Before the Admiral entered the room, a dozen elite soldiers checked all sealings of hangar hatches and then half kept guard at each entrance, half positioned themselves ostensibly watching all movements of the visitors: "Please excuse our security measures, mr Albrecht, but not only you walk in the most unexpected company, but seems that nowadays even Rheinland Militär ships have ears..."
Bäke approached the visitors group, after being quietly signaled by the officer in charge of the soldiers that visitors where "covered". "It is a pleasure to meet you, mr Albrecht, i need to say that the information ive got about your *alleged* genealogy is as interesting as is unbelivable."
He pointed to the group surrounding the prinz. "i also need to say that im not positivelly impressed by your companions... a foreign intelligence officer, a known terrorist that somehow managed to involve even some of my officers in this."
He didn't seem happy with the upcoming situation, calming down for a moment: he needed to tone down. "im really sorry for my harsh approach, but these are dangerous times, and all i have are the words of a foreign intelligence officer, ilegally in Rheinland, and its claims are... marvelous, to say the least."
He scratched his neck for a second. "Resuming, i would like to hear, from your mouth your history, and see what proof you have of your genealogy."
Everything happened all at once, something he was rather confused about, but he held his composure and listened as the admiral spoke. Hans could fully understand his concerns and set about easing them I can understand your reservations regarding the Unioners, however I will say that they I believe, deserve one chance to prove themselves. And I do mean one chance only. But that is my opinion, they have supported my claim to the throne, as for their actions henceforth, I cannot say. You will need to come to your own conclusions about that.
He paused straightening himself before he thought how best to answer the man's question regarding his blood. My House was, at the fall of the Empire, rather large. There were sister lines and cadet branches, third cousins who all bore the name 'Von Albrecht'. The last few centuries have seen these people die off or change their names, thus renouncing any claim they had to the throne. When the Empire fell, the noble houses were well hated, many fled. Some were successful in other Houses, the Steiner's for example. Once a noble line in the Rheinland Empire, now a prominent line in Bretonia. When the Emperor abdicated, his son had three children. The second child is the line from where my family stems from. It is not the most solid claim, I grant you, but to the best of my knowledge, it is the only line that survives. I have looked for other Albrecht's and found none. They may exist elsewhere, but if they do, then I know not where they are. My brothers and I were born in Rheinland, we were raised here. I left some years ago, tired of the corruption, the poverty and the uncaring government. You sir, have my total respect in staying in our fatherland, but even you must admit that Rheinland has fallen considerably from what it once was. He cleared his throat, waiting for a response before he quickly added Those in power, it seems to me, cry out against the brutality of Kings and Queens only when it threatens their positions, yet they do little to actually save their positions with action. But that is just my opinion.
The brutality of kings and queens… It had only dawned upon Solomon that Albrecht was an impressive speechwriter. He could improvise.
Former Arbeitsdirektor Solomon Weiss gave the slightest of smiles. The Unions had pushed him through two rounds of dermal restimulation to dig the tired ruts from around his nose. He’d been watching the air apparent, fascinated, on the shuttle up. He couldn’t parse if he was aloof or detached, just that his life was unknowable. Weiss was struggling not to project his own thoughts into the figure of the spectacled professor. He was a man sculpted from the dreams of thousands; and yet, at the root of it, Albrecht was simply a bookish, well-intentioned man. He had been bundled into the shuttle with Albrecht relatively unceremoniously, with only the scantest of briefings – in the usual, unfamiliar Unioner petulance towards data security. They'd barely spoken on the shuttle. The would-be-king looked slightly dazed.
“I understand, mister Bäke. Admiral. It is tough for a Unioner to look a career soldier in the eye. Strange times. Weird, would be the better term. The military is strong, if the reports from the front havn’t been coloured, but it’s serving the people. Rheinland’s arms of government and defence are operating with two separate heads, two separate bodies.” The Unioner looked level at the soldier's chest, covered with medals. He had less muscle mass than the career officer, bedecked with medals and short-shrift; an artefact from a life in reduced gravity. Solomon was a Unioner from one of the better-managed cells, but he still looked vaguely emaciated. There were differences between them. Differences of belonging, bridged by common purpose.
