ok are there any factions that inslave or use robot labor more then human labor? ive been discussing a faction idea with athenian. and i ..sorta based the diplomacy a bit oddly so with this info i can make it better.
O and athenian the reason i didnt put kusari into put the ZOI is because i asummed they didnt use robots much due to there high and mighty attitude atleast as how i see it anyway.
Ive had enough of disco for now. I might be back at the next mod release.
The Master of all things cyborg
that could have been replyed to more nicely anyway did i say i was going to make it? it was an idea anyway the information reguarding this would be great
Ive had enough of disco for now. I might be back at the next mod release.
The Master of all things cyborg
Anyway, all I know about this topic is that, according to a BLS member I occasionally smuggled with, Malta requires human labor for Cardi picking because the atmosphere renders robots inoperable. The obvious conclusion is that most other factions regularly use robots for menial tasks.
However, various factions (the most prominent example being the Xenos) exist due to their blue-collar jobs being taken by foreigners, and the Texan economy relies on prison labor, so human workers are definitely still very widespread. Besides, all the NPCs one meets outside of automated (Baxter or Gammu, for example) and/or GC bases (GC only because all vendor models are male; likely an OORP rationale) are human.
I couldn't come to any definite conclusion, but I'd say robot labor isn't generally all that widespread. The human uproar at being cast out to starve in favor of a machine would likely be too great, anyway.
Robots are found all around Sirius. Alot of them control the docking on stations and planets. We use robot labor on the smelter but they are not slaves. I cannot think of any faction or group that uses robot slaves. I would think hostile or barren planets would use robot labor the most. Pittsburg for example.
' Wrote:Robots are found all around Sirius. Alot of them control the docking on stations and planets. We use robot labor on the smelter but they are not slaves. I cannot think of any faction or group that uses robot slaves. I would think hostile or barren planets would use robot labor the most. Pittsburg for example.
As a matter of fact, robots only control the docking on the most inhospitable bases in the game, where regular humans likely can't or won't do the job; Edge and Nomad Worlds, the furthest Corsair and Outcast bases, that sort of thing. In more "civilized" locations, the dockmasters/mistresses are all human.
Check the thread in which Igiss has requested screenshots from the various bases and observe the factions which bases have a stronger robot presence. Maybe that's a good head start on the subject. Next thing try and check the rumors for that faction. However, I'm uncertain as to the existence of any text regarding this specific issue (robot usage), but who knows?.
' Wrote:...
We use robot labor on the smelter but they are not slaves. I cannot think of any faction or group that uses robot slaves.
It's even strange to apply the term to a machine if you don't first consider it to be a sentient being with volition. That is, if you are using the term "slave" to describe someone that is being controlled against its will. If not, the term applies, but it's also very general. I could say that the washing machine at home is a slave, because it is the property of and wholly subject to myself, but it would also be a rather strong qualification for a simple relationship.
' Wrote:As a matter of fact, robots only control the docking on the most inhospitable bases in the game, where regular humans likely can't or won't do the job; Edge and Nomad Worlds, the furthest Corsair and Outcast bases, that sort of thing. In more "civilized" locations, the dockmasters/mistresses are all human.
That probably because of a labor deal the governments have with the local unions :P
Funnily enough a robot runs the docking ring on Malta. I think that since in surius colonization is still a major priority and the number of worlds that are inhabited but still being teraformed, that robot labor is wide spread. As well as human labor. That despite the billions of humans that live in Surius there are nearly a hundred plus inhabited worlds. Not to mention stations and ships. I think the robots would be just a big a part since breeding is slow and training is slower.
So consider planetary capacity when we have more than 5 billion here on earth and Surius has a hundred worlds at least.
There doesnt seem to be any reference to cloneing so, I dont think thats happening. I would also not see Kusari as non robot. After all can a robot or a hammer be Giajin? Where would they draw the line do they only use thier hands and hands since those are the only tools that cant be linked to another culture? I think they are just concerned about the people.
Also I dont think corporations would worry to much about labor riots over useing robots, after all robots require tech to maintain and since when has any topic taken priority over profit for a corporation?
hehe i was waiting for you scorn to post being leader of the harvesters you would know probably ALOT more about this then i do. Anyway ill do some research and see if robot workers are more concentrated in some areas and focus on the factions that run those areas. when i make the faction anyway.. most likely in a month or so
Ive had enough of disco for now. I might be back at the next mod release.
The Master of all things cyborg