I basically keep my ass away from the llib systems. Especially with all this going one. Id rather give my royal liner full of Codenames a tour through nomad space than to bring it to liberty, hackers or not.
If this keeps up, Admin or somebody under their discretion should be active in-system, maybe even a few of. It's that bad that I couldn't even undock my Battle Cruiser because I wouldn't have been able to get within range quick enough. That's how powerful their rate-of-fire is, even a BS won't help...but invulnerable Admin will help a lot if at least one is on at this particular time every night. I hear Server Police has been discussed before and as I said, it's not necessary in general given people are well-behaved enough, but it would be vital if they do this every night.
I was in the system when it happened with Barrick, and we found out who one of them was.. thats if there was more than two. He was kicked I believe, and a report was made and probably along with several others. Best thing to do now, is to let admins do their jobs and process the reports, and have less panic on the forums.
' Wrote:They aren't hackers, They are cheaters. And Don't worry admins will take care of them
Well they have been banned 4 day's in a row now, but yet, they still keep cominig back. Just under different name's. All they are doing is pissing people off, and taunting admin's with "you can't ban us, we will be back"
and i am sorry to say it, but so far they are beating the admin's. I witnessed 1 hacker get banned 3 times last night, just to keep returning with new name to rape more char's. It is getting out of hand,and until admin's figure out how? they are doing it? It will continue. I say turn off PvP in NY. Even if only for the few hour's they show up. It suck's yes. But me and many other's have lost a crap load of equipment ,and money to these(oh i wish i could say the word's).
It's not terribly difficult. New account ID information is easily regenerated I reckon, and employing various proxies provides for easy bypassing of IP bans. This is knowledge any ten year old can inadvertently pick up after a few weeks on IRC, and employ to make a nuisance of himself. Valiant's right. These aren't hackers, they're just twits. Twits possessing basic knowledge of how to be tediously troublesome, but they're still just twits.
I wonder if it's feasible to start banning a few broad ranges of IP addresses, if even possible with FLHook. I know nothink of FLHook.