RECIPIENT: All allied organizations SENDER: Agent Starfire LOCATION: Planet Akabat, Omicron Mu PRIORITY: Important SUBJECT: Battleship construction FREQUENCY: Encrypted External
Greetings, honorable friends, brothers and sisters.
I am agent Starfire, captain of The Order. I am sure, most of you didn't meet me yet, but I hope, that won't be a barrier between us.
The Order appeals to you once again for aid despite on dangerous times. Right after project that agent Solandros mentioned, we are already working on new battleship construction. Unfortunately, our defences have some flaws and new vessel summoned to block off them and reach space superiority within deep Omicrons to maintain better defence from hostile organic life-forms well-known as Nomads. Our shipyards are incapable to provide contruction by itself, mostly because of insufficient amount of resourses. This is a main reason for aid.
We will greatly motivate you with extra payments for each delivery you made on planet Akabat and you can find an attached list with resources we needed, their amount and bonus per each unit. Also, Akabat produces Kemwer Munitons and feel free to take them home.
If you unable to deliver resources on the Akabat decks, you may transport them to the Port Said, but then you can't take back Kemwer Munitions. In that case, any delivery may receive 1000 SC per unit as additional compensation.
⧫ Robotic Hardware
We were around Akabat anyways to grab a new order of Kemwer Munitions, so we took the freedom to assist your forces in the relocation of necessary goods. 17.600 units of Robotic Hardware and 3520 Units of Industrial Hardware have been delivered to Akabat's surface. Bonus payments shall be sent to: GC|Minami.Mi
We will see about providing further aid within the coming days.
RECIPIENT: Minami Mi SENDER: Agent Starfire LOCATION: Planet Akabat, Omicron Mu PRIORITY: Important SUBJECT: Successful deliveries FREQUENCY: Encrypted External
Due to your rapid work with Robotic Hardware, we can finish ship's frame soon. Thank you for help, payments are already transfered and you can check file below.
of course the Guild will be happy to provide you with the much needed materials for your construction. The defense against the Nomad threat should always be supported.
I am sure another "Osiris" class battleship will serve you well in your defense in the Omicron sector. Or are you going to introduce something more unique perhaps?
I am sure it would be motivating to know what we are working for. Credits are not everything, after all.
Anyways, expect the first shipments to arrive soon.
With best regard, Claire DeGrasse
Independent Miners Guild
RECIPIENT: Claire DeGrasse SENDER: Agent Starfire LOCATION: Planet Akabat, Omicron Mu PRIORITY: Standard SUBJECT: Explanation FREQUENCY: Encrypted External
We have a hard work for building new "Osiris"-class battleship, you are right and most of frame plates and some equipment construction has done already. But since data and documentations are classified, I have no rights to tell you more.
With your help, construction may be finished much sooner than I expect.
I have finished several deliveries. Due to the nearby local sources, all deliveries have been sent to Port Said.
I'll leave the delivery protocols below. Please be so kind and send the bonus payment to the IMG|Niagara.
RECIPIENT: Claire DeGrasse SENDER: Agent Starfire LOCATION: Planet Akabat, Omicron Mu PRIORITY: Important SUBJECT: Successful deliveries FREQUENCY: Encrypted External
We appreciate your hard work with delivering important components to compose ships drive and external armor plates. As I promised, extra 1000 S.C. per unit as compensation is included to payments.
List does change real quick. Check it for recent and further updates. For now we are about to reach half-way.
RECIPIENT: All current workers SENDER: Agent Starfire LOCATION: Planet Akabat, Omicron Mu PRIORITY: Important SUBJECT: Current delivery status FREQUENCY: Encrypted External
Additionaly, we send you a list with new updates, what exactly and how much resources we still needed to fulfill our task
RECIPIENT: Claire DeGrasse SENDER: Agent Starfire LOCATION: Planet Akabat, Omicron Mu PRIORITY: Important SUBJECT: Successful deliveries FREQUENCY: Encrypted External
Our freighters are working actively to unload overloaded Said's storage and transport resources to our shipyards. We are grateful for support and generous reward has been sent.