(03-23-2021, 06:48 PM)Hemlocke Wrote: If you get caught by anyone, a terrorist, a pirate, or some whacky freelance bounty hunter, and don't want to roleplay, on a roleplay server, tough sh*t, you don't need rules protecting you when you don't participate in the purpose of the server.
basically this
Yep this ^
But as long as we have trading factions that are literally teaching their new members how bad pirates are, we will always have this people.
There are a good amount of trading factions literally going: "If you get pirated, don't RP, just try to dock and log off. The pirates are literally only here to harm your gameplay, to kill you inRL and meme all day about you"
But as long as we have trading factions that are literally teaching their new members how bad pirates are, we will always have this people.
There are a good amount of trading factions literally going: "If you get pirated, don't RP, just try to dock and log off. The pirates are literally only here to harm your gameplay, to kill you inRL and meme all day about you"
I think they're mostly missing perspective, Paul.
A lot of the 5k lawful traders who are willing to log off to avoid an encounter where they could lose 10 million credits on an ore run don't realise that we smugglers risk 100% of our cargo and double the time investment to ship 2.5k worth of contraband.
Lawfuls are 1) more common than pirates, and 2) more likely to just kill you or demand a cargo drop.
5k lawful traders who dislike piracy interactions would strongly benefit from trying to smuggle for money. The risk of being blown up on any one smuggling run is 1 in 3. The risk of pirates stopping you as a lawful trader is 1 in 10. The trick is to see the risk of interception as part of the fun and an essential part of the gameplay.
I prefer smuggling to lawful trading because I enjoy the risk of being blown up. The adrenaline is fun. If lawful traders could develop the same attitude, they'd probably get pirated less, since they'd take steps to defend against pirates, like buying armour, learning how to turret steer, or hiring escort mercenaries.
(A co-operative of Rheinland's Shipping Unions, retired from a life of piracy.)
(03-24-2021, 02:11 PM)Paul S. Wrote: There are a good amount of trading factions literally going: "If you get pirated, don't RP, just try to dock and log off. The pirates are literally only here to harm your gameplay, to kill you inRL and meme all day about you"
There are also a good amount of pirates who slander people on discord with lies (and when the lies are debunked with evidence, the discord moderators who also like to pirate ban people for defending themselves), non stop taunt and "irp" insult traders ingame, shoot them up with no or ridiculous demands, make no efforts to make the encounter enjoyable for both sides, and then act all surprised when people avoid having to interact with them.
(03-24-2021, 02:20 PM)Karlotta Wrote: There are also a good amount of pirates who slander people on discord with lies (and when the lies are debunked with evidence, the discord moderators who also like to pirate ban people for defending themselves), non stop taunt and "irp" insult traders ingame, shoot them up with no or ridiculous demands, make no efforts to make the encounter enjoyable for both sides, and then act all surprised when people avoid having to interact with them.
I feel like I'm missing part of the picture. Clearly there's been some badly behaved pirates.
Karlotta, can you discord me what you mean?
(A co-operative of Rheinland's Shipping Unions, retired from a life of piracy.)
(03-24-2021, 02:20 PM)Karlotta Wrote: There are also a good amount of pirates who slander people on discord with lies (and when the lies are debunked with evidence, the discord moderators who also like to pirate ban people for defending themselves), non stop taunt and "irp" insult traders ingame, shoot them up with no or ridiculous demands, make no efforts to make the encounter enjoyable for both sides, and then act all surprised when people avoid having to interact with them.
I feel like I'm missing part of the picture. Clearly there's been some badly behaved pirates.
Karlotta, can you discord me what you mean?
I mean there are people who systematically use discord to slander others with lies, which has ingame consequences for how people behave towards them, and when the lies are debunked the discord moderators censor and ban the people who defended themselves. This happened on official faction discord servers and also on the official discovery discord server. More than once.
Yeah. That's an inherent problem with gaming communities. People take it a bit too far sometimes.
It's best to use discord as a means of planning ingame and forum activity, and just socialising in real life. That avoids that kind of investment and keeps the game fun without turning it into Oorp chess. Ironically, everyone who plays Oorp chess never gets what they want in the first place.
(A co-operative of Rheinland's Shipping Unions, retired from a life of piracy.)
(03-24-2021, 05:51 AM)mm33dd Wrote: Sorry but...this man deserves the "tl;dr" forum title.
Actually after I made my first 1000 hours on Argo I was given the forum title 'Illustrious Marauder" for a long time but when we had a crash and lost 6 months worth of forum material I lost it and forgot to ask for it back.
(03-24-2021, 02:28 PM)Enkidu Wrote: It's best to use discord as a means of planning ingame and forum activity, and just socialising in real life. That avoids that kind of investment and keeps the game fun without turning it into Oorp chess.
When said lies result in people bullying entire factions ingame because they believed what they were told, and people think they are "righteously punishing a bad person/faction", just ignoring and not caring isnt really an option.
EDIT: Since you're one of the 3 pirates I'm referring to, I could tell you one encounter with you, but its really similar to a lot of people and pirate factions.
About 5 or 6 pirates stop a transport of faction X, tell each other that faction X just docks and never talks, the pirates just talk among themselves and the only thing they really answer to the transport is "oh look this one actually talks" before they blow it up, ignoring every attempt of hhe transport to RP. After all people say, faction X is well known to not RP, so faction gets what it deserves.
All 3 people I'm thinking of right now do this kind of thing as a standard piracy interaction, and are 100% convinced they are model community members with awesome RP and exemplary behavior, giving others advice on how to be.
After all, they all tell each other that every day, and they'Re all doing exactly what some moderators and admins are doing too on their pirate chars, so thats proof enough for them that they are right.
I've seen the 3 pirates do this to 3 different trade faction I'm in (not only to me in those factions). But yeah, I'm not gonna try to RP with you guys again, and I'm not gonna enter a system I see you in again. And I dont feel bad about it at all.
EDIT EDIT: The 2 other pirates behave the same ingame but in addition posted deceptively edited chat logs in discord, which made it appear as if I was no-rp docking and no-rp attacking. When I posted full chat logs that showed me RPing before getting blown up anyway, I was censored the first time and banned the second.
EDIT EDIT EDIT: In a 3rd instance before the ban, I was censored and muted because I copy pasted the exact same chat logs that 1 of the mentioned pirates had posted in the same channel previously (they showed an encounter between him and another member of a trade faction that I'm part of). While there was no reaction at all from moderators when the other person posted the logs, I got censored for "trial by discord" seconds after I posted the exact same thing.
(03-24-2021, 02:31 PM)Karlotta Wrote: EDIT: Since you're one of the 3 pirates I'm referring to, I could tell you one encounter with you, but its really similar to a lot of people and pirate factions.
I think you've got me wrong. I don't believe I've ever done that in recent memory. I also never switch accounts to try to make ship intercepts or make fun on people over discord from their ingame logs.
I'm Tani, Karlotta.
(A co-operative of Rheinland's Shipping Unions, retired from a life of piracy.)
It was over a year ago, a bunch of official unioners, and in s15/frankfurt, I was on Samura or Gateway, not sure which it was. One of the pirates was RPing puffing cigars, in case that helps you remember. I think I did check who was who back then. Guess I could see if I still have the logs to test my memory. You do tend to change names often.
But I'm also pretty sure I saw you spread "samura dock" memes unless I'm mistaken again. That's the kind of thing that gives people a justification for being assholes to people they dont even know.