If the original poster has posted this and actually gone, then all he has achieved is leaving a stink as he left. Perhaps he could post here and let us know if he is reconsidering.
Get your bomber and go <strike>PVP-whore</strike> show off your excellent RP.
' Wrote:Have a REAL good think about why that might be bud.
How would you feel if you made a series of mistakes and continually get pulled down and told to leave?
That is an immature reaction. And that attitude is killing discovery.
Don't know Hyung. It isn't that obvious to me. PM perhaps, or enlighten everyone in the thread?
Have I seen this before? A person telling everyone it's my way or the highway and specifically telling people to leave the server? Hmm. Let me think.
So you expect this poor poor new player to come on Discovery and...
Break server rules.
Yell at people for breaking non-existant rules.
Complain ooC in system chat because the rules aren't working to his perfect playing experience.
Give the people (me) who try to kindly explain why he's taking flak in system chat grief with quips like "shut up" and "cut the attitude".
Then proceed to come on the forums and whine and moan that the server rules don't work for them and that everyone has no lives and takes everything way to seriously.
And basically say "i don't like it, i'm leaving".
And you think we should be sickening sweet and compassionate and go "Aww, it's okay. You can break the rules and complain that you don't like them. People who report players for breaking the rules are big bullies."
Sorry Hyuung, you're being a little rediculous. There's such a thing as a reality check. Sometimes new players need a swift kick in the pants to know that what they did was wrong, and playing up for sympathy and a 'woe is me' card is wrong as well.
Life is tough. You can't break the rules and make a scene that you're unhappy and expect everyone to be nice and understanding.
You, really, dont, want me, to start on you.
Before you say anything else, take a look at my chars.
I'll talk to you about anything you want
and I can guarantee, any maltreatment story and frustration you've had, I can match.
I'm not asking you to be all lovey dovey. Never have.
This is not a pissing contest. Im saying YOU, Orin, STOP with the hassling of another player.
RIGHT now.
Sovereign Wrote:Seek fun and you shall find it. Seek stuff to Q_Q about and you'll find that, too. I choose to have fun.
As to maltreatment story and frustration, I don't know what you're talking about.
But you're taking this way out of hand, pal. I'm not bagging on this player continually, he complained that "ooh, ur taking ss's to rub it in my face" and I and others explained why SS's are taken. I have no reason to rip a player down to the ground over and over, I don't get any pleasure out of that.
Quote:YOU, Orin, STOP with the hassling of another player.
RIGHT now.
Give me a break, mate. You're getting worked up over nothing. Actions have consequences, this guy got more than he deserved- I admit that- but you can't expect to do what he did and have everyone be understanding and kind.
Besides, I barely did anything here except for a slightly rude (yes I admit that, I was feeling sick and in a bad mood from him earlier) comment in my first post. I never even made fun of the guy with a "boohoo" tease. Stop acting exactly the way you're preaching to me not to be, aye?
And I want to add, you have no idea how this started Hyuung. I was nothing but nice and caring when I first talked with this guy. I'm always nice from the start, I'm a nice guy, I don't get any satisfaction from being mean. I don't. So please don't come here late into what you haven't seen and start reprimanding us like little kids. That's the same attitude that Jihad is talking about as well.
Can an admin lock this? If Hyuung wants to keep scolding me he can do it in PM.
"Stop acting exactly the way you're preaching to me not to be, aye?"
Aye. I will. I'm sorry to do that to you publicly. I was trying to make a point.
It's not very nice is it?
This is the way that we must stop treating each other.
To me, Orin, you are just as new as HunterZero.
While Hunter did some things wrong ingame, you did some things wrong
here on these forums. Should I jump on you just because you did some
things on the forums in the wrong manner? No. Neither should you jump
on other players for doing something else ingame.
(this isnt just about this thread, in case you're wondering...)
All I am doing is holding up a mirror. I'm sorry that it was you that got that.
Sovereign Wrote:Seek fun and you shall find it. Seek stuff to Q_Q about and you'll find that, too. I choose to have fun.
Hyuung, I totally understand what you're getting at. Don't get me wrong, I agree. But what I don't understand is why you are singling me out of this topic.
I was the first to deal with this guy, I PMed him in game right after one of his little fiascos. I was nice and understanding and he told me to shut up. So I snapped a little bit in my first post. I'm not excusing that, I was too harsh, whether or not he told me to shut up. But look at the rest of my posts...
Quote:Whether or not this issue is dealt with, I only see further issues with your personality here. It's still your decision, but perhaps finding a new server to play on would be good idea.
