This recording should reach you by now, as our absence was noticed by your people.
By my estimation, the station's life support system have failed by now. We have departed Sirius.
Do not attempt to pick up our trail, you will find nothing. We will either find and establish our own paradise or should the nomads show, perish in nuclear fire.
The station's life support should be easy to restore, and the defensive array should be running on emergency power.
I entrust you with it's administration and use, effective permanently.
Vae Victus!
Caesar, Emperor of the Romans.
Emperor Caesar Roman Praetorian Prefecture Unknown
Following the recording sent to you by Salazar Caesar, I went on Invicta station myself to prepare a status report. Indeed, it is in a bad shape, but nothing impossible. Life support is my first priority so our teams can work unhindered.
Also, I'll repurpose the station completly. Seems like senor Salazar had gathered alot of souvenirs from all across Sirius and turned the place into a museum. WIth your permission, I'll jettison them right away in order to make space for something that really matters: Xeno Relics. I intend to turn the Invicta into the main selling point of Relics in Omicron Xi. Future projects will follow once the repairs are complete.
Last but not least, having a new purpose the station deserves a new name. I'll pick something to honor you.
It's good to hear from you. However, the news you bring are rather disconcerting. Once critical systems are online, establish a cause for this mass exodus if possible. See if you can understand what led to this sudden departure, trace their probable location, and ascertain a motif. Their databanks should have some records.
While we've gained an asset over this, it's a concerning turn of events. You have my permission to repurpose the station and administer as you see fit, effective immediately. As far as Salazar's assets - I would like them brought to my personal wing at Sanctum. While we can turn the station into something more practical and bolster our economy further - knowledge is power. I would like it preserved. There's much to be learned - from our allies and enemies alike.
Provide me with regular updates and good work on this project. Don't forget to get some R&R when time permits. Some rum in my quarters would be nice.
See you soon, Executor Ravenna Nagash
Give me the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely according to conscience, above all liberties.
Regarding the Roman Praetorian Prefecture of Sirius's departure from Corsair space, I can't report too much. The data we were able to recover until now isn't of much use. We weren't able to find any reason of their departure, but we were able to find the route they used. I've recieved reports from the commanding officer of the Penitence, our battlecruiser currently deployed to Dresden, that Salazar's fleet was spotted in the system, heading to Cologne. Once they left the system, only assumptions can be made. I'll try to dig a bit deeper.
As for the junk, I mean SOUVENIRS we found, please excuse my rush. They indeed might hold some relevant information, so for this reason they have been transfered to Deterrence Sanctum and handed over to Quartermaster Tito Garcia for safe keeping. But be advised, with the Invicta being in such a bad state and missing alot of hull segments, some of them were dragged into space. But I wouldn't worry that much. What seems to be missing is a collection of stamps and coins, both holding no real value to us.
But we were also able to find something quite interesting in Salazar's quarters. For this reason, I've called an urgent meeting with Praetors Garcia, Sanchez, Moralez and Samaras in the briefing room. The Conclave was assembled with haste as these souverins require utmost attention. We'll be waiting your arrival so we can begin.