time to time. This behavior can both be a blessing or a curse depending on the person interacted with.
>With so many failsafes built into his family line - insurance, health care, contacts in high places and with political figures - it is very rare for him to believe there is no way out. In turn, it is not common to see him losing his temper, acting out of desperation or even demonstrating anger. This positive attitude, coupled with the aforementioned tendency to talk a lot, gives him an almost palpable air of friendliness.
>Almost a consequence of his attitude, Allan also believes money will never truly be a problem for him - both because of his activities but also due to his family legacy. As such, it is not rare to see him disregarding expenses almost nonchalantly and making conversation with anyone in the right disposition.
>Allan is, without question, overconfident. He believes fully on his capacity to do whatever task he puts his mind into, with or without haste. This can, at times, get him into trouble. To this day, however, not a single time trouble has shown itself to be unpersuasive - or uncircumventable.
>Contrasting intensely with his carefree and gentle nature, he can be quite self-absorbed due to his obsession with his work.
>Facing the horrors of war have recently changed the way Allan sees reality. Transporting refugees and victims of war has shown him that his heart is made of something else than credits. He will take risks, even overstepping laws and regulations, to help those he believe to be in need.
>Allan consumes alcohol on a regular basis, but tends to regulate this due to the several health supplements he takes. He usually travels with a small personal supply of assorted beverages from across Sirius.
>Smoking, however, legal substances or not, is something Allan refrains from doing. Unregulated substances intake, specifically, is not something he is interested in getting into.
Fears:The death of those he loves; The loss of his mental faculties; Slavery
>A quite simple fear to describe but not to overcome, Allan fears that both his parents are nearing the end of their lifespans. He tends to avoid talking about natural deaths because of this.
>With so many failsafes, Allan does not believe the possibility of losing everything he has. Naturally materialistic, his work represents everything he has both figuratively and realistically. What truly scares him, however, is the possibility of losing his mental agility and capacities, which may naturally occur with aging and would undermine his efforts to rebuild should anything happen to his fortune. Due to that, he spends a lot of his time taking care of his body and mind, and a considerable amount of resources in health supplements.
>Contrasting with the extreme profit-centered view of some of his peers of old, there was always a very strong sense of human preservation into Allan's beliefs. In a sense, he admires those who fight for the less fortunate, but believes only work within the system can change things. For this reason, slavery and forced labor classify as things he truly despises, and the idea of having to sacrifice or lose a crew member to slavery is certainly something that would keep him up at night.
>Publicly intentional, Allan was never married. He evades the issue when prompted about even by his family, which to this day still tries to find him a suitable partner.
Short-Term Goals: Reach other parties of Sirius; Build his ship
>It's been quite a long time since he roamed Sirius by himself, and so the political picture has become outdated for him. To this end, he always takes the chance to pursue those whom behavior appoint towards diplomacy, so that both parties can learn from each other. This indeed includes at least hearing about unlawfuls and other "questionable" parties.
>Recently initiated into The Seraphim, their set of rules and current operations, although few, are still very new to him. Because of this, he is still getting up to date on parties that are in need.
>Taking the into consideration the support that The Zoners have extended to him, Allan has started planning building his own ship. Naming the project Anfänge, he's taken into view every characteristic of the vessel to better support his needs
Long-Term Goals: To become a codex of Sirius Culture
> While on the past profits were the ways with which he intended to solidify his presence on Sirius, now he recognizes in order to be of use to those in need, the knowledge about their culture is much more important than anything else.
Life Wishes: To have his own residence-ship; To leave a positive mark
>Due to the fact that he always worked for other companies, Allan has become enamoured with the idea of customizing a vessel to his own interests. From deciding the shape of the tapestry installed inside to choosing the tint of her windows, it's the wish he thought he'd never have.
> In turn, it is through the recognition of his name that he expects to be able to operate Sirius wide. He believes that in shifting the economic balance - supporting the right faction or suppressing the right market - he will empower people to perform better on their tasks. In the years to come, Allan hopes that his name will holds the weight of of a man who keeps his word and works for the common people.
>CT-53 engine block replaced a previous CT-69 model. >Enhanced captain and common living quarters per IC regulations. >Increased Hull Resiliency with CAU MKVIII Plating. >Weapon Power Relays rerouted to Life and Cargo Support. >Advanced Deep Scanner connected to Commercial Grid. >Common CE-Ta civilian Engine MkI.