Is that too harsh? Am I hassling this player? I thought I said that pretty nicely.
Quote:Admittedly, I don't understand a lot of your sentence structure. The statement above, I do not understand at all what you mean.
Seeing as you're Italian (I think), you might want to work on your English and grammar if you intend to stay here as a member of Discovery RP 24/7 and forums. It's difficult to understand rules and express your opinions and appeals otherwise.
This was to Dante137. I thought I was pretty nice here too.
Now are veterans here excempt from your point?
Quote:You were told to leave uh? It came as a surprise to you? Really?
Don't hurt yourself as your leaving.
That was Kindred. Not to mention the "waaabulence" and Exile's "boohoohoo stamp"... I'm not saying "He was meaner!". I'm just wondering why you're singling me out when I tried to help him understand nicely, barely bagged on this guy after he told me to shut up, then was pretty understanding after the fact...
Quote:I would recommend putting more effort into your roleplay before leaving though, give it a final shot.
HunterZero, you're obviously confused about the rules and roleplay in general. Perhaps you've misintepreted a few things..
If a Zoner is telling you to leave the Freeport, is that really so much a big deal? What you need to realize is that there's a difference between players and characters. Odds are, that Zoner was just telling you to leave because that's what he would do as a Zoner, and not because he "disliked" you or wanted to offend you as an actual real-life player/person.
Judging from the tone of your original post, it seems to me like you're just confused, and that you genuinely do want to be accepted around here. If that's the case, try to take things in stride when playing the server, because generally, that's what most of the other people online are doing.
Why get angry because you were killed? It's not as if you lose much upon death, you get to keep your ship and at the worst you might lose a few cool guns that you had stored in your cargobay. Don't get confused over the actions of players and characters, since they're supposed to be different entities entirely and as such you should remember that in most cases, players are not looking to make your experience on the server unenjoyable. They're only doing what's within their RP, they're playing out a role and that's it - it doesn't mean they dislike you as a person or that they're actively trying to influence you negatively.
Moreover, I'd just like to point out that I'm dissappointed in many of the players who responded to this thread. HunterZero is obviously a new player, and you can tell by the tone of his post that he's in search of guidance/insight as to what he's doing wrong, yet the majority of the replies here by so-called "veteran" players are written solely in the hopes of running him off, or disrespecting him as a player/person in general. It's this sort of attitude that prevents me from hardly logging on anymore, because it seems that in many cases even the most experienced Discovery players are elitist asshats who aren't interested in much else other than themselves.
Honestly, it'd be nice to see ADMIN's/moderators taking an active stance against this kind of behavior, because I don't think there's a single thread on this forum that isn't filled with mindless, meaningless flaming. It doesn't matter who's doing it, it only matters that more people are doing it than those who aren't and that it needs to stop. Atleast 60-70% of all the content on this forum seems to be flaming, and that's pretty bad considering how active this forum really is. Discovery forums are byfar one of the worst forums I've ever stumbled across as far as "tight-knit" community oriented gaming goes.
' Wrote:...even the most experienced Discovery players are elitist asshats who aren't interested in much else other than themselves.
I love how everyone who is clinging to this "Everyone is disrespecting others here" mindset proceeds to do the exact thing they are preaching. Honestly mate, that was more offensive than a few things the "elitist asshats" said.
Quote:...I don't think there's a single thread on this forum that isn't filled with mindless, meaningless flaming. It doesn't matter who's doing it, it only matters that more people are doing it than those who aren't and that it needs to stop. Atleast 60-70% of all the content on this forum seems to be flaming, and that's pretty bad considering how active this forum really is. Discovery forums are byfar one of the worst forums I've ever stumbled across as far as "tight-knit" community oriented gaming goes.
Someone's never been to GameFAQs...
I agree that recently there has a lot of disrespect and flaming (given that 90% of it has been Xing and Tenacity's little bickering) and it needs to clean up. I totally agree, and I have fueled it a bit myself. I apologize for that, but coming on here and condemning Disco forums like this... and calling some vets "elitist asshats"? Come on mate. You're being a hypocrite here... I say that in all niceness, we need to all just bite out tongues and shut up. All of us, me too.
But 60-70%? No, this community is pretty good actually. Did you just read a long Akuma topic and a few of Xingnacity's arguements before posting this? The community is better than you make it out to be. Forums anywhere online always incite flamewars, it's unavoidable.
Anyways, I'm rambling again. We need to work some things out, but denuncing people and the community in general isn't going to be a positive thing, mate.