Welcome to our new communications and information network, Commodore Edwards.
This network is hosted by Section 8 and is as secure a line of communication as can be. We will upload and share our intelligence data here. If we have any other communication to share with each other, we can do so here, too.
For consistency's sake, I will reupload the list of currently assigned task force elements here. Changes will be amended here, too. Commodore, if possible, command requests a written confirmation of the Fifth Fleet's agreement to allow Section 8 assets to operate within Liberty space.
Section 8 units have been designated with a suffix for easier identification by Fifth Fleet units.
SENDER:Commodore Christopher Edwards RECIPIENT:Network: S8‹›5F LOCATION:Akhetaten, New York system ENCRYPTION:Omega SUBJECT:Terms PRIORITY:High
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First of all, replying to the last communication you sent, I would like to thank you back for even considering to ask me if the Fifth would agree to the terms you initially proposed in space. I, too, would be glad if this ended up in a fruitful relationship between the Fifth and the Section 8.
Moving on, the creation of this network is an excellent idea and I trust you that this is the most secure line the Order can offer. Below I will attach the updated terms list that we agreed on in space during our earlier meeting.
Terms of cooperation between: Fifth Fleet - Section 8
Intelligence gathered by Section 8 units on Auxesian forces, movements, and relations will be filtered and forwarded to Commodore Christopher Edwards, Fifth Fleet, on a secure channel.
Intelligence gathered by the LNS Akhetaten on Nomad forces, movements, and relations within Libertonian space and other relevant systems will be forwarded to Captain Catherine Hawkins, Section 8, on a secure channel.
Section 8 units will assist the LNS Akhetaten in combat against Auxesian and Nomad forces as well as in other emergencies where discretion can be maintained.
The LNS Akhetaten will assist Section 8 units in combat against Auxesian and Nomad forces as well as in other emergencies where discretion can be maintained.
Section 8 receives permission to operate within Liberty without hindrance by Fifth Fleet elements. The Fifth Fleet does not take any responsibility for actions that may follow if Section 8 forces are caught by other Law Enforcement entities.
Commodore Christopher Edwards Liberty Navy Fifth Fleet
SENDER:Commodore Christopher Edwards RECIPIENT:Network: S8‹›5F LOCATION:Akhetaten, New York system ENCRYPTION:Omega SUBJECT:Nomad readings, 30/03/828 PRIORITY:High
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To start of on the intelligence-sharing part of this channel, I will be giving you access to entry nineteen on my captain's log for the Akhetaten.
. . .Access granted. . .Entry#19. . .Click
The following entry describes the closest I've been to losing my mind in a while. The Gallic Navy ship that was sighted was definitely an odd reading by itself, the nomad lifeform that appeared a few moments later and instantly disappeared however was something more than just an odd reading.
After the events mentioned in the recording, I brought the Akhetaten on Norfolk for routine check-ups. It should be noted that no damage or any sort of malfunction was found on her scanners.
That is all.
Commodore Christopher Edwards Liberty Navy Fifth Fleet
The following short report is related neither to the Technocracy nor the alien threat, but may be of mutual interest regardless.
Yesterday, at 1320 hours SMT, we encountered the INS Amenhotep near a pirate port in the Edinburgh system. A brief dialogue with the ship's captain ensued but failed to reveal any information of value. According to Overwatch databases, the Amenhotep's captain and crew defected and hijacked the ship some years ago to join your fleet. There appear to have been no official reports of sightings of the ship since.
I assume you can imagine that any information the Fifth Fleet may have on the Amenhotep and her captain would be of considerable interest to both Section 8 and Overwatch. Seeing as the ship is a commandeered Order vessel, a former Fifth Fleet asset, and now flies your insurgency's colors, some cooperation in this regard should surely be taken into consideration.
[26.04.2021 13:20:22] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Hawkins: Well, well. If it isn't the Amenhotep.
[26.04.2021 13:20:35] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Hawkins: Not what I expected to run into out here.
[26.04.2021 13:21:30] IN|INS-Amenhotep: A: Well well if it isnt... wait who are you?
[26.04.2021 13:21:44] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Hawkins: You wouldn't know me.
[26.04.2021 13:22:10] IN|INS-Amenhotep: A: So how do you know The Amenhotep.
[26.04.2021 13:22:19] IN|INS-Amenhotep: A: If I wouldnt know you.
[26.04.2021 13:22:40] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Hawkins: The ship's loss from our ranks didn't exactly go unnoticed.
[26.04.2021 13:23:44] IN|INS-Amenhotep: A: Your ranks? When The Amenhotep was still residing with the order your designator was not around.
[26.04.2021 13:24:14] IN|INS-Amenhotep: A: So I am curious how you know anything about us.
[26.04.2021 13:24:40] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Hawkins: Colonel Holt went on a rather unpleasant rant about you.
[26.04.2021 13:25:54] IN|INS-Amenhotep: A: Must be someone new. Never heard of a Colonel Holt. Regardless what is the Order doing so far from the Omicrons.
[26.04.2021 13:26:00] IN|INS-Amenhotep: Are the Nomads not giving you enough work to do?
[26.04.2021 13:26:14] Rules Tip: Do not run Freelancer at a framerate above 155fps - for more information on this, please visit our forums @ Discoverygc.com.
[26.04.2021 13:26:19] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Hawkins: The alien threat persists throughout Sirius, not just the Edge.
[26.04.2021 13:26:39] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Hawkins: And therefore, so does the Order's presence.
[26.04.2021 13:26:52] IN|INS-Amenhotep: A: The Edge is where the majority are held. Leaving the front lines is not smart. But Golanski is more worried about what
[26.04.2021 13:27:02] IN|INS-Amenhotep: goes on here instead of what goes on at his door step.
