Ridding a motor bike with out a helmet :nono: , there is a very simple song for that and it starts and ends with DUMB DUMB DUMB. Its that sort of "I'm invulnerable" and "that will never happen to me" attitude that puts young people in hospital.
But we are not discussing the stupid and dim whited attitude that my fellow young people take on the world, we are talking about the abuse of game mechanics.
' Wrote:Ridding a motor bike with out a helmet :nono: , there is a very simple song for that and it starts and ends with DUMB DUMB DUMB. Its that sort of "I'm invulnerable" and "that will never happen to me" attitude that puts young people in hospital.
But we are not discussing the stupid and dim whited attitude that my fellow young people take on the world, we are talking about the abuse of game mechanics.
We were talking about the use of game mechanics in a way that makes RP sense, JH ping ponging is a tactic that makes such sense. I can easily envision a transport captain trying to evade a pirate surviving through this option if he's at a JH with a pirate on his tail.
The motorcycle helmet example is just to show that small risks are not an impediment to an action that brings an elevated risk.
Guys. Pirating is already hard enough today, with all those completely unrealistic rules against pirates (like that "Don't shoot traders unless you have asked them for cargo, you may not shoot them when you told them to stop and they don't cooperate"-nonsense); pirating alone is almost impossible today since most traders don't respond IC to pirates, but usually don't even answer and just keep going, getting themselves killed before handing over any money etc.. I am flying both a semi-pirate (I don't really actively pirate anymore unless some trader is really stupid and starts hauling through the borderworlds without any protection; pirating is just not possible unless you do it together with at least a second player, especially if you want people to listen to your RP instead of your saying the in my opinion far too common "2 mil or dai!!1" which everyone hates for obvious reasons) and a trader, so I'm not biased; but really now: we all know, about at least 80% of all traders just want to make money to fund a capship, but usually never RP, manly using routes that are horrible OOC (I'm sure most of us still remember the Diamon-Niobium runs, or even worse, the Tau-powertrading, hauling prisoners from a planet to the battleship stationed next to it en masses). If anything needs a nerf, it would be the traders, not the pirates.
I'd rather pay a pirate that 2 mill then waste the 20 minutes of pingponining, specialy considering that I'd make nearly 4 mill on a 30 minute run at time.
The thread is not about nerfing, it's about a sanction for not breaking a rule.
I do agree the pirate/trader situation is off, but it cuts both ways. Most traders are just making $ for ships and don't want to RP or be annoyed by pirates, and a lot of pirates are just in it to watch their SN's explode a train. That being said, pirateing isn't that hard, I usually manage to catch people far enough away from a JH to explode them before they jump, if I try to.
Also I have no issue with ping ponging being illegal, but if it is there should be a rule against it.
Traders are not the only ones that I have seen using this tactic.
There have been numerous pirates that have jumped back and forth through a JH.
Most of the time with the pirate though its to regen his shields back to full.
I would agree that using this tactic is seriously OORP considering it normally takes quite a bit of time to calculate the navigation though a jh and that is left out of the game for obvious reasons.
If the rule is going to be enforced I would like Xoria to clearly state how many times a person has to use a jh before its considered oorp. Twice is one thing, doing it for 20 min though is just lame.
but ....its really only a traders problem. - when a trader leaves a system during a fight... he can come back. - when a pirate leaves a system after / during a fight.. he retreated and has to STAY on the other side. - when he comes back, he re-engages, which is clearly covered by the rules.
Why can't we solve this whole mess by just adding a new rule
Quote:Players are not allowed to use the same jumphole or jumpgate more than twice in quick succession while interacting with other players
I don't have any problem with jumphole-hopping being sanctionable, I just think that a new player who has gone to the trouble of going to the forums and reading the Server Rules thread should gain a full and complete understanding of what the server rules are.
No longer active online due to a dwindling amount of non-PvP (trading, pirating, mining, etc.) fun in the new version.
' Wrote:The thread is not about nerfing, it's about a sanction for not breaking a rule.
I do agree the pirate/trader situation is off, but it cuts both ways. Most traders are just making $ for ships and don't want to RP or be annoyed by pirates, and a lot of pirates are just in it to watch their SN's explode a train. That being said, pirateing isn't that hard, I usually manage to catch people far enough away from a JH to explode them before they jump, if I try to.
Also I have no issue with ping ponging being illegal, but if it is there should be a rule against it.
Well there is a rule that you must stay within RP. Jumping back and forth to gain dock imunity to replenish shields could be considered shield running... In any case, It's unsporting, and there should be a rule appended against it... stating that you may not use the jumphole in such maner... this or we implement damage to all ships jumping back and forth...
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Skype: jure.grbec
My primary char: Jose El Nino - Corsair Elder captain of the SS Greenhawk
Currently Inactive due to pursuit of life long dreams, will be back...*edited* As promised am back.