There have been several sanctions recently for players breaking the following rules:
Quote:4.6 Remember that Discovery is a roleplaying server. Factions and faction members (just like all other players) are obliged to act in the way their reputation and status require. Factions are expected to set an example in role-play.
6.2 Out of Roleplay (OORP):
In-game tag seen before the name must match the ID as closely as possible. It is not allowed to have the tag not match ID category. For example, it is prohibited to have 'Police' tag and 'Pirate' ID.
Equipment used must match tag and ID as closely as possible. For example, it is not allowed for Corsairs to use Outcast ships and guns.
The current idea of "If there's RP justification for something, it's ok" is NOT an official position.
In discussions among the Admin team the general consensus is currently: There is no story writing exception to the rule about ID and equipment matching or the rule about acting in the way their reputation and status require.
Special RP should be kept to the forums not brought in game.
Please be aware of the above when playing characters the server.
will you apply that position to everyone the same? - even if the story and everything is "established"? if you don t - why? ... and newer players might feel that they are not given a chance to establish their RP in terms of out of the ordinary ship / equipment.
will it be generalized or will each case be considered separately from each other. - if that is ... is it efficient and fair?
i cannot say i m very happy with such a point of view towards the RP of the people. if kept as simple as that - it means that roleplay ingame ( which is to be considered more important than roleplay on the forum ) is less important and enjoys less freedom. - it also means that we face strict limitations about what we can roleplay and what not. it supports the archetype role as opposed to the exceptional role. it also suggests that there is some consensus about what roleplay is proper and what is not ( to a certain extend ) - furthermore, i daresay it might sometimes contradict ID cards where it is mostly up to the players personal interpretation of what can and what cannot be done.
i believe that it has a detrimental effect on the creativity of characters, roles and the progressing evolution of the server as a dynamical enviroment.
I'm with Jinx here.. either it should apply to all...or there should be some thread in the rules section where admins post names of those that have passed some kind of selection ("beauty contest").
Igiss says: Martin, you give them a finger, they bite off your arm.
Personally I don't agree with this, but I think the statement makes things a lot clearer. Whatever we might think of the issue, it's far better to have a single unambiguous statement that makes it clear to everyone what the rules are. If we could only have the same for the various other 'gray areas' (like pirated traders 'jumphole-hopping' - how many is too many?) there would be a lot less aggro arising from people getting sanctioned for behaviour they honestly thought was within the rules.
No longer active online due to a dwindling amount of non-PvP (trading, pirating, mining, etc.) fun in the new version.
' Wrote:will you apply that position to everyone the same? - even if the story and everything is "established"? if you don t - why? ... and newer players might feel that they are not given a chance to establish their RP in terms of out of the ordinary ship / equipment.
will it be generalized or will each case be considered separately from each other. - if that is ... is it efficient and fair?
i cannot say i m very happy with such a point of view towards the RP of the people.
I agree, Jinx.
Part of the problem here is the blanket distinction between "lawful" and "unlawful" without regards to context. By this admin notice, I now have to give up the IMG gunboat I have as a flagship for our Bretonian revolutionary group - not because IMG has refused me for political reasons, but because IMG is "lawful" and my pirate ID and Molly tag (unfortunate necessities of game mechanics, since there's no "revolutionary" or other political underground ID and tag) clearly aren't. However, the RP political context makes sense as to why I would have it, and the RP was done in cooperation and consultation with "lawful" Bretonian players and faction leaders.
I'm not talking about Corsair weapons on an Outcast ship, or some such, but about the vast gray area that is attendant to creative RP.
Perhaps I'm overestimating the problem with my own situation, but I see this as unnecessarily restrictive.
The storys should be able to be actioned in-game. Isn't that the whole point? And the special ships ID's and reps...ect...Make the server unique, and makes others want to see what the story is (No pun intended)
Maybe install a system where, if the story is writen to allow anything out of the ordinary, to pass it by the administrators first?
There are plenty of great storys with capable role players that can pull off such great storys and make the place an interesting atmosphere to be in too.
"Three o'clock is always too late or too early for anything you want to do."
' Wrote:Personally I don't agree with this, but I think the statement makes things a lot clearer. Whatever we might think of the issue, it's far better to have a single unambiguous statement that makes it clear to everyone what the rules are. If we could only have the same for the various other 'gray areas' (like pirated traders 'jumphole-hopping' - how many is too many?) there would be a lot less aggro arising from people getting sanctioned for behaviour they honestly thought was within the rules.
I disagree. This is only possible by simplifying the context, namely Disco. I'm not interested in us doing that.
if this is a rule, ships like the Fantasia will cease to exist. I don't want to see that happen. I would also like to know if this is for ALL players or just the new ones? If it is not enforced for the old players as well then we will have problems.
There is nothing worth living for, unless it is worth dying for. -Elizabeth Elliott
The storys should be able to be actioned in-game. Isn't that the whole point? And the special ships ID's and reps...ect...Make the server unique, and makes others want to see what the story is (No pun intended)
Maybe install a system where, if the story is writen to allow anything out of the ordinary, to pass it by the administrators first?
There are plenty of great storys with capable role players that can pull off such great storys and make the place an interesting atmosphere to be in too.
yes this is a great idea and would end the confusion hehe
Ive had enough of disco for now. I might be back at the next mod release.
The Master of all things cyborg