Hangar Bay F Vogtland Station Dresden,
04/6/ 827 AS, 11:00 Isaak's experience so far on Vogtland was a little duller than he imagined, but maybe that was because he was living in the shadow of a much older and cautious professor. Still, he was awkwardly excited and nervous to see his mother in person. It was certainly more than disheartening to know that his mother was now a terrorist, but Isaak still thought that maybe, just maybe there was a chance at pulling back the mother he'd grown up knowing and admiring.
It would certainly require patience, there was no way they could drag the Mrs. Alpha of the Hessians away from a place where she held the cards. If she knew while they were on the station, Isaak would certainly be captured and Alfred killed. The most he could do would be observing, and hope he could maybe convince something to happen that they needed.
The pair waited in a small lounge near one of the hangar bays, they were just moments from seeing Anna. Isaak looked two seconds from an emotional breakdown, eyes blue as the sky, Alfred leaned over to mutter:
You need to stay calm, you and her share that... thing. Your eyes. She's not the joking type or forgiving type.
Really? I just thought that was just some defect. How did you...
I'd rather not re-visit times where I thought I would die. Especially right as we're about to be in that situation again.
Well, fair enough.
As Isaak slowly composed himself following Alfred's reality check, the two were both drawn in by the sight of a shuttle and two Odins entering the hangar bay. They both set down slowly, dozens of personnel rushed out to the landing platforms to start up the necessary maintenance.
Remember everything we've gone over, relax. But don't relax too much.
Alfred's final words of wisdom were cut off by the quartermaster entering the lounge, he didn't make eye contact thought - just held the door open for another.
Anna, walked through just in that instant, catching them both off guard. She waved muttered a few things to the quartermaster before dismissing him and closing the lounge door behind him. She was dressed in uniform, formal, squared away from top to bottom. The facial scars and tired expressions weren't exactly what Isaak had seen in the image he was given - but it was still a bit astounding. Anna took a minute to examine both of them, before walking over and sitting down.
Hello Alfred, I'm glad you didn't lie to me. I thought for a moment you might've considered bringing Lukas with you. Do you know him? Lukas Keller. She spoke up as she sat down on the couch across from them both. Kicking one leg over the other in relaxed position.
The older man stood as she entered, beckoning Issak do the same, a curt and polite bow given before he relaxed. I don't believe I have had the pleasure my lady, although I have met so many people he could have easily been lost within my memory. He remained standing, and turned to present his charge. My lady, may I present to you mister Henry Swansee, my masters student whom I have neglected to advise and teach during my travels.
He was not used to playing spy, and he didn't much care for it. Being dragged into his brothers business was bad enough but to be thrown headlong into the family matters of one of the more deadly pirate queens was not something he signed up for when he asked to research childcare. In a morbid way, it could be considered 'related' but this...this was something else entirely. I understand you may wish to speak with him before you decide to allow him to accompany me. I would be very happy to provide you with his academic transcripts if your concern lies with performance and integrity. Years of standing infront of those considered 'psychopaths', 'murderers' and God only knows what else had taught him to remain calm in these situations, worrying only made the other person worry, and no one wanted that. Still, he had to admit, he felt bad. This was an unethical and improper move on his part, Henrich had, for the most part, displayed a considerable level of trust and willingness and this was what he did in return. He wondered then if it would not be better to simply tell her who the young man was.
Perhaps in time, but for now, the die was cast and the consequences, whatever they may be were his to bear, although he did a poor job in hiding the fact that his decision weighed heavy on his mind.
Hangar Bay F Vogtland Station Dresden,
04/6/ 827 AS, 11:05 That's fine, I did allow you both to show - I don't see a reason to change it now. You look... uneasy, Henry, something on your mind.
Isaak tried to avoid making eye contact for some time, he was still overwhelmed with emotion. Knowing the person before him was his own flesh and blood, but at the same time a monster - it was more than tempting to just tell her now. But that temptation had to be resisted for now.
General, I mean no disrespect I'm just as interested as Professor Steiner is too meet you. Always interesting to see how the other side lives. Isaak made eye contact for a second, the blue faded away a bit as he finished the sentence. It was faint, but enough for Anna to notice. She took a second to examine Isaak before replying: Right, just try not to carry that look when I take you on our little tour. Anyways, I'm taking you through the TRACEN, I have no problem at all displaying our military prowess and training to the world so you may ask questions and take notes as you see fit. Ask me the questions, you will talk to me, and me alone. I'm the only shark in this tank that won't devour you both; and we are headed to a shark tank.
