Strange to find an Anubis in a Liberty system. But oh well.
Quote:A non-combat vessel with no faction ties is very different from a fighter known to be used almost exclusively by your sworn enemy.
You cannot limit one generic ID without limiting them all. Its hypocritical.
Quote:And I don't think they should. I've gotten into arguments with JG about their weapon mixes, and my mercenaries and bounty hunters stick with specific ships and equipment - my Hunter uses the CT series due to familiarity (besides, civilian's free-for-all), and BHG equipment. My mercenary is using a civilian ship with civilian weaponry until he gets a long-term contract, then - and only then - will he get faction weaponry.
Congratulations ... I guess you're better than the rest of us. Lets all bow to you.
Quote:Your sarcasm is both inaccurate and pointless. I'm not saying "limit pirates to fighters", I'm saying they should live with the consequences of whichever equipment they choose. I have (or rather, will soon have) a Pirate IDed Lane Hacker Gunship. Yes, I'll have a generic ID, but I fully expect enemies of the Hackers to be hostile to me.
Sarcasm is usually pointless ... its ridicule with a comedic twist.
For role play, the Pirate ID was created specifically for those that DO NOT want to be associated with a faction. A Pirate ID with no IFF makes you ... duh ... a pirate. Because we don't have generic gunboats and fighters (game limitation) we have to use what IS available. And besides, pirates usually take whatever ship they capture and convert it into a pirate vessel.
Congrats with the Hacker ship and Pirate ID. And if you want to limit yourself ... fine ... that's YOUR role ... but do not impose your idea of the Pirate ID on the community ... because I recognize the Pirate ID as being a pirate. What's the point in you having a Pirate ID in a Lane Hacker GB if you're gonna play the role of a Lane Hacker? THAT is pointless. Just get the Lane Hacker ID if you wanna do that.
Quote:Where in the hell did you get *that* from? Hell, part of why I chose the Border Worlds Transport is a self-imposed limitation.
Self-imposed limitations are fine ... but you imposing YOUR limitations on others is out of bounds. Igiss made the Pirate ID for pirates who do not want to be pirates and not part of a specific faction. You can lobby for its removal all you want ... but if the Pirate ID goes ... better get rid of the other generics ... including (and especially) the Trader ID.
Do you have a Border Worlds ID on your Border Worlds Transport? I bet you have a Trader ID and dock everywhere. No ... seriously ... I do hope you chose a Border Worlds ID and follow what the infocard lists as friends and enemies.
Quote:It's in Rheinland - Planet Nuremburg, Munich system.
Its also in Newcastle.
Quote:Seriously, Baltar, stop with these assumptions already. Or, if you're going to continue, at least make them a little more, y'know... accurate?
Hey ... not making assumptions ... just making a point. I may not know where all the ships are sold and what all the factions are the build and sell them, but at least I like to be consistent in what I say. If a Pirate is considered part of a faction that he bought his ship and/or equipment from ... so should the Trader. To say different is to be a hypocrit.
Quote:(Edit: As for your capship turrets remark... Zoner. Let's face it, basically everyone can land on a Freeport as it is, and they sell other things to anyone, so why not guns? I'm not even going to address the rest of your gunship comment, because it hits a fundamental difference of opinion that will not change.)
I'm glad you mentioned "hits a fundamental difference of opinion that will not change." Cause that's where we BOTH are. Some on Disco will agree with you and others will agree with me. We don't need to argue about it ... BUT ... don't flipping make OOC comments about it in-game. You don't like me being in a Liberty Rogue GB with Zoner and Order turrets and a Pirate ID ... I DON'T CARE ... Pirate ID gives me the right to play the role of a pirate and to fly a Liberty Rogue GB ... AND ... I can fly it in Sigma 13. But do NOT call me OORP for doing so simply because YOU limit yourself.
Liberty, Zoner, Order, Rheinland, Corsair and many other turrets are sold on Zoner and Junker bases. Yes ... you can buy Oder turrets on a Junker base. Yes you can buy Liberty turrets on Rogue bases. And yes anyone can buy a Zoner turret on a Zoner base. Since pirates can dock on Junker, Zoner and Rogue bases ... they can buy them. Oh yeah ... the Pirate ID can be bought on any of the major bad guy bases.
Drop the "my way or the highway" attitude and let folks be a LITTLE creative and enjoy a LITTLE freedom. Everybody's the ultra-liberal when it comes to the Trader ID and then you've got a few that wanna be ultra-controlling of the Pirate ID. Give it a rest ... I'm tired of these ridiculous posts about the Pirate ID.
