The psuedo-alliance between Nomads and Outcasts makes sense to me.
Let RP go where it goes, if you got killed by a Nomad just suck it up and move on. The official Outcast factions have deemed Nomad weaponry unacceptable for use, and this is something you have to live with if you want to play an Outcast.
Moreover, you shouldn't be so quick to forget what Outcasts are. They're a civilization of pirates, it wouldn't be uncommon for them to kill one another. Greed and an eternal lust for power exists at the very core of this society (much like most other unlawful factions), so just because there's another ship that sports the same colors as you, that isn't to say that he's your friend.
PS: You could turn this into a nice RP twist by creating an anti-Nomad Outcast group, surely there's atleast a few among them who don't agree with the peace between the two sides.
' Wrote:Let RP go where it goes, if you got killed by a Nomad just suck it up and move on. The official Outcast factions have deemed Nomad weaponry unacceptable for use, and this is something you have to live with if you want to play an Outcast.
Actually, if the factions deem them unusable, then you can't use them if you're in that player faction. An Outcast can use them if (s)he so pleases, but the consequences are there, such as the Keepers taking a liking to seeing your escape pod in space, if Nomads see, that is.
[8:32:45 PM] Dusty Lens: Oh no, let me get that. Hello? Oh it's my grandma. She says to be roleplay.
[12:49:19 AM] Elgatodiablo: You know its nice that you have all that proof and all, Bacon... but I just don't believe you.
If all the Keepers/Wilde did was KOS anyone they came across, then they wouldn't be suitable for a player faction on a RP server. But they don't.
The only way someone gets Nomad weapons is by killing a Nomad, whether you did it or someone else did it. It's kinda like if you encountered an alien race who used dismembered human limbs as weapons. The vast majority of humans wouldn't take kindly to that.
' Wrote:The only way someone gets Nomad weapons is by killing a Nomad, whether you did it or someone else did it. It's kinda like if you encountered an alien race who used dismembered human limbs as weapons. The vast majority of humans wouldn't take kindly to that.