Transmission received
Code recognised as Kyok-NT-4-69X-KI-Ham
Decrypting.... Recipient:Director Victor Steiner, SIS Sender:Kusari Naval Intelligence Date:22.08.829 Subject:Technocracy of Auxo Priority:High
Esteemed Director.
It appears some of your agents suffer from wanderlust. However, out of good will, we shall disregard Agent Skirka's choice of actions this time.
As a side notice, be informed that in regards for potential future "occurrences", the SIS could simply forward an inquiry of permission towards the Government - in full accordance to IV-1, Kusari Imperial Stellar Codex, your Agents would then enjoy not just an escort to keep them safe but also not risk being shot down on sight.
Now to the more crucial topic: The Technocracy of Auxo
As Shimamori has stated clearly, the Technocracy is not outlawed within Kusari space. They were never seen engaging into illicit actions, nor were they observed assisting enemies of state. Their appearance within Kusari space is also extremely scarce, usually conducted by merchant vessels or individuals with probable Kusarian heritage.
The hostility between the Kingdom of Bretonia and the Technocracy appears to persist, as your Agents encounter with one of their merchant vessels clearly showed. While we find it most distasteful by your Agent to attempt traversing Kusari space in the fashion they did, we believe such long standing hostility must have very good reasons, far past territorial issues and grudges. We would be most pleased if we were to receive a statement explaining why the Technocracy was outlawed in Bretonia to begin with and if their future actions may also pose a risk to commercial, civil or otherwise interests of the Kusari Empire. While we consider it unlikely that their activity around our space increases, it is never wrong to be prepared.
Be advised that we sent a similar inquiry for explanation to the Technocracy. It may serve well as material to mutually analyze at a later point, if you desire such extensive cooperation.
"Goryō", in service of the Imperial Kusari Naval Intelligence.
You have my apologies for Agent Skirka's wandering, I assure you he has been reminded not to do it again and indeed he will not.
As for Auxesia I believe the root of the cause was primarily Ideological, although the consistent accusations of infection did not help their cause either nor their extraordinary arrogance in dealing with the Bretonian Government.
With the greatest possible respect to you and yours, I believe that despite Agent Skirka's unhappiness at seeing an Auxesian he nevertheless behaved himself and obeyed all commands given to him. I have no doubt in my mind that Kusari's relationship with Auxesia is nothing but amicable. As such I do not feel the need to cast doubt upon it, nor would we dream of telling you with whom you should speak.
If you trust the Auxesians, then that is entirely your business. For our part, we apologize for the intrusion into your space. It won't happen again.
V. Steiner
Director of the Secret Intelligence Service
Transmission received
Code recognised as Kyok-NT-4-69X-KI-Ham
Decrypting.... Recipient:Director Victor Steiner, SIS Sender:Kusari Naval Intelligence Date:22.08.829 Subject:Technocracy of Auxo Priority:High
Esteemed Director.
The case of Agent Skirka is hereby dismissed.
In regards to the Technocracy, such an apparent fixation in infectees among Bretonian forces appears troublesome. Throwing this term around mindlessly, has frequently caused conflict where no conflict required to grow. Given the ideological nature of your conflict, we will not ban Technocracy vessels from our space but instead put them under heightened levels of surveillance.
Should anything of concern to the house Bretonia happen, it is well possible you find another message from us in your inbox.
"Goryō", in service of the Imperial Kusari Naval Intelligence.
Transmission received
Code recognised as Kyok-NT-4-69X-KI-Ham
Decrypting.... Recipient:Director Victor Steiner, SIS Sender:Kusari Naval Intelligence Date:28.08.829 Subject:Your incursions Priority:High
It fills me with great displeasure to hear that you, alongside two other agents, ventured into Kusari space again. We expected a man of your caliber and history to stay true to his word, though it appears the Kappa was swept away by the river.
You will find that your entire family is barred entry to Kusari, as it would be equal to casting golden coins at a cat to continue permitting them free movement across Kusari while the esteemed "Großherzog" forgoes any decency in how to act around a friendly neighbors territory.
A skilled warrior has superior manners. Have you ever heard of such a term?
Despite your missteps, the Imperial Naval Intelligence shall disclosure what we have found out surrounding the Orkney Affair out of recognition and respect to the Bretonian Government and the people of Bretonia. The developments around Orkney may as well affect them.
"Goryō", in service of the Imperial Kusari Naval Intelligence.
All units returned safely and reported the following situation:
All tradelanes within the system are offline, some show direct structural damage, others were abandoned.
Both Jump Gates in the system are locked and show minimal structural damage. However, both Gates were knocked out of their prior vector.
