Fellow players, please read the server rules, obey them and do roleplay on the server.
I got a trader in group with a pirate who obviously were 'farming' NPCs.
They did not respond to my calls.
The trader opend fire upon my KNF char so i was forced to kill him beside the pirate.
The pirate respawned in Shikoku and the trader returned to Shikoku while i was still present.
And again they ignored my calls.
I don't wanna report them but someone should push them into the right direction please.
I'm sorry but, if they refuse to take your help, and go on doing whatever the bleep they want, you might have to report them to get the message through.
If you told them the rule once politely in private chat and they didnt care then a report ussually buids new respect. Just follow the template and your report will go through.
I may have bumped heads with admin but, they have handled 100% of my reports quickly.