Well i hope this was not because of my incident with Liberty last night, with my order char. I will admit though i was harrassed for a week straight,and called OORP a dozen time's, for fighting liberty NPC's.
Sadly i already scrapped my order char due to all the harrassment, and "orders" not to fight liberty forces.
Damn, no pretty colors.. Anyway, I agree with this wholeheartedly. I never liked to see LN and Bs| saying in system chat of NY that some Order character was not allowed to.. Shoot the Navy, which is completely contradictory to the faction's own reputation list that shows the Navy as dead hostile..
Damn, no pretty colors.. Anyway, I agree with this wholeheartedly. I never liked to see LN and Bs| saying in system chat of NY that some Order character was not allowed to.. Shoot the Navy, which is completely contradictory to the faction's own reputation list that shows the Navy as dead hostile..
If it's hardcoded into the game, does that mean Liberty and the Order can NEVER have a cease-fire agreement and that the reps will never change?
Carlos Rivera: Corsair Brotherhood Pirate - Retired, shifted to Tripoli Shipyard's Research and Development engineering teams Anthony Cameron: Guild Core Bounty Hunter - Killed in Action, committed suicide after being trapped in Omicron Minor following its destruction Juan Ruiz: Outcast Ghost of Razgriz Pirate - Killed in Action, killed by the Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army during Bretonian piracy raid Michael Winchester: Liberty Security Force Agent - Missing in Action, likely killed during Rheinland espionage mission or trapped in Rheinland Space Eric McCormick: Order Pilot - Retired, shifted to planetside training of new recruits
' Wrote:If it's hardcoded into the game, does that mean Liberty and the Order can NEVER have a cease-fire agreement and that the reps will never change?
Think of the implications of such a treaty.
The Order have three main enemies - Nomads, Liberty, and the BHG.
People are whining that the BHG really have no purpose to fight the Order (despite the infocard that says that they are doing so to gain access to the deep Edge worlds and Nomad tech), and if that passes as well as a Liberty treaty (which they're hostile with due to the fact that they believe the LSF/LN experiment with Nomads), then they'd have one enemy - the Nomads, which have a very small player faction.
Now, did you see what happened to the Mollies after they signed the treaty with Bretonia? They practically died off. There are very few well-RP'd Zoners.
Conflict moves this game. Without any enemies, a faction will die. The Order would die.