Angus has it spot on. Actually Tenacity kinda gets the point as well. Whoever you are whatever you are flying you are responsible for your own RP. You also have the right not to have RP contrary to yours force fed to you for OORP reasons. However if RP is being conducted and it's all going well I suspect we'll receive no sanction reports regarding it. If someone is acting like a jerk and starts saying things OOC that countermand the original diplomacy then something is wrong and we will no doubt be notified. Now cease this discussion and run along and play the game. I'm sure you can figure out when and how it's appropriate to tell someone that the Order doesn't really fly into Liberty to kick the locals anymore or whatever current non-disco diplomacy may be going on.
Oh and
-Reverend Del
Addendum: Stoat is wise. Listen to him.
Saint Del is considered a holy healer of diseases of children, but also as a protector of cattle.
I have to admit I'm guilty of blaming the faction for the actions of an indie, in that thing with Sir Franco, who was shooting at Gateway ships near the New York->California jump gate. He had a police tag, so I used the Diplomatic Matters channel to write a sternly-worded letter to the LPI. Turned out he was an indoe with an LPI tag.
...In fairness, I maintain that's what my character would have done anyway.
So like..few questions and uhm, points. I see LN being pulled into this one a lot, who signed the treaty with the order? Considering I only signed the one with Tenabras, so he's allowed to stay in Liberty and assist if necessary, and I'm pretty sure no one else did from the high command. Second, I agree with Tenacity, although his methods of saying this are rather...not polite, then again, I'm not a polite person either. The admin notice is correct in general, but does not affect anything currently going on between the LN or the Order, I mean how can you even force others to RP what you want in this? If they don't RP what we want we kill them...and guess what, that's exactly what we're supposed to do anyway in our proper "server accepted hardcore" RP. So this entire notice is rather void unless it is directed mainly at other factions. Considering it has Navy and Order in the title and not any other, I'm slightly puzzled. But anyway, main question, who actually signed that treaty? I just saw it pop up a few days ago and didn't get much info on it.
The treaty tenabras (stewcool) posted is the same one we're talking about now, it's just undergone a few clarifying changes.
The original treaty was only regarding the tenabras, as a ship to be allowed into liberty so it could help deal with nomads. Since then, it's been altered a bit (primarily by myself) into more of a general cease fire between liberty and order players - not as some powerplaying scheme, but because it was needed. As i've said prior, we cant fight 3 factions that all outnumber and outgun us, all at the same time. We're having a lot more encounters with the keepers and bounty hunter players lately, and it's very stressful trying to deal with both of those and then having liberty ships pop into minor and start attacking us as well.
To that end, I used stewcool's original treaty as a basis for something a bit more widespread but clearer - we dont go into liberty, liberty doesnt come here, and all will be fine. Simple as that, it isnt an alliance or a truce of any kind, we're just respecting the other faction's borders so we can (hopefully) trust liberty not to invade our territory in the short term.
I also never said that it was permanent - things change, nothing is permanent. It's a temporary cease fire so that we can deal with the bounty hunter and keeper issues at hand without worrying about a fourth party being involved to skew things even further against the order.
So far, it's been respected by the majority of players on both sides of the conflict. There have been a -ton- of liberty indies (and even a few faction members) who have decided to stroll into omicron minor though, using the treaty as some sort of premise that they can go wherever they want now - I re-posted the terms yesterday because of that confusion.
Order ships that go into liberty without the permission of the navy/lsf are fair game for any liberty ships to attack. Liberty ships that come into order space without the permission of myself, tenabras, or black squadron leaders are fair game for any order ships to attack. We're not changing the way the base diplomacy/storyline here is handled - we're just trying to keep incidents with liberty forces to a minimum.
Hmm, thanks for clarifying that. Well in general I don't mind this, when 2 sides are at war for a long time, they do deserve and probably both want a break, even if it is a short one. About the indies, well...a new thing came to my mind, if I order them not to go there, and they disobey, I can pretty much charge them for not listening orders and kill them, thanks to predetermined RP in Liberty. And now, if I do that, it seems I'm also in violation of the admin set rules because I would "Prevent" them from roleplaying this how they want, its a nice paradox, ain't it?
Edit: Just one extra thing, if those are LN faction members going into Minor, please send me their names along with any evidence you might have, they're strictly forbidden to go there since...forever? It's pretty much an instant kick from the faction.
Quote:And now, if I do that, it seems I'm also in violation of the admin set rules because I would "Prevent" them from roleplaying this how they want, its a nice paradox, ain't it?
yes, and that's what I'm arguing about here.
Independents take orders from no one, do not claim responsibility for their own actions, and quite often go completely against the standard behavior of other members of their faction (affiliation, rather). They've got nobody to look up to for guidance or orders, and nobody to look down on them and keep them in line.
If the factions cant make sure independents are playing the way they should, and nobody else can, they're going to run amok and start causing chaos everywhere they go.
like I said, generally I'm pro-independent, I dont like how factions run things much of the time, but I've seen both sides of the coin now and frankly... there are a lot of indy players that just dont know a damn thing about proper RP for their affiliation, and it is extremely frustrating when other players whine to official factions about some independent going off the wall when the official factions arent able to do anything about it without getting sanctioned.
That post is a clarificaiton of the original one posted by stewcool. Stewcool's post was extremely confusing and lead to a lot of incidents that could have been otherwise avoided if it were worded more appropriately. My post you've linked to is the same terms, more or less, but easier to understand. Go find stewcool's original treaty, it has the signatures.
Also, Grimly, a note, no signatures for this or anything, but that's not what is discussed here, seems everyone is aware of the treaty, whether it was signed or not. Can't really change much about it now, aside from living with the consequences^^ Besides, it's a good thing, and a fresh plot with RP possibilities.