“We’re non-unformed combatants. Not soldiers. Not terrorists. Rheinland’s founding laws include the right to self-defence, and made a crime out of unlawful exploitation. The rich have a history of not obeying Rheinland’s laws, when they owe credits to Kusarian and Libertonian interests.” Solomon leaned against the bulkhead wall. “Our resources are scant. We rarely have the tools to challenge the right monsters. Men die in the crossfire, we’re branded terrorists, thrown into jail. There’s justice there, we can expect nothing more. But soldiers die having to cover the arses of rich foreigners, when we, their toys, fight each other. Bäke’s a Frisian name, Admiral; I’m not a guessing man, but if I was I’d say you’ve got working men your family line, Sir. The men and boys who serve within the Navy sign up to escape broken homes and families, glory second. It’s well-documented that many of the mental illnesses found within the records of Rheinland service members start at home, and not in the uniform. The BDM will try to show this to the public as Unionist sympathisers in the military, but they’re nothing of the kind. Enfield is a Bretonian turncoat. He has less genetic claim to power than Sir Albrecht, but he’s still trying to manipulate our government. That reality effects the future of all of us. Rheinland is grinding its people apart into class-divides, divides between the military and the intelligence branch, and even intercorporate wars. You have groups such as ALG supporting the Hessians on live broadcasts, the Coalition operating in our core territories. The rule of law doesn’t matter anymore. All our differences are being exploited. We need some means to unite ourselves – and the only truth that remains in Rheinland anymore was that the past, for every organisation represented in this room – was better than the present. They’re just kids.”
Solomon smiles. “Admiral. Your guards in this room could have all of us arrested and interrogated to find our contacts. It’s an option for you. We’re confident that Kruger will support a restoration – it would answer the economic underdog status Kruger has been under ever since they lost the Sigma fuel reserves, and the Unioners have the contacts to discover if DHC are oriented the same way. DHC are heartless, but they’re mercenary. They’ll go with the sea-winds. Republican… Republican has much to answer for. But they might be prepared to answer for them with an Imperial restoration freeing them from their creditors. Even their CEO, detached and privileged as he is, is a man searching for change. ”
Solomon fixed him the eye. “If you can’t see the sense in that, you can arrest me right here, Admiral. I’ve had a long enough life without losing the right side of my face to the Hessians. I watched the LWB crumble and stuttgart die. Watched the last Octiwhale suffocate in the Bärensee when the last phytoplankton died. I didn’t lose an ear to see a Bretonian spy get us all killed, and flood the neuralnet with fake news. ”
"Rheinland has been suffocating for near two hundred years. We will all drown, with the whales."
The Unioner grimaced. Here was the moment that would define if they would leave here in the Admiral's own transport, or out the airlock.
"This is a Med-stasis-monitor. Something you will both be familiar with. Admiral, the military uses thousands of bands per day treating the wounded in the Sigmas. Doctor, this is how the Cambridge Research Institute funds its technological developments. It contains the most accurate genetic testing equipment known to modern science. Whatever the results may be, they will be the truth."
"Time to show the Admiral if you are who you say you are, Sir." Weiss inhaled, laying the monitor upon the desk.
(A co-operative of Rheinland's Shipping Unions, retired from a life of piracy.)
Hans actually forgot all about the Unioner representative who came with them to this meeting and was more than a little surprised at his speech. I am not a Doctor, master Weiss, I'm a professor. But I must insist, 'Mister Albrecht' is more than sufficient for our business today. I have no issues proving who I am With that, he took the device and placed it on himself, allowing it to read his DNA and trace his ancestry. With this business said and done, I hope we can move past our mistrust of one another and actually sit down to discuss the business of Rheinland.