Issoudun Shipyard was destroyed by a yet to be determined force. EM signatures hint at the use of experimental weaponry on the outside and several explosions from within. This was a precision strike operation, with a high probability that it was initiated on the inside. No ship wrecks were detected which means the station was done for before units from their Battlecruiser could respond.
Seemingly no attempts to salvage the wreckage were made so far, however our wing had to execute a Gallic patrol in order to get close to the wreck.
Both the mining facility and the Gallic Battlecruiser appear intact. Extensive amounts of patrol units prevented a further analysis. Patrols were only encountered around the mining facility and the wreck.
The situation on Dounby, an Independent Miner Guild outpost, was in disarray. Only wild speculations were encountered.
[08.07.829 18:33:26] Quimper-[Fae: "Yours should not be here."
[08.07.829 18:33:48] [KNF]Teisatsu-71: ::: Signatures detected ::: [Scan initiated] --- 54...76...100% --- [Scan result: Gallic vessel] :::
[08.07.829 18:34:16] Quimper-[Fae: "Yours should better have a reason to be here."
[08.07.829 18:34:37] [KNF]Teisatsu-71: ::: [Error] ::: [Vessel type: Identified] ::: [Vessel weaponry: Error] :::
[08.07.829 18:35:00] Quimper-[Fae: "Another darkling."
[08.07.829 18:35:04] [KNF]Teisatsu-71: ::: [Initiate Gallic protocol] ::: "We greet the Gallic pest." :::
[08.07.829 18:35:27] Quimper-[Fae: "Gallic." *She laughs*
[08.07.829 18:35:38] Ekaterina.Rogozina: Darkling? What kind of name is for Gallic?...Wait, I recall something
[08.07.829 18:35:39] [KNF]Teisatsu-71: ::: [Vessel detected] ::: [Scan initiated] ::: [Scan result: Civilian vessel] :::
[08.07.829 18:36:11] Ekaterina.Rogozina: Gallic and Kusarian ships in Taus. I thought I am only real foreigner here
[08.07.829 18:36:48] [KNF]Teisatsu-71: ::: [Inquiry detected] ::: [Initiating statement protocol] ::: "This unit is no threat." :::
[08.07.829 18:37:05] Quimper-[Fae: "Yours call us a foreigner?"
[08.07.829 18:37:07] Ekaterina.Rogozina: Da, I am definitely not threat
[08.07.829 18:37:34] Ekaterina.Rogozina: I think Kusarians can be defined as foreigner
[08.07.829 18:37:54] Quimper-[Fae: "Flithy darklings intruding in this void and calling us a foreigner."
[08.07.829 18:37:55] Ekaterina.Rogozina: But for Gauls...well, Taus aren't really native land, aren't it?
[08.07.829 18:38:37] Quimper-[Fae: "I think yours is not able to understand who is infront of yours."
[08.07.829 18:38:59] Ekaterina.Rogozina: Oh, now you are playing game "Ugadaika"
[08.07.829 18:39:04] [KNF]Teisatsu-71: ::: [Repeated word detected: Kusari(an)] ::: [Initiate Kusari nationality protocol] ::: "This unit is proud to serve the Kusari
[08.07.829 18:39:08] [KNF]Teisatsu-71: Empire" :::
[08.07.829 18:39:24] Quimper-[Fae: "Now. Ours would rather be interested what yours is looking for in this voids."
[08.07.829 18:39:50] GNS-Toulon-[Fae: ***"Their death."***
[08.07.829 18:39:52] Ekaterina.Rogozina: Ours? Can you speak normally? I am alone here
[08.07.829 18:39:58] [KNF]Teisatsu-71: ::: [Batch archived] ::: [Preparation for long-range transmission initiated] :::
[08.07.829 18:40:22] Quimper-[Fae: "If it isn't enlightment yours is looking for ours adivse yours to leave."
[08.07.829 18:40:46] [KNF]Teisatsu-71: ::: [Vessel detected] ::: [Scan result: Gallic vessel] :::
[08.07.829 18:40:47] Ekaterina.Rogozina: I don't like what radars find...More Gauls?
[08.07.829 18:41:00] [KNF]Teisatsu-71: ::: [Including new data in batch transmission - Please wait] :::
[08.07.829 18:41:02] Quimper-[Fae: "Theirs cannot understand sister."
[08.07.829 18:41:07] GNS-Toulon-[Fae: Oui. You are stepping to close to our border mon amie.
[08.07.829 18:41:42] Ekaterina.Rogozina: Finally somebody I can speak with. Did I invade you? My maps told me this space is not populated
[08.07.829 18:42:11] [KNF]Teisatsu-71: ::: [Keywords: Gallia, Border] ::: [Initiate 'Miwa' remark] ::: [Error: Profanity detected] :::
[08.07.829 18:42:18] GNS-Toulon-[Fae: Erhm. Sorry for this drone anyway. This is borderworld of the Gallic Union.
