Location:OS&C|Breezewood, Planet Manhattan, New York System
To:Temporary Autonomous Zoners
Subject:Sponsorship and Coverage?
Greetings friends,
There is precious little Orbital loves more than absurd contests, eccentric friends, and seeing the sector. This seems right up our alley! We have a few pilots interested in taking our smaller craft along, but Breezewood would be interested in contributing to the prize pool in exchange for being able to interview the racers about their journeys for coverage in Wanderlust, our in-flight magazine. So long as we get to hang out at the finish line and give our passengers a show, of course!
Jonathan Seabourne
Captain, OS&C|Breezewood
> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <
Where Angels Fear to Tread
(04-17-2021, 01:38 PM)Lionel Boucher Wrote:
From:Lionel Boucher TO:Temporary Autonomous Zoners Subject:Count me in!
This ça a l'air fou! Count me in!
Ah yes The Zoners! We have met your kind before. You had me at loonatics. I shall personally attend in [FLG]Propagandiste-1, a Maquis Gecko.
And advertising you say? In that case the good guy heroes that fight for humanity and freeing Gallia from The Sinister Gallic Union and Navy - The Front de Libération de Gallia - would like to co-sponsor the event by donating 100,000,000 towards your prize pool!
Please let us know where you want the money wired!
My name is Tyrone harrison and I am a self made wealthy businessman who has started Team Convoy Logistics and we would be more than interested in some ADVERTISING for our company and we will be donating the sum of :
300.000.000 Credits to your prize fund
And we would also probably be entering some of our operatives, who I would think will be very interested in the Rally.
Please accept our donation and I hope everything goes well and you get alot of response from pilots and groups all over Sirius
CEO Team Convoy Logistics Tyrone Harrison
From: Gypsie Skripto, Arch-Hermit and acting Polyfather of the Temporary Autonomous Zoners
Location: Brunswick Shrine, Baffin
To: Sponsors
Encryption: Economic
Thanks for signing up as a sponsor for the Chao Rally. Please send your donation to: Brou and paste the proof here along with any graphics that you want us to display for your sponsorship.
To the OS&C reporters: my dear colleagues, we would be delighted to have your coverage of the race. Let this be a step forward into cementing our historical good relations.
Seeing this pop up in my feed really made me do a double take. Got really excited for a second, thinking it's the Archangels making a comeback. Oh well, I'm glad you folks are picking up the mantle, at least.
I'll try to be there with my Griffin, Blackbird, for old times' sake. No promises, though.
From: Gypsie Skripto, Arch-Hermit and acting Polyfather of the Temporary Autonomous Zoners
Location: Brunswick Shrine, Baffin
To: Flora
Encryption: Economic
You know, actually, the President and founder of AFC was a friend of mine! And he did a similar event indeed, but that was only after being inspired by the 1st and 2nd Chao Rally. He actually was a sponsor on the 2nd one! So yeah, it wouldn't really be picking up the mantle.
On behalf of the Small Business Cooperative of Edinburgh, We look forward to the possibility of establishing relations with our newly re-emerging Discordian neighbors. As a show of goodwill, We would like to donate 250,000,000 to the pot.
We wish all racers the best of luck and good times.
*Receipt of payment secured by The.Penny.Dreadful Credit Union.