Anna stood up upon finishing her little statement, anticipating some commentary from either the Professor or Isaak.
Alfred turned to his companion If we're walking and talking, the best way to interview the subject is by recording, however since security has taken our devices, shorthand will have to do. Now, bear in mind the topic and context when asking questions. This is basic undergraduate stuff, but I am always amazed how even P.H.D students fail to remember this. He said, settling back into his academic role. He turned back to his host with a small smile, a twinkle in his eye and a jovial tone in his voice. I should also like to ask, my lady, if it would not be too much trouble to arrange a meeting with you in private later, I have a few things to discuss with you. Only if you have time of course, I don't wish to impede your duties. He pulled out his pen and notebook and indicated Issak should do the same, ready for Anna to lead on.
Hangar Bay F Vogtland Station Dresden,
04/6/ 827 AS, 11:07 It'll have to wait, I'm needed elsewhere once this is over. You'll be left here on Vogtland, same as prior. Now, let's get going, ask what questions you like as we go. Anna eyed Isaak down for another second before turning towards the door. Isaak was a bit paralyzed, it took Alfred nearly dragging him out of his seat to get him to move.
Apartment C-53C Planet Gran Canaria, Omega-49
01/5/808 AS, 22:16 After walking in, Annabelle walked around the Apartment. Taking in every piece of it, it was well organized - some medals and ribbons were hung up on the walls. In other places were pictures of Lucien with his family before he left, most notably though - there was a painting of Anna against the wall next to the entrance to the Fire escape. She couldn't quite tell though, she didn't jump to conclusions; seeing it sent a bit of a rush through her - head to toe.
Is that... me? She said as she turned to face Lucien, who was a bottle of rum from one of the cabinets near the kitchen. Upon seeing it and her blank face, he tensed up a bit. Deciding that answering was better than trying to hold back and blush, he replied: It is, I was going to give it to you. Anna turned back, with a bit of a smirk this time. She'd never really been in this position before, hell, she was just as nervous as Lucien now. I look that good? I feel like you're being a bit generous here. He set the drinks down before walking over a bit closer to Anna, he focused on the painting in depth, now trying to hide his blush. No, I definitely think that's accurate. He said smirking back at Anna, she held the same expression for a second before she blanked out; as she turned back towards the image she spoke with a more blank tone: My past doesn't bother you does it? You of all people? Why would it? You hate where you came from, I hated what the other families on Crete have become. You were cheated out of your childhood, you haven't told me much else. About your mother. I know I guess I'm just... afraid, paranoid, weird... I have trust issues I guess. You don't have to be afraid of anyone here, especially me. If I'm coming off as intrusive you know you can... I think we should start searching for the bottom of that bottle. Anna cut him off, knowing full well she was killing the mood. She certainly had an interest in Lucien, and his nationality and past didn't matter to her at all. In fact it had quite the opposite effect.
-25 minutes later-
You're lying, not even that... what was her name... cass Anna struggled to get the word out, being drunk didn't help at all either. Sandra? She hates my guts, she's half Maltese. But she's still really pretty. She's not really my type though. Hessians are your type? She said turning to her side on the couch facing Lucien, one arm bent over the top. Hessians with Bretonian accents that fall from the sky? I'd be blessed. What about you? It's not even a question; Hispanic guys are way more handsome than Rheinlandic ones. Think you'd stay with one if you got the chance? Yea, I think I would. Without warning she threw herself over him wrapping her arms around and kissing him.
Are you going to remember this tomorrow morning? He said as she broke off for a second. YES! Now shut up and kiss me more before I start forgetting.