>During his time working on Kusari, Allan had more than one encounter with the group and was alive during the Nomad War, which results riled the group's agenda and cut short their interaction.
>Although his work with Samura lasted for quite a while, being a foreigner he was never capable of understanding the inner workings and the government grasp of the keiretsu. Simply put, their relationship was never something more than work related. After leaving during the war of 817, Allan's come to realize he doesn't known which side of the conflict to support any longer.
>When he started to supply The Council in the war with Gallia, having to learn how to navigate on systems foreign to him, Allan's activity in Kusari raised considerably.
>During one of his business endeavors he was questioned by the clan, but treated politely and even given few political answers.
>Always interested in finding new ventures, Allan was left considering the possibility of dealing with the group. Is unknown to him, and risky at best, if that possibility is a reasonable one. Should the clan develop any interest on his business, he recognizes the need to be upfront about his background with Samura.
>Knowledge that such a thing even existed was by far disregarded as relevant until recently. Taking the man by surprise, the agency contacted Brahms while looking for a middle man.
>Born in Rheinland - and because of his families ties to the movement - Allan is easily dragged into conversation with these political activists.
>Hidden from the public view, Allan has acted in favor of the cause several times on his past - both directly and indirectly. In a sense, it is his belief that the Reichstag decisions sometimes lack any sense of direction and are abundant in ignorance regarding it's people wishes.
>The group has made contact and has been secretly arranging delivery contracts, with constant dead drops on Freeport 8.
>It is currently unknown to him how long this partnership will last, if at all, but the idea of supporting the separatist movement is an interesting - albeit a risky one. Although The Seraphim have their reasons to deal with the group by themselves, Allan reinstated his ties to the partei.
>With few to little past up until joining the Seraphim, the history between Cryer and Brahms is a short one, mostly centered on the purchase of vitamins and health increasing pills for personal use.
>Since the start of the Anfänge project, however, Allan sought the company for the installation of medical equipment and training. Negotiations are still underway.
>Their's is a short story of interaction. During his time on Samura, he had a few clashes with the group, never truly trying to hear their side of the story until he was approached in person.
>In 814, a few years before the wars started, Allan was confronted by the Chrysanthemums while leaving Planet New Tokyo. A number of them infiltrated the docking bay where he ship resided and made him hostage, demanding to be taken out of orbit. Allan complied after noticing that the group was not alone, in fact smuggling out what seemed to be a small group of teenage girls. Apparently recently rescued, he made memory of the image and managed to leave with his life - but the encounter made him start questioning the validity of his job.
>He recently made contact with the group, desiring to make amends for his past, and was - surprisingly - well received.
>Libertonian in nature, there has been few to no contact with the group save for a few interactions. Conversations were always brief, for Allan's dismay, but nevertheless he was treated fairly, never truly having personal loss other than small financial cuts.
>Unknown to the group, Allan's quite curious about them since he knows very little of their side of the story.
>Allan tries to keep his distance from the wrong side of the Liberty Navy, knowing well that their numbers are great and they regulate the center mass of Sirius space.
>Regarding the situation involving supplying Council bases, however, the opportunity of transporting Refugees out of Gallic space has presented itself. Therefore, contact was needed to be made in order to at least try and regulate their transportation on his ship.
>Due the slow process of politics, however, Allan has lost his hope that anything will come out of this and given up trying at the moment.
>Brahms says little about the Outcasts, even if he tries to keep neutrality on the matter. However, their outright use and dependence of Cardamine associated with slavery and financing of extreme activities, both inside and outside House space, has provided more than enough reason for him to keep a fair distance.
>Being from Stuttgart and having access to a considerable number of resources, OSC has always remained at close distance.
>Although the group has become less politically present on recent years, Allan is trying to open communications with them, knowing all too well that their engineers are more than able to improve the comfort of his ships.
>Due the time it has taken for a response to be issued, however, he has decided to entrust these modifications to his sister's contacts instead.
>Allan and the Military Forces of Rheinland have a very short list of interactions, and he likes to keep it that way.
>Paying his taxes and always trying to be on the right side of the law, he intends to keep the Military oblivious to his neutral stance for as long as he can.
