Well, we have 2 different points of view.
I think both ID and Tag are important, and you respect only ID.
That's fine, but other players have the right to act according to the tag as well.
For all factions, not only Zoners.
That concludes it then.
Lucendez Wrote:
It is every Corsair's responsibility to die a beautiful death in defense of Crete, regardless of how OORP or how capwhoring the opposition is. Launch your fighter, joust the battlecruisers and die a beautiful death. Then, drink it down in the bar.
I don't think I raised any question about tags and IDs. My original post was regarding the abuse of the Zoner ID by noob traders looking for exemption from piracy. I can't see why anyone supports that.
Surely the Zoners are a somewhat far evolved giant society of freelancers anyway? My interpretation is that the majority of lone Zoner traders are (and in OOC reality certainly are) working for their own benefit, not for the greater Zoner organisation.
If a group of like-minded Zoner traders where trundling along doing their Zonery business in Zoner related ships with Zoner escorts I would consider them to be doing Zoner business, and wouldn't attack them without, as Jinx said, accepting the RP backlash of going red to Zoners.
However, this topic is about the lone trains that would be carrying Trader IDs if Zoner IDs diddn't offer the lovely protection from pirates.
' Wrote:In all case, if a zoner is crying about a CD i launch on them I simply ask 2M or he will get the death !
What a Corsair will do in front of a zoner :
Corsair : Hola sir ! Please stay here, I'll proceed to a scan !
zoner : Hey let me go I'm a Zoner !
Corsair : Okay mate, what about a 2 M credits donation ?
zoner : I said I'm a zoner let me .... *connexion lost*
Now in front of a Zoner :
Corsair : Hola sir ! Please stay here, I'll proceed to a scan !
Zoner : Hi sir. Is it something wrong here ?
Corsair : Hmm could you just say me what you do with that diamond ?
Zoner : I'm selling them at New Tokyo sir.
Corsair : Hmm well ! But what about a donation for los corsairs ?
Zoner : Sure ! *give 1M and go*
In front of a ZONER :
Corsair : Hola sir ! Please stay here, I'll proceed to a scan !
ZONER : Sure sir, I have here a food cargo from the planet Stuttgart.
Corsair : And where are you going to ?
ZONER : To Crete, what else ?
Corsair : Well, go fast i smell some dragon scum around ! *then an epic fight*
Personally their is two cases for me (I'm a untagged zoner with my train (RM didn't let me get a gunboat and i don't want to buy a destroyer for it)) :
The pirate ask me some money, he got what he ask and nothing more !
The pirate let me go and give me his salutations, he earn a nice donation !
Grimly I've seen you ask for six million in tax.
If you pirate a Zoner don't expect to land on Freeports. It is OORP regardless of how you assume the Zoner controlled freeports will react to one of their own being pirated.
' Wrote:"There are Corsairs on Freeport 9. You can get a Corsair bribe there". Newsflash; anyone is allowed onto a Freeport, and bribes mean nothing. Did you know you can get Criminal Bribes in places like the New London Bar? By that logic, the Bretonian Police must be pals with the Mollys, Outcasts, Corsairs etc.
Bretonia lawfuls have an accord with Mollys and Outcasts now because of the Tau war. Has anyone seen a Corsair bribe on Bretonia?
I'll raise you Outcast, Corsair and Rogue bribes on Manhattan, if you're willing to spend the time looking for them, less than a single percent chance to get some of them but they are there.
On topic however Zoner ID, powertrading and saying they are immune from piracy that's utter bull. I have a Zoner ID/tag Advanced Train, but there are reasons beyond mere immunity, personally I don't think she is immune, she's a lot more likely to pay off pirates on the grounds that she doesn't want anyone shipping her back to the Rogues or handing her into the LPI. the Zoner affiliation is a level of protection that makes people think twice, but doesn't neccesarily stop them.
Unless the situation is reported to the Zoner council I don't really see there being any repsonse either. If the Zoners aren't told they've had one of their ships done over how are they to know? So long as you aren't doing it in front of Gran Canaria or somesuch place, you're green. But if it gets reported to other Zoners then you're more than likely going to face the backlash.
From a pirates viewpoint, the Rogues will pirate Zoners, but we dress it up as donations to the cause and other such phrases. Unless you act like a pillock we'll also let you set the price, so long as it's reasonable.
Saint Del is considered a holy healer of diseases of children, but also as a protector of cattle.
Bah... none of this makes sense to a person who is truly a Zoner. Zoner is one letter away from how a true Zoner acts; loner.
Zoners are a loose confederation of folks who choose to live out on the edge of known Sirius. We pilot and trade our way up to riches as a part of our character's daily living. We use profits/capitalism to fund our projects in deep space. If we get pirated, so be it. I expect to be pirated and ask no special privileges. If an Advanced Train will get me more profit for the specific route I am on, then that's what I will be flying.
My character will be rich, in his own right. I run trade routes because they are profitable... why else would I trade? Zoners yearn for freedom; to explore, and to profit.
Most Zoners take their lives into their own hands and hold allegiance to themselves first, above the tag and ID. I've tried to work for others, but it just never works out. I've tried to have an alignment other than Zoner... but always end up spending way too much to correct my actions... hurting the bottom line.
Now, if my fellow Zoners call on me for action, I'll debate with myself how the activity will profit me. I am willing to participate in the way I see fit. Should war come to my Zoner friends... I'll probably stay clear, protect my own skin, and live to profit another day. I suspect most Zoners will do the same.
Bottom line; tax me. I'm hiding behind nothing. This IS what a Zoner does; trade and profit, explore and learn.
' Wrote:If you pirate a Zoner don't expect to land on Freeports. It is OORP regardless of how you assume the Zoner controlled freeports will react to one of their own being pirated.
Brings up a few good issues.
Zoners out in the middle of no were who get piratedare out in the middle of no were. Sure it sucks but I doubt the entire Zoner Empire is going to clamp down on the culprit; if anyone can even figure out for sure who the culprit is.
In my opinion all Zoners already know this. They are Zoners. Independent, antisocial, wandering hermits. They all know whats likely to happen one day out in some far flung, lawless, pirate & nomad infested system, on the border of known space. Their going to get mugged. That is just part of the price of living their solitary lives apart from the rest of human civilization.
However, pirates should be dam careful around Zoner freeports as far as Pirating is concerned. In addition to being darn careful about pirating in the handful of Zoner systems.
Pirating at a Freeport..probably not the best idea.
Pirating in a Zoner held Systemprobably not the best idea.
Pirating a Zoner at a Zoner base..bad idea.
Pirating a Zoner in a Zoner held system..bad idea.
Pirating a Zoner near a Zoner base in a Zoner held systemOMGWT$BBQ BAD IDEA?!?!
There are of course a few other circumstances. Zoner carrying Cardi probably shouldnt be pirated by outcasts and allies. Zoner with Artifacts probably shouldnt be pirated by corsairs and allies. And vice versa. Corsair seeing a zoner with Cardi..uh oh look out. Outcast seeing a zoner with artifacts..uh oh look out.
I know this is pretty basic info for some people but since you can never tell when a new player, unfamiliar with the server, is going to read a thread I wanted to post aboutit. Since most of the thread is YARRRRGGGPIRATE THEM SCURRVY ZONERS!!!They not be immune to me guns I say!!