Barracks Lounge Akabat, Omicron Mu
4/24/827 AS, 15:00 "LUCIEEEEEEN! - *Bang*" The sound of the gunshot had his entire torso snap out of the makeshift rack. It was a dream, a very bad dream. He was catching some sleep or at least trying to - before he met the Admiral. His wife's voice and image had haunted him ever since he came to the revelation that she was alive, it poisoning him, and it wasn't stopping. "Why didn't you come back for me? For Isaak?!" Anna said sitting next to him, it was a hallucination, but one so strong it felt real. Lucien, now overwhelmed by guilt, struggled to spit out the only excuse he could muster. I watched you die, I watched you both die. "But I didn't die, now did I?" The Anna that was sitting on one side now switched to the other, behind his field of view. Her voice was much more mature, and at the same time slightly sinister. She wore a black uniform, with Hessian decorations glittering all over it. She leaned over into his ear, Lucien couldn't bring himself to turn and face her; his breathing became that of someone in distress. "You're too scared to even look at me, and you think this counseling will change anything? Do you know what I've become?"
The episode came to a close as the duty officer entered his quarters to find him pacing on the bed where he was resting. Commander, are... are you alright? I'm fine, is the Admiral ready? Only if you are.
-10 minutes later-
Lucien took a second to touch upon his uniform before he turned into the Admirals office at the end of the hall. The Admiral sat there, focused on whatever paperwork was in front of him before Lucien broke the silence.
The office was deserted. Lucien walked in on a half-round elevated platform with enough seating to house the entirety of the Order High Command and then some. However at the time, there was no one there except Admiral Golanski behind a holo projector in the most prominent central location of the room. He mused silently over some data slates and paperwork, seemingly left over a briefing or another meeting he had here before Luciano had walked in. Behind him at the wall was the only piece of decoration within the room itself, for The Order was using such sparingly within official installations and only for greater effect with its imagery. It was a planet on a flat surface, bearing close resemblance to Manhattan, impaled through its polar caps by a longsword bearing Eye of Horus built into its crossguard. Design came from Orillion’s era and was very rarely used, nearly forgotten and phased out by liveries of Overwatch and Black Squadron.
“Commander Marquez.” Admiral acknowledged him as a fellow officer, speaking his name in a manner that would indicate he had spent some time among the Cretans, whether out of habit or an attempt of respect being unknown. Acoustics of the place guaranteed no need for intercoms, microphones or other technology of the sort. Nodding, he offered a chair opposite of the projector, shut down cold and therefore not obstructing their visions. “What troubles you?”
Barracks Lounge Akabat, Omicron Mu
4/24/827 AS, 15:15 Lucien struggled to maintain a formal posture, the hallucination wasn't stopping. He could see his resurrected wife walking behind Golanski's desk, looking out into the skyline. He concentrated on her for a second too long, the Grand Admiral glanced in the same direction before looking back at Lucien. She just stood there, her reflection was barely noticeable; and behind it all he still couldn't make out her face.
Sir, this... this was a lot easier in my head than it is in person. But it's still something at least you need to know.
"Quit being such a baby, you couldn't let me go and now you're tossing your guilt on me." Lucien shook his head for a second, trying to compose himself and ignore the devil on his shoulder. "Don't choke in front of the Admiral. Go on, make my life harder than it already is." Her voice was so much more vile, so much more villainous than what he remembered. When we met, I mentioned I had a wife and child. That they both, died... I was wrong. At least, I was wrong about one of them. "Poor Isaak, I've had my share of children to look over and raise since then but there's nothing like caring for your own flesh and blood. A shame, if you hadn't of lied to me he might still be with us." stop. He muttered to himself after finishing the sentence, Anna kept in the same position; now with a finger up against the glass. "I forgot how much I missed this, you can just see them all - zipping throughout the night sky. Such a simple yet fond memory, I wish I could say the same about you." Lucien let the words go in one ear and out the other, waiting for the Admiral to follow.
Admiral looked over, for a moment freaking out Lucien as if he actually stared directly at his wife which until recently had been “dead”. Likely Lucien’s fragile mental status reinterprets stuff out of proportions on top of livid hallucinations. Adjusting in his chair to be more comfortable, the supreme commander of The Order looked directly at Lucien with concern or even little suspicion. Staring him down as he started to mumble to himself, after a few more moments of silence, Admiral finally spoke. “It has been what, 15 years?” He might have been wrong plus or minus a few, but the disparity was great nonetheless. “I had known the story but until you told me I did not know it was you. Entire planet was speaking about it at the time.” Cretan violence between the clans and families subdued to nil in the wake of external enemies in the form of the Sirian Houses to unite the Elders, such episodes were extraordinary and uncommon at best. Golanski himself was raised on this world, way before he joined up with The Order.