--Incomming Transmission--
--Type: Video Message--
--ID Code: The Order, Operative, Captain--
--Location: Planet Toledo--
--Sender: Aiden Hunter, Captain--
--Reciever: Corsair Capital Registration--
A man in a dark purple exo suit, that covers his face and hair appears on the screen, his voice sounds dark and completely void of emotions.
"Corsair Allies, i am Hunt. A Order captain, ive bought a Praefect Cruiser from Tripoli. And took it back to Toledo for further testing and uppgrades, I got the information afterwards of the Corsair Capital Ship Registration service wich seamed to be nescesary. So im transmitting the data required to your computer on Crete. Captain Hunt, Out."
--Video Link Ended--
--Incomming Data Stream--
Redemption, Praefect Cruiser.
Crew compliment: 40
Mission: Secure, sentry, guard and hunt in Order space. Will assist allies if needed.
Systems: Omicron Minor, Delta, Kappa and Gamma. + Where our Order missions take us, where it be Liberty Space or any of the Tau systems.
Information about the Captain: ::Restricted:: Send message to Captain Hunt, for more information.
This ship will be limited in only three systems, they are Omicron Gamma, Omicron Delta and Omicron Kappa. This ship would not join any pirat actions. This ship would join some military actions on the Corsairs' side. This ship would go to systems other than Omicron Gamma, Omicron Delta and Omicron Kappa if it is necessary to the curent military action. This ship will absolutely obey any Corsair High Command's order.
On board the Cruiser Armour of Contempt, Capitana Ibram Gaunt receieves a request for full registration with the CCLA (Corsair Capitals Licensing Agency) requesting full details of ship registry, intentions and captains details.
From : Lord Captain Gaunt ~ Majestic Corsairs Cruiser Armour of Contempt.
Regarding: Ships Registration
To Sirs at CCLA, I Ibram Gaunt, Lord of the Township Boralias, Heir to the Throne of Chain Islands southern Hemisphere do register this vessel for the use of my personal protection and usage in the defence of our beloved Crete and to solidify the Chain Islands pledge to the defence of our world and system against all that is hostile and damaging to our majestic society.
We also pledge the usage in combat outside home systems in efforts against our most hated enemies warranting the use of our most heavy ships and mobile death. It is with due course that His Majesty King Saram Gaunt charges me with this duty to our people of Crete and that my contacts in the Zoners as useless as they are, may begin regular food transports to our homeworld along with arms and ships fuel.
Ships Registry - Armour of Contempt
Person Piloting - Ibram Gaunt, Lord
Contact us if needed, also may with Membership in the Ships Gangs of OPG and TBH
Black Squadron is complying with their allies' request in order to register all Corsair capital ships, Cruiser class and above. I was instructed by Mid Admiral Bs|Sius Malacos to register as I captain one of your warships, Horus, which is a Praefect Cruiser. Black squadron currently have only two cruiser class ships, Admiral Malacos is delighted with it's commisioning. It is used primarily for the defence of The Order's home planet, Toledo, and for the defence of your own Yaren Base within the Omicron Delta system. It is available if needed to assist against any presence endangering the Order's allies, namely the Corsair nation.
Transmission to Corsairs Capital Ship Registration
Source:Tripolli Shipyard, Omicron Gamma
This is Corsairs Titan Pilot and former Gunboat Pilot Lordraviel registering my intent to purchase a Praefect Class Cruiser by the name of Providence. I intend to utilize this new vessel primarily to improve my effectiveness in resisting and removing the Bounty Hunter presence in Omicron Gamma and in defending our home system from the threats posed by the Outcasts and Keepers. In addition I will be prepared to assist in the attack or defense of any systems targeted by military action.
I have an able crew of officers standing by who served with me in my days as a gunboat pilot and am ready to make my purchase ASAP.
Matthew Yates(LordRaviel) - Corsair [OPG]-LordRaviel.. Raven's Tallon VHF [OPG]-LordRaviel. M26 Corsair Gunboat [OPG]-LordRaviel Praetorian Bomber [OPG]-LordRaviel' Pirate Transport
Hello there, I would like to register my Huntress class cruiser.
Names Traveler, its what i do. But since ive been around these parts i have come to admire the Order and what they do. So i joined. Now i fly in defense of Toledo and all the Order and their allies. If you ever need me, im only a system away!!!
Incoming transmission....
Preparing to decrypt.... Decrypt?[Y/N] Decrypting.... Message creator: The Varquero brothers Message destination: Corsair high command Message status: Read-only...
Greetings. This is Diego varquero reporting in. Id just like to ask permission to add our personal battleship to the roster- Varquero's.Wrath. It is an Osiris class Battleship, part of the Corsair guard. The primary tasks are to Engage in research, recon, and Defence of Crete. Due to the nature of all the recent Bounty hunters attacking us on a regular basis, I deem it necessary to be prepare, and be prepared well. Rodriguez wants a word...
Evening, Gentlemen. Rodriguez here. as you know, we have Acquired ourselves an Osiris class Battleship. You know im involved in excessive research regarding the Slomon K'Hara, or nomads, as they are better known. This vessel provides all the necessary protection, aid, and defence should i (and i will) need to go out into deep space, and even nomad space. On a side note, this capital class vessel is extremely well armoured and armed to respond to any hostile threats made against crete, so I would like to offer my services there as well. I hope you see reason, and would support our cause.
Good day.
Rodriguez and Diego, Signing off.
Message status: Read-only.... Re-Encrypt?[Y/N] encrypting.... Message status: Incinerated. You have No New Messages.
Ah Varquero brothers, I'd be hard pressed to find better Corsairs than you two, and with the recent retirement of a few of our warships, your ship is more than welcome. The Varquero's Wrath has been added to the roster, if you haven't already selected your crew, go over to Cadiz and take your pick of the pirates there, there are a lot of lads who've been queuing up to serve on a warship, but never got the chance.