>Until quite recently, there wasn't much Allan knew about the ones helping to overcome the Gallic invasion. After a rather brash move on his part, contact with individuals of said group was finally made.
>He believed that the expansion into the market of Gallia resided on acting when the opportunity shows itself. Recently, it had been made clear that The Council could use a benefactor from beyond the lines of conflict and he decided to take matter on his own hands.
>During his work inside the borders of Gallia, however, this changed. Being close to the horrors of war had an impact on him he wasn't ready for. A desire to improve the conditions of the common folk awoke on him in a way he had not foreseen.
>Although he had to step back for a while due to the change towards the Seraphim, his desire to help the group remain strong.
>Hardly ever clashing with one another, due to his distance to Libertonian space, Allan's knowledge about the group is fairly limited.
>Unexpected developments with the Secret Intelligence Service of Bretonia, however, gave him reason to contact the group. Brahms, although having acted on it in his usual diplomatic stance, has his reservations with the group's mo.
>Keeping to themselves most of the time, he had very few interactions with the Zoners before joining the Seraphim. Other than the occasional visits and agreements made within Freeports, Allan never had the intention of joining.
>Their insular stance is a puzzling one for Allan. Their political neutrality, however, he considers a very powerful asset to have.
>After leaving Interspace Commerce it was clear he would need the support of an enterprise bigger than himself to keep his business going. He heard of the Sol Project by accident, and after some consideration, decided to investigate the ones responsible.
>Joining the Seraphim was both an accident and a choice. Originally he had intended to work within the Sol Project, managing deliveries and still working in House with his business, however, after during introductory conversations, this changed.
>He was introduced to this compact wing of people by Tara Williams, immediately identifying with those dedicated to the improvement of the lives of common folk.
Born in a not-so-well stablished family of construction workers, Dietrich was raised on Planet Nuremberg. Showing an affinity for machinery since a young age and due to the conditions of the planet, the smiling German found his way into the Military carreer very early on his life.
Being a laidback guy coming from Munich, however, did not do his progress very well. Never considered as promotion material, he instead found himself stranded on Nuremberg for more time than he considered plausible. It was only a matter of time before his concerns about the population conditions reached the Bundschuh, who convinced him to support the cause. Under the guise of a low rank Military Engineer, fixing and extraditing the engine parts, he aided the resistance for several years before finally resigning.
Although unsatisfied with the conditions in Nuremberg, what made him leave was the birth of his daughter - Hannelore. Resettling on New Berlin and opening an engine shop, he continued to support the Bundschuh on a more discrete fashion until his wife death in 821 A.S., when he restrained himself to only aid civilians.
Dietrich is a man that rarely sports a bad mood, usually more than inclined to gifting people the toys he makes out of old metal pieces and refurbished parts. Other than the quality of his daughter future, however, there's nothing else that moves his life forward.
Joining a younger Brahms was a step on such a direction. He believes his heart is on the right place - but most of all, that his political affiliation will ensure his daughter safety, should the Rheinland Military ever find about his past.
Educated from birth by her father to excel in machine work, Hannelore is the only daughter of Dietrich and Abigail Voigt and her parents traits clearly show - both on her physique and personality.
Having never left New Berlin for more than a few days while on vacation, the quiet engineer had little plans other than studying up to take control of the family shop. Being so close to her family, the early loss of her mother affected her as much as her father, four years ago. Although very close, however, she knows little to nothing of her father's past dealings with the Bundschuh, trusting that his motives were always true and well founded.
It came as a surprise, therefore, when her father started talking about working with The Seraphim. Staying aboard a ship and moving from place to place was never something she expected to do with her life, but without question it is a future filled with much more possibilities than residing in Rheinland seems to have.
Born soon after the colonization of Planet Erie, Kailyn was always a curious kid. Messing around with everything that met her eye and always asking different questions, she managed to move by herself to Planet Manhattan through an academic enrollment program when the age to decide which career to pursue came.
With grades showing promise and a healthy varied background of interests, Synth Foods Inc. employment came soon after. Their work was incredible different than what she had expected, but the different challenges kept her mind moving and with an unparalleled interest. She remained on the planet for another decade, until she got married to Carl Hayes on 813 A.S.