Bäke approached the Heir:"As far i know you havent asked for any of this mr. Albrecht, but with power, responsability come, and as Admiral my duty would be infact arrest everyone in this room, and later sort out what is what"
The Admiral turned then to the Unioner: "While indeed ive fought my way out a hard life, and am really proud of my carrer that in times of peace usually means that only heirs of traditional familys or those coming from the most traditional academys rise in ranks, and trough effort and work ive did it without a shiny background or supporting ties, and yes, that can make me have some sympathy for the weak fighting the strong, or the poor fighting the rich, keep your speech for yourself. Unioners are called terrorists for their actions, not by someone preconception."
He opened his arms and gesticulated to show all persons in the room. "However, we are all here for the better of Rheinland, and what i personally think of actions of some of your leaders isnt the matter of our meeting here, i guess my opinion about been made very clear."
He turned back to the *supposed* heir of the crown "We are here to find out if you are indeed such heir, and if turns out that you are, then if you have conditions to be Rheinland leader. More than blood is needed for that."
He smiled. "Nothing personall, but i always considered that what made emperors better than politicians, is the fact people of royal lines spent all their lifes being prepared for the day they would lead their houses, and to me, apparently you, mr Albrecht, lack such preparation. Enough with digressing, is time to confirm if you are indeed who we all here think you are"
By the time the man had finished speaking the machine gave a high pitched beep and, on it's screen displayed the Family tree of Hans. I believe this is enough to satisfy your both gentlemen? As I'm sure you can both attest, I haven't tampered with the machine in anyway. And I obviously cannot fake my bloodlines. He handed the Admiral the medical scanner and sat down. He looked about to see if there was a drink of any kind lying about, he could certainly go for a glass of water right about now.
It has been more than a day since Hanna sent the transmission to the Krüger leader and he hasn't answered yet. Niklas Mayer was yelling in the back of the ship for something to eat. This was not what Hanna and Wolfgang had expected to happen. Hanna turned tired to Wolfgang We ran out of food… Also I still have no answer from the Krüger lead… I don't know, do they even want to be invited?look Hanna, if they would have Recieved your transmission yet, they would have answered you... It doesn't seems so, so we should be patient. I propose to fly back to the Karlsruhe, get something to eat, join the meeting again and let's see, if the transmission's signal is stronger on the Schlachtschiff, also Herr Mayer would be on the Schiff and could be the next talking to the Prinz. This would give more time to the Krüger lead.
Ok, Wolfgang, then fly back.
After an hour the tree arrived on the Battleship again. Wolfgang approached a Soldat Soldat, get something to eat and drink for our guests hier, they have had nothing the past day! "Zu Befehl, Sir!"
Wolfgang lead the agent and the CEO back to the Admiral's room. He opened the door and saluted to the admirals. Sir, Frau Wyghtham and Herr Mayer, CEO of Republican Shipping. We have still no response from the Krüger lead yet. I will stand by, as soon as they answer, I will bring them hier, Sir!
Niklas Mayer climbs off the shuttle, stands on the hangar floor of Karlsruhe, looking around the hangar. Notices numerous military personal walking around and standing guard at entrances. He adjusts his suit, buttons up his coat and looks around on his person to remove any lint and dust. He takes in a deep breath and closes his eyes. After a few moments, he opens his eyes and proceeds to be escorted by Wolfgang to the Admirals room. Walking through a couple of passages passed many soldiers, until finally getting to the door to the Admirals room.
Agent Wyghtham, before I go into the meeting, I would like to eat something. I will be in a better mood once I have had something, as I’m sure you would understand.
A few moments later a soldat enters the room with a plate of food and a glass of water. Niklas sits at a nearby table, places his food down and begins to eat in a bit of a rush. A few minutes later he stands up. Thank you very much, that was what I needed. Let’s not delay any more; I would like to go meet Mr Albrecht now.
Hanna Wyghtham hands Mr Mayer a piece of paper, to inform what has happened before their arrival.
Walks into the meeting, looking around the room seeing Mr Albrecht, Admiral Bake, a few Unioners, and Mr Mannlicher.
Guten tag admiral Bake, your reputation precedes you. He puts his hand out to shake the Admirals hand. He turns to Mr Albrecht, and shakes his hand too. Guten tag Mr Albrecht, it is a pleasure to meet you too.
