You may perhaps have heard of me, or perhaps you have not. In the event that you have not, brief introductions are due. I am Revenant, one of the prime entities within the Technocracy's Direcorate, I oversee scientific interests within the xenology branch.
Our purpose overall within the Technocracy is to observe, study, protect and learn valuable sites of scientific interests, and I believe you may have had an encounter with one of our sites of interest within Kepler.
I would like to speak to you regarding this incident you had at your earliest convenience.
Good day. Flattered by your interest in my humble person.
Heared many things about your organization. Interesting, mostly. Intrigued. Possibility of mutually beneficial cooperation is likely. Will provide any help I can.
Currently stationed on Ames Research Station. Will wait for you there.
P.S. Seems Manuel is finally doing something worthwile. Was glad to hear from him.