The pair moved to Freeport 6 a few years later, after she got pregnant. With a promising job opening becoming available to her husband, she took some time off - to take care of her child and settle down on their new home - but eventually came back to action, to work alongside Carl.
Eventually, she met Brahms. The opportunity to travel Sirius - still applying her knowledge to help people - was a hard one to consider, but she took it. Her daughter Faith is a healthy and inquisitive kid, just like her mother, but normally remains either on the Station or back in Planet Erie with the rest of the family.
Full Name:Callum Hex Known As:Hex
Build:Male, 1.81m, 82kg Date of Birth:Planet New London, Oct 30th, 795 A.S. Hobbies:Coding, Stargazing, Kickboxing Personality:Quiet, Spiritual, Reliable
Education:UCLA Physics & Astronomy Current Occupation:Head of Logistics, Astrophysicist
Callum's past is a mish mash of weird circumstances and badly explained events. He was raised a Londoner in a family of simple origin, but emancipated when he had the legal standing to do so. He had a few interactions with the local police, until the BPA actually hired him during his stay on UCLA, but when he was done with it he left, reportedly going AWOL by those who knew him.
Some suggest it was during these years that he and Allan met, but neither will comment on the matter. It is clear that they have some history together, but details are sketchy.
On 822 A.S., Hex showed up on Freeport 1 looking for work, and spectacularly rose in the Logistics Department due to his clear skills in coding and physical sciences. By the time Allan had reached the station on 825 A.S., however, he had his bags packed and ready to go. No motives given.
Full Name:Toulouse Known As:Toulouse, Tou
Build:1.61m, 49kg Date of Birth:Planet Marle, Apr 1st Hobbies:Music, Cooking Personality:Unruly, Unpredictable, Uncommon
Although there are several theories, Brahms has no idea how Toulouse came to be. The prevalent understanding is that the seemingly harmless teenager walked into his cargo bay during one of the many Champagne runs and there stayed.
Worrying for the safety of the ship, over various routes Brahms left Toulouse in different locations - even with money or different authorities - but, somehow, a few days later there was the youngster back on his cargo bay, on the same spot, listening to music or talking to the passersby. Eventually he simply stopped trying to do anything about it.
Brahms is still puzzled by the situation - and still asked Hex to keep a watchful eye - but more or less started wondering about giving the kid a job aboard.
>Being the youngest of the family and having a brother old enough to look over her since she was born, Cerys and Brahms share a close relationship since her early age.
>Married to a Sous-Chef, Cerys currently works and lives aboard the Luxury Liner Hawaii on the Sigmas. Since she hardly finds time to visit Stuttgart, Brahms visits her on occasion, specially on the holidays with their parents. On these occasions, however, Brahms is usually seen with an escort wing.
>Since Brahms change of career her demonstrations of affection towards her brother have increased significantly, albeit their distance did the same. If the explanation for said change of behavior lies in worry, neither party recognizes it as such.
Full Name:- Known As:Miles Coltrane Aliases:Miles.Coltrane
Gender:- Occupation:Independent Accountant First met:Nov 1st, 801 A.S.
Known Skills:Cover up, Finances, Laundry Connection:Hired Asset
>Miles Coltrane, as far as Brahms knows, is a ghost. He met the figure soon after purchasing a branch inside Samura and since then trusted him in making his sensitive deposits and transactions hidden from the public eye.
>Both never met in person, and so Allan has little to no information on the man - or even if he is a man at all. Associated with the considerable distance both keep to one another this has translated into a purely business related relationship.
Full Name:Annika S. Einfalt Known As:Annika Einfalt Aliases:DWR|A-A.Einfalt @Corpus13
Gender:Female Occupation:Die Weiße Rose Activist First met:Frankfurt System, Apr 11th, 825 A.S.
>Brahms and Annika met during one of his passages through Rheinland, whilst nearby Mannheim Station. After a conversation that lasted quite sometime, a partnership was struck - with Brahms agreeing to supply the Bundschuh with needed commodities.
>Conversation between both parties are usually centered into the movement, both in regards to it's conditions and actions, but, even having never met her in person, Allan shows a clear sympathy for the girl, whose energetic behavior easily puts him on a good mood.
>After recent events, their relationship seem to have taken a turn into an unpredicted angle. After a shown of affection, it became clear for both parties that they see in each other the semblance of someone they miss.