He looks around the room, I don’t know if you all are blind or being drugged, but there is Unioners in this room. He points to where they standing. He looks around at everyone’s expression to see they all knew about the Unioners in the room.
He looks at the Unioners warily, then back to Mr Albrecht. Well guess if you all know that he is here, it is safe to speak freely even though I do feel very sceptical about it. Well Mr Albrecht I believe it has been proven that you are indeed Royalty, Rhineland’s Prinz. The last time Rhineland had a royal family, Rhineland prospered until the 80 year war where it all fell apart, and the republic was born. A lot of good and bad came out of this. I won’t bore you with the history lesson, as I’m sure you are well aware of.
He walks up and down while talking to Mr.Albrecht As you can see I am much younger than yourself and most of the people in this room. I do not know these people here personally, besides Admiral Bake because of his reputation. Since taking the CEO position of Republican Shipping I have restructured the corporation and how we do things. I have tried to go back to the old ways where we support the Rheinwehr fully and give them what they may need. Not only for personal or corporate gain as some may believe, looks across at the Unioner, but to elevate Rheinwehr to do what they can to protect our borders, to boost our economy and to return Rhineland to one of the most powerful houses in Sirius and gain full independence once again.
He stops in front of Mr.Albrecht and looks him in the eyes. I have ambitions of my own, for myself and for my company. But my main goal is for the betterment of Rhineland.
I know you may be thinking I’m a fool, naïve, or rude. But rest assured I speak my mind and hide nothing away and say things as they are. Not because I feel that as a head of a corporation I am granted that privilege, but why lie or conceal my intentions to friends and likeminded people where if I am straight forward, we can stop beating around the bush and start with actual action.
With that being said, I ask you Mr Albrecht, what are you expect us to do with this new found information? And what are your intentions in gathering us here today?
One of the Unionists waves. The other appears to try to pull something extremely sharp out of his coat before her college snatches him by the wrist and jostles him aside. Weiss just smiled.
"I've spent most of my career, if you can call it that, in the Landwirtrechtbewegung. I'm neophyte. Caspar and Giselle here, they're more experienced."
He nodded, pressing himself down into the available chair. "Mister Mayer. The idea of this meeting is that you will never have to go back to your office again without there being a Unioner in the room. My friends here believe you're different to your predecessors. You wanted to negotiate with us... here you have us. In Bake's office. It's your floor. With respect. These are your people."
The shock-burned man reached into his coat, took out a cigarette, an lit the thing, offering one to Mayer.
"Don't worry. We're like bears. We're more afraid of you than you are of us."
He inhaled, then coughed. You got the impression that it wasn't the tar and ash that was doing him in.
"Ahg. Well. Whilst there's more than less all of us. Together, for better or worse, we're a sample of the entire Rheinland population. We each represent a good few million, up to a couple of billion, Rhienlanders. What brings us all together, is that we're fed up."
"We're all being done in by forces that we don't control, and being made to fight over the scraps. Nobody smokes? Alright."
(A co-operative of Rheinland's Shipping Unions, retired from a life of piracy.)
He turns to the Unioners, and listens to what they have to say.
Yes I did want to negotiate, and you all decided that it wasnt needed and attacked Altona. Then again a Unioner attacked my vessel in New Berlin. But luckily the Rheinwehr came to the rescue. Coming to the table now does not and will not excuse you from your recent actions. He turns around and walks over the nearby desk and moves some figurines. This isnt the place or time to discuss these matters, as we all know well what you have done. But I will take this oppurtunity to make a deal.
He turns back to the Unioners. A deal that no matter how much you want to, you cant refuse. This deal will hit you either way, you either on Rheinlands side or you are not. Work with a small corporation to better Rheinalnd, or work with another corporation inadvertently to help bring Rheinland down. The choice is yours of course. He turns to face Mr Albrecht. With this being said Prinz, allow me some time quickly to compose a quick document for yourself and these Unioners to sign. If everyone here in this room truely wants to work together, then lets start with this to show an act of good faith.
He heads back to the table, pulls out his tablet and starts typing away. This may take a while, but dont let me disturb you. Ill listen in on whats being said.