There used to be, but it was lifted a while back.. From my knowledge, there is currently no ban on mercenaries in liberty. If there is, then i'd like to know where it says that..
Me to, my merc just got killed by 3 or 4 navy officials who said there was a ban on merc and demanded me to leave, i asked When did this happen and why, and got no response, he said "leave or die" i kept asking why and when, nothing, and he said something about me being fair game for everyone to kill and i never fired back at them i just kept flying around and they killed me. After i died i ooRP message system and someone said read the forums, so hear i am. After the battle i asked him in private chat where the post was and he ignored me and then logged off.
I personally think this is unfair, if he cant even talk to me and tell me why and when, thats fine, cause it was rp. but afterwords when i ask him ooRP where the post is, and he ignores me and logs off, i think that is just wrong.
So if he tells me that again, and the same thing happens what can i do? he says "everyone can attack him" and i get blown up and cant do anything about it....
My suggestion is to PM a screenshot of the character saying that to the faction leader, and ask for an explanation.
Chances are the faction leader will either have an answer to where the post is, or hell be having a talk with that player.
Honestly lately I found that my encounters with Lib forces hasnt really been so much PvP its more RP ... I have helped them countless times to keep RP up. Given I OOC several times but when im not I RP rather well. So I dont see wehre this PvP stuff is commin
as for the mercs bein banned...I saw some Bounty Hunters that I thought were banned so Im confused