[08.07.829 18:42:43] Quimper-[Fae: C: Do you really think its nice to ignore others?
[08.07.829 18:42:49] [KNF]Teisatsu-71: ::: [Information received] :::
[08.07.829 18:42:52] Ekaterina.Rogozina: Gallic Union stepped into newer Taus. Interesting
[08.07.829 18:43:15] GNS-Toulon-[Fae: Taus? Its right next to our or, mon amie.
[08.07.829 18:43:21] GNS-Toulon-[Fae: A buffer zone.
[08.07.829 18:43:31] GNS-Toulon-[Fae: //our sector*
[08.07.829 18:43:36] [KNF]Teisatsu-71: ::: [Initiate inquiry] ::: "Gallic presence serves a specific purpose?"
[08.07.829 18:43:49] Ekaterina.Rogozina: But why do word "darkling" rings a bell? Where could I hear this word from?...
[08.07.829 18:44:09] Quimper-[Fae: C: It is how I talk got a problem with that?
[08.07.829 18:44:16] GNS-Toulon-[Fae: No idea.
[08.07.829 18:44:37] [KNF]Teisatsu-71: ::: [Keyword: Darkling] ::: [Remote access to databank - Please wait] ... [Error detected: Access restricted to this unit] :::
[08.07.829 18:44:58] GNS-Toulon-[Fae: Gallic presence serves as peacekeeping forces here. Its dangerous place that is crawling of Maquis and their type of scum.
[08.07.829 18:45:25] Ekaterina.Rogozina: Ladno. I have no intentions to intrude Union lawlessly. I will leave you with peace if you allow me to do so
[08.07.829 18:45:43] [KNF]Teisatsu-71: ::: [Information received] ::: [Analysis: Peacekeeping activities are permitted under the Treaty of Rishiri] ::: -
[08.07.829 18:45:46] GNS-Toulon-[Fae: Oui. Do so, coalitioner madame.
[08.07.829 18:45:56] [KNF]Teisatsu-71: [Further note: This star system is not covered by the treaty]
[08.07.829 18:46:04] Ekaterina.Rogozina: Spasibo. And good luck...Oh dear
[08.07.829 18:46:15] GNS-Toulon-[Fae: This system is unstable, drone.
[08.07.829 18:46:50] Quimper-[Fae: C: One little missile and that drone would be gone.
[08.07.829 18:47:02] GNS-Toulon-[Fae: Dont.
[08.07.829 18:47:07] GNS-Toulon-[Fae: Let him be.
[08.07.829 18:47:16] [KNF]Teisatsu-71: ::: [Inquiry] ::: "Entry point to starsystem designated 'Orkney' serving as entry point for Maquis vessels into Tau Sector?":::
[08.07.829 18:47:22] GNS-Toulon-[Fae: Or it... Whatever. We do not need troubles with kusarians again.
[08.07.829 18:48:03] GNS-Toulon-[Fae: Errr... I guess? Listen, machine, what are you doing here anyway?
[08.07.829 18:48:53] Quimper-[Fae: C: How did this drone even pass all the security checkpoints in gallia without notice.
[08.07.829 18:49:01] [KNF]Teisatsu-71: ::: [Confusion detected] ::: [Initiating 'basic explanation' protocol] ::: "This unit possesses a narrowly built AI. This -
[08.07.829 18:49:21] GNS-Toulon-[Fae: I am curious about other things tho. But that's will wait.
[08.07.829 18:49:21] [KNF]Teisatsu-71: unit serves the purpose of tracking various hostile activity in the Tau sector." :::
[08.07.829 18:50:02] Quimper-[Fae: C: We will take a leave for now. If this thing troubles you don't mind calling us back.
[08.07.829 18:50:21] [KNF]Teisatsu-71: ::: "Reason to be here: Unknown. Pursued suspicious vessel. Unit followed. Vessel gone." :::
[08.07.829 18:50:25] GNS-Toulon-[Fae: So, the hostile activities... How about to check up the Tau-23? There are outcasts appear time to time.
[08.07.829 18:51:17] [KNF]Teisatsu-71: ::: [Inquiry detected] ::: [Providing 'basic' explanation] ::: "This unit is directed at unusual hostile activities." :::
[08.07.829 18:52:42] GNS-Toulon-[Fae: I see... Well, proceed then. We are going back to our mission.
[08.07.829 18:53:01] [KNF]Teisatsu-71: ::: "This unit will refuel." :::