Ship Callsign: 46th|LNS-Umbra (Pending change to 46th|LNX-Umbra upon license approval)
Ship's Affiliation (IFF): Liberty Navy
Owner's Name (and Organization's Name if applicable): Captain Jeffrey Asterius, Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
License requested and reason(s) for it: Permission to operate a Mako-class Battleship in Liberty Space under 46th
Evidence of friendly reputation with Liberty Navy and Liberty Police:•Attachment
Additional Notes, Comments, Questions or Requests: Originally, the battleship belonged to The Core, however, since the defection in July, 829. A.S., the Umbra's crew did undergo all unnecessary checks performed by the LSF and Liberty Navy, as well as re-qualifications at West Point Academy to serve Liberty under the 46th.
There is a long paper-trail for the Umbra with this having previously been brought to our attention. The matter was voted upon and is hereby approved. It was added to the List of approved special licenses.