But if Igiss eventually gets rid of the Pirate ID ... I do hope he drops the Trader ID as well. I'd like to see more Planetform, Kishiro, DSE, Republic Shippers, Daumann, BMM, IMG, GMG and all those other ID's that are presently NOT being used. And why is that? Because nobody role plays when they trade. They use the traders for building up their cash to purchase the battle cruisers and such. At least the Pirate ID has a purpose ... to hunt Traders.
EDIT: Meant to say Liberty Rogue GB ... see highlight above.
' Wrote:Strange to find an Anubis in a Liberty system. But oh well.
Its also in Newcastle.
I DON'T CARE ... Pirate ID gives me the right to play the role of a pirate and to fly a Liberty GB ... AND ... I can fly it in Sigma 13. But do NOT call me OORP for doing so simply because YOU limit yourself.
First off... Kurile is Samura's planet... that Kusari space.
Second off... Newcastle sells the Large train, not advanced... (that's why we at BMM don't have one)
Third off... try it out and see, you'll be flamed so fast that you'll be happy when the sanction report finaly place in you bastile so you can get away from all rule lawyers. Lib GB is sold on a lawful planet. As a pirate you cannot land on a lawful planet. Id clearly says police is your enemy... and most planets are owned by the police...
Get your facts straight. Join a pirating faction LR or OPG, before venturing out on your own...
Donate to the Poor Pilot's Fundation via Sirius Bank /givecash GreenHawk 1000000 now, and support poor pilots sirius wide!
Skype: jure.grbec
My primary char: Jose El Nino - Corsair Elder captain of the SS Greenhawk
Currently Inactive due to pursuit of life long dreams, will be back...*edited* As promised am back.
The regular Pirate ID can be used in the manner where you're tied to a faction, but not a part of it, to my understanding. Say, a Titan with Salamancas, Tizonas, and a Corsair tag, but a Pirate ID: he would not be a born Corsair, but at the least Corsairs supply him, si?
Wrong, you can be a pirate with no do not have to be tied to any pirate faction.
For pure pirating, go with either the Rogues or the Corsairs, but there is a lot more to do here than just pirate.
This server is built off of an ideal that makes it more than just "You trader, give me money or I will kill you!" Here there is an opportunity to truly become whatever role you choose to be. Instead of just making a generic lawful or unlawful person, who has a very basic role, why not make your character something truly special, and join a not-so-cut-and-dry faction, even as an independent? I will promise you, the enjoyment you get out of it will be far greater than a cut-and-dry lawful or unlawful.
But, of course, I'm not forcing you to do anything.
[8:32:45 PM] Dusty Lens: Oh no, let me get that. Hello? Oh it's my grandma. She says to be roleplay.
[12:49:19 AM] Elgatodiablo: You know its nice that you have all that proof and all, Bacon... but I just don't believe you.
' Wrote:First off... Kurile is Samura's planet... that Kusari space.
Second off... Newcastle sells the Large train, not advanced... (that's why we at BMM don't have one)
Third off... try it out and see, you'll be flamed so fast that you'll be happy when the sanction report finaly place in you bastile so you can get away from all rule lawyers. Lib GB is sold on a lawful planet. As a pirate you cannot land on a lawful planet. Id clearly says police is your enemy... and most planets are owned by the police...
Get your facts straight. Join a pirating faction LR or OPG, before venturing out on your own...
Sorry ... note the time I posted ... 1am ... I was thinking somewhere else ... but I do believe you can buy one in Liberty somewhere. Anyway ... don't type mad at 1am.
As for your #3 ... that was a typo on my part ... another effect of typing mad at 1am. It was supposed to read "Liberty Rogue GB" ... mistakenly left out the "Rogue" part. I'll correct it after responding here.
' Wrote:You're the one who brought it up. Hell, I was practically agreeing with you there, and this is the reaction I get?
Screw that.
You first. You're clearly unwilling to actually read any post that even slightly disagrees with you, so I'm done here.
Lighten up Thexare ... I was typing mad at 1am. I was half asleep and ticked off at some of the stuff I've been reading. What did you actually agree with me on? Reason I ask is NOBODY agrees with me ... or at least very few do ... so I kinda get surprised now and then.
I read what folks write ... just not smart enough to respond when I'm well rested and capable of comprehending.
I hate to get in the middle of this, but lets take it to PM, guys. Unless you have something to say regarding Pirates directly related to this person's question, I believe it has been adequately answered. This argument appears to have strayed far from the original question of "What faction is best for pure piracy?"
[8:32:45 PM] Dusty Lens: Oh no, let me get that. Hello? Oh it's my grandma. She says to be roleplay.
[12:49:19 AM] Elgatodiablo: You know its nice that you have all that proof and all, Bacon... but I just don't believe you.