[26.04.2021 13:27:15] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Hawkins: Golanski has nothing to do with our operations.
[26.04.2021 13:27:31] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Hawkins: As our transponder clearly indicates, we are not an Overwatch asset.
[26.04.2021 13:27:44] IN|INS-Amenhotep: Golanski has something to do with every Order Cell's operation. You just dont know it at least not yet.
[26.04.2021 13:28:02] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Hawkins: Perhaps. That is a matter for my superiors.
[26.04.2021 13:28:04] IN|INS-Amenhotep: A: Do you think your the first Order Cell to think Golanski didnt have some sort of influence?
[26.04.2021 13:28:18] IN|INS-Amenhotep: A: You are not the first nor the last.
[26.04.2021 13:28:53] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Hawkins: You certainly sound like you know the man.
[26.04.2021 13:29:22] IN|INS-Amenhotep: A: I served under him for awhile. So yes, I do.
[26.04.2021 13:29:44] IN|INS-Amenhotep: A: What do you want Agent.
[26.04.2021 13:29:56] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Hawkins: Captain, not agent.
[26.04.2021 13:30:21] IN|INS-Amenhotep: A: All Order Personnel are Agents.
[26.04.2021 13:30:36] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Hawkins: That is blatantly incorrect.
[26.04.2021 13:30:42] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Hawkins: But no matter.
[26.04.2021 13:30:47] IN|INS-Amenhotep: A: Must be some new training regime they have you all brain washed.
[26.04.2021 13:31:16] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Hawkins: I doubt anyone would call the dockworkers aboard Taba 'agents'.
[26.04.2021 13:31:28] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Hawkins: Or the doctors and medical staff on Akabat.
[26.04.2021 13:31:40] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Hawkins: Regardless. We were simply here to remap the system.
[26.04.2021 13:31:55] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Hawkins: It's important to have up-to-date star charts.
[26.04.2021 13:32:26] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Hawkins: Ah, an Osiris' cloak. Always impressive.
[26.04.2021 13:32:28] IN|INS-Amenhotep: A: Well have at it.
[26.04.2021 13:32:48] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Hawkins: Till we meet again.
[26.04.2021 13:32:56] IN|INS-Amenhotep: A: I doubt that.
SENDER:Commodore Christopher Edwards RECIPIENT:Network: S8‹›5F LOCATION:Akhetaten, New York system ENCRYPTION:Omega SUBJECT:Amenhotep PRIORITY:High
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I see you met the infamous Amenhotep along with her equally infamous and unkind Captain who's name I cannot be bothered enough to remember. He along with the Amenhotep are wanted for treason. I would be careful around him, Hawkins. This man is known to be more unstable than a child, his attitude constantly confirming this.
I am surprised he spoke to you for more than five minutes, he's known for setting off his cloak the moment a hostile ship shows up on scanners.
The Amenhotep is a known name around the Fifth Fleet and she is a top priority target for capture or destruction. Therefore making her a target for both the Order and the Fifth Fleet.
I thank you for the intel you've shared, as little as it was.
Be careful of that ship, Hawkins.
That is all.
Commodore Christopher Edwards Liberty Navy Fifth Fleet
Today, at approximately 1530 hours SMT, a reconnaissance flight launched from the Unto Nightfall for the purpose of scouting the Inverness system. At roughly 1540 hours SMT, the recon craft entered the vicinity of Valravn Citadel, a Technocracy stronghold, where it discovered the presence of a small Auxesian force consisting of a Bullhead-class battlecruiser and a heavy bomber. Far more disconcertingly, a large Nomad warform of the Ish'tar type appeared to be accompanying the Auxesians without any signs of hostilities between both parties.
As the Nomad opened a hyperspace breach, our pilot chose to perform a high risk maneuver and approached the alien craft for a detailed scan before it could make the jump. Our operative succeeded, but at such close range he could not avoid being decloaked. Regrettably, he was unable to escape. A search and rescue flight was able to recover the ship's blackbox. The stored recordings will be attached below.
Make of this information what you will. It, however, seems apparent that the Technocracy is cooperating in some manner with the Nomads and may therefore pose a far larger threat to Liberty, Crayter, and Bretonia than previously believed.
SENDER:Commodore Christopher Edwards RECIPIENT:Network: S8‹›5F LOCATION:Akhetaten, Cortez system ENCRYPTION:Omega SUBJECT:Auxesia PRIORITY:High
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The information you have provided me with is undoubtedly invaluable. Unfortunately, your operative did not manage to intercept any transmissions from the Auxesians towards the Nomad lifeform and that is a shame. However, that interaction alone will suffice in confirming the rumors going around that Auxesia has been cooperating with Nomad forces.
Thank you for sharing this information, Captain, it will be forwarded to my superiors for evaluation.
In the future consider equipping your operatives with higher quality scanners, it would be a shame if more lives were lost in this cause.
That is all.
Commodore Christopher Edwards Liberty Navy Fifth Fleet
Our recent encounters have left much to be desired in terms of your conduct. First, our scout report indicating that a naval task force under your command encountered an Auxesian unit of similar strength within NATO territory and allowed them to depart without interference. Second, yesterday's encounter in the Kepler system. Not only is it arguably unwise to deploy a battleship into a dark matter storm, but you did so in the presence not only of Auxesian ships, but a large Nomad warform. May I remind you, Commodore, that the Auxesians are enemies of the Republic and Nomads are enemies of humanity. Your disregard for appropriate procedure was worrying, to say the least.
Section 8 appreciates the ongoing cooperation with the Fifth Fleet. However, this reckless and outright questionable conduct of yours can not be ignored, as it endangers not only your ship and crew, but Section 8 assets as well. I would recommend you reevaluate your behavior, both towards Auxesians and towards the Nomads, for the sake of a continued, productive cooperation between our parties.