I'm entering my ship class huntress in to the register
My huntress will be used for defend my beloved home system Gamma and help other corsairs
in neighbourhood
My special mission is to defend young corsairs from Bounty Hunters who killed my family.
This is =Spike_Spiegel= captain of the =War1ord_Hunt3r=
iam here to register my cruiser.
Ship: the Praefect Class
Name: =War1ord_Hunt3r=
My ship encountered a slight atk. by some lane Hackers and encrypted a code in my name. this caused much confussion amongest the other corsair and allies.
**Encoding transmission**
**Transmissions Origin: Planet Crete**
**Transmission sent by ][Kucht][**
**Subject of Transmission: Cruiser Registration**
Greetings Corsair Elders
This is Cpt. ][Kucht][ Alvares reporting
Tripoli Shipyard led another Masterpiece of Corsairian work into the depths of Sirius.
After many years of improvement our engineers got the final constructin plans of a new model of our beatiful "Praefect Cruiser". It's got the newest technologies in Weapon and Armour applied.
With a much stronger hull and an improved Power Generator based on the new Technology of "Cold Fusion" (explaining that would expand this message to utopic lenght) it is prepared for all kinds of combat missions and can stay in space for a very long time. The Extended Cargo Bay has been equipped with the newest freezing systems so that food can be stored there 'til Judgement Day.
Such a big ship surely needs a huge crew....... So Cpt. Kucht (me) recruited a crew of the 500 best men of Crete. All of them have been recruited from Crete Space Academy and graduated "summa cum laude".
I also got the famous cook Ferran Adri?, which is known to be the best in Omicron and Omega.
So remember and honor the name of this fearsome Cruiser which is called the -->>ArchEnemy<<--
At this Moment the -->>ArchEnemy<<-- is located at the Docks of Crete and is undergoing some final field tests. But ready for war everytime.
The -->>ArchEnemy<<-- has the mission to protect all Corsairian Systems especially our beloved home-planet Crete. This Cruiser has also Permission to leave Corsairian space in case of war or if some of our brothers call for help.
Ship Owner: ][Kucht][
Ship Class: "Praefect" Cruiser
Ship ID: -->>ArchEnemy<<--
ZoI: primary: Orbit of Crete secondary: Omicron Gamma and surrounding systems
2 Cruiser Battle Razors
2 Cerberus Cruiser Turrets
2 Basic Missile Launcher (one at the top and one at the Bottom)
6 Order Cruiser Turrets Mk I
+ Reinforced CD
Also installed a Cruiser Gravitron Shield
and an Cap Ship Thruster
and an Adv. Cargo Scanner
**Incoming Transmission**
**Transmissions Origin: Planet Crete**
**Transmission sent by ][Kucht][**
**Subject of Transmission: Cruiser Registration**
After the final Field-Tests it came clear that there is no need for such a vast crew. Internal Systems are running better than expected. The Cruisers performance is about 200% higher than calculated. Tripolis enginers did more than their best and assembled another huge death-dringing masterpiece.
Cpt. Kucht Alvares himself gave the order to bring 150 Crew-Members back home to Crete. The -->>ArchEnemy<<-- is now ready and waiting for instructions.
Source: Corsair Guard - Division of Special Operations
Name: Elder Juan Tweest
Greetings fellow Corsairs and Elders. It has come to my attention that the previous database containing all Corsair ship registrations was lost. This is most unfortunate and i am glad to see that the majority of the information has been retrieved. However, it seems you have "misplaced" the Classified data on two of the vessels under my command and this has led to a problem i will clarify below. Hopefully you understand the seriousness of this breach in security and or the incompetance of the officer that was in charge of the database.
Our Preafect Class Cruiser (Corsair ID/Guard IFF) has recently been attacked twice by OPG members claiming that the ship is not registered. The names and the orders of our ships are Classified and therefore very little information can be made public. The captain of this ship has also made me aware that certain individuals have been harassing him and interfering with his standing order to protect Corsair space from all outsiders and in some cases from its own people when they interfere with the said protection of Corsair space. This will not be tolerated and any further hostilities will be met with a quick and decisive response.
End Transmission
OOC: I don't know what the problem is of "some" OPG members (we have NEVER had any problems from TBH or Benitez), but this is getting very annoying to log in to have fun and play a game only to be attacked by "supposedly" OUR OWN PEOPLE and then have to argue with them about this registration crap (while tripoly is being attacked) when we were allready registered in-game through TBH and have been playing the characters off and on for over 8 months. Very UNFUN! So from now on, ships under my "command" will now open fire on and attempt to destroy any ship that fires on us without permission. Keep it up and ill take the next step by filing a pictorial report to the Autonomus Division of Management and Interstellar Navigation Service. I'm posting this rant here so all can see it and we will take this action because arguing/rp'ing with "these poeple" in-game is apparently useless and a waste of our time. PM me if you have any other questions or gripes. Thank You.
The hero of this little story, our brave clerky McGoo, sits at his office desk once again. Ready to chew through another load of paperwork. Flexing his hands and cracking his knuckles he gets to work. He quickly adds a few cruisers, nothing special there, and then... What on earth was this?
Elder Juan Tweest? He quickly checked the weekeepedia logs on the current Council, he found no such Elder. Skimming through the message, the vertical distance between his eyebrows grew further apart with each line he read. A 'classified' registration? Ain't that some fancy way of saying he ain't registered properly?
Looks like there's some idiot or other pretending to be an Elder, claiming he's registered a ship under a classified name, then crying about it when people attack his ship when they don't know it's been 'classifiedishlylike registered'.... Clerky McGoo didn't know what to make of this, so he sent it through to the Council, let them handle it. After the transmission was confirmed, his left index finger quickly hit the delete key, and he left for lunch.
From: LordRaviel, Praefact Cruiser Providence, Yaren Base, Omicron Delta
To: Capital Ship Registry, Omicron Gamma
This is Corsair and OPG pilot LordRaviel requesting the commission and captaincy of an Osiris class battleship for reasons outlined below.
It has been some time since I received command of the Praefect Cruiser Providence and I am pleased to report that my efforts to repel the bounty hunters from Gamma have been more successful as a result.
Due to the number of new Titan and Praetorian pilots and those moving on to the M26 Gunboat, the cruisers use was becoming more limited to defense from direct attacks on Crete. Due to this I sought out a new post at Yaren base and following the 2 weeks I have spent here I have found both the base and Kappa Jump Hole severely under protected, add to that the increasing Bounty Hunter presence at Freeport 11 and I believe we could have a problem.
Although the cruisers presence is deterring the Fighters, Gunships and some Bombers of S/D and unaffiliated Bounty Hunters the occasionally larger groups, Destroyers and even Battlecruisers have broken through and and attacked Yaren or proceeded to Gamma. I believe the solution would be for me to remain at the base and request the commission of an Osiris Battleship to take the place of the Providence in this key area in order to deter and combat these increasing threats.
I thank you for considering this request.
***Message Sent***
Matthew Yates(LordRaviel) - Corsair [OPG]-LordRaviel.. Raven's Tallon VHF [OPG]-LordRaviel. M26 Corsair Gunboat [OPG]-LordRaviel Praetorian Bomber [OPG]-LordRaviel' Pirate Transport