Welcome to "The Amalgams" feedback thread. With the sole purpose of receiving feedback and suggestions, we aim to be as clean as possible reputation-wise.
-Feedback is welcomed as long as it is expressed in a positive tone. Everything can be fixed in mere minutes and possibly hours if there is a more difficult task that requires planning.
-Feedback should not contain remarks at other members expressing their opinions such as insults.
-Feedback will be ignored if it contains the following: Excessive swearing, insults, biased thoughts, contains direct insults to another member of the community or a member that speaks from the perspective of an Amalgam member.
Very, very interesting. Premise gives me a terminator SkyNet vibe, which could do some really neat things for the AI as a whole.
Best of luck. If you wanna plan any events with the Order, feel free to look me up.
(10-31-2019, 10:04 PM)Spectre Wrote: Very, very interesting. Premise gives me a terminator SkyNet vibe, which could do some really neat things for the AI as a whole.
Best of luck. If you wanna plan any events with the Order, feel free to look me up.
Glad you like the concept. See you soon in space. Unfortunately, events are not a thing since overall timezones our members have does not align as usual. However that at least keeps us some activity every now and then. Nonetheless its a great starting offer.