It's being a long time since i really played here and evan longer time since i played missions.
I have Osiris and i'm thinking of playing BS missions in Order space,have some fun and make some money,
i really can't trade again,did that for years...
What is the best load-out this days for Osie and where do i take the missions?
Any other advice? Have in mind that i'm really rusty,i hope i can hit the planet so any advice is appreciated.
Full SCerbs. NPCs have CMs now, you can't swat a whole swarm at once with two Hurricanes any more. I've just come back from a break too, was annoying that I couldn't even CD NPCs.
Two normal mortars or two hellbores + 5 basics, Ossie has not that much of a health and once they got to you they will the ship for breakfast hah.
All missions up to 3.5kk are okay