I mainly disallowed freelancers to engage in military operations *just* to give the Mercenary ID more point. Otherwise, the Mercenary ID is just a poor man's Freelancer ID, except that the Merc ID allows gunboats and can't trade, whereas the Freelancer one doesn't allow gunboats and can trade. Its very difficult coming up with a point to both of those, since they're almost the same thing, though not quite. Here's the proposed Mercenary ID so you can compare them both.
Quote:Mercenary ID
Pilot carrying this ID is a Mercenary who works for him/herself or within mercenary organisations.
Mercenaries can:
* Fulfil lawful and unlawful bounty contracts
* Escort traders and smugglers
* Participate in military operations on lawful or unlawful side
* Scan for contraband
Mercenaries cannot:
* Trade
* Pirate
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Gunboats
Carrying unmounted IDs in your ship, as well as not equipping an ID, is a serious crime.
its roleplaying - a difference does not only have to be reflected in stats or restrictions.
freelancers are mostly civilians that CAN do a military job. - mercenaries are soldiers with no bonds to a house. - its harder to differentiate the generic military ID from the mercenary ID. - but someone that is a freelancer is much much more on the civilian side and should not be considered a warrior or something. ( i know - everyone runs around with weapons in freelancer )
both IDs could basicly be the very same when it comes to the description - it is then down to what the player makes out of them.
btw. whats a military operation anyway. being hired to assist in a kill is an operation. going for a bounty is not a military operation, but going for a bounty and suddenly a military guy assists you becomes a military operation.
' Wrote:That's simple, all freelancers (ID) I've seen are using the wrong weapons on their ships (krakens on IMG ship for the last i saw) and use this ID for reason of this weapon use !
Is it permitted ? (i think NO but ... do you think the same ?)
Freelancers are just that, they don't belong to any faction, they go from job to job. They will work for Liberty police one day, do some escort work for some traders the next, work in rhineland another day, etc. There not going to be in one place 24/7, so there going to buy weapons and spare parts from where ever they currently are. They arn't going to fly half way accross the universe just to buy some IMG weapons because they bought a IMG ship, that would be oorp for a freelancer to do.
Quote:You also say Freelancers shouldn't go out and hunt pirates simply for the sake of hunting, without payment. Freelancers aren't mercenaries and like people have previously said, free to do what they like. If the Freelancer RPs a personal vendetta against a certain faction I See no reason why they can't hunt for the sake of hunting, but Freelancers alike every other player in the game a restricted to the fact they must have a good reason to attack someone, not just 'I wanted to'.
Well one could argue that he is getting payed by Liberty to kill pirates for example(As in RP, rather than getting payed by a player). So a Freelancer has a reason to attack any pirates on sight.
Quote:And as such probably shouldn't use unlawful weapons at all.
I don't see why a freelancer wouldn't use weapons off of enemies he has killed if they were better than his existing ones. For some reason people on discovery never think that weapons are actualy sometimes dropped, a player doesn't need to goto a base to have pirate weapons he can just kill pirates and repair then equip them. Imo if a pirate see's a freelancer with pirate weapons he should be suspicious that the freelancer proberly blew up his friends to get the weapons (As freelancers arn't ment to be "openly" aligned to unlawfuls they shouldn't rearly be off buying weapons on a unlawful base).
Here you see :
Freelancer ID
Bounty Hunter ship
Rheinland Military tag
Bretonian weapon
Corsair weapons
What you don't see here :
He's killing corsairs !
Here I ask those questions :
Will a bretonian/corsair let a rheinlander get his weapons ?
Will a bretonian/corsair let dock in his base someone using corsairs/bretonians weapons?
Will a corsair let dock in his base someone using a bounty hunter ship ?
Will a corsair let dock in his base someone killing his owns ?
Why may the freelancers get a "YES" to all that questions when everyone else will get a "NO" ?