Approval takes one week (7 days) from the moment when the thread is posted and made visible (approved by moderator). All threads are pre-moderated to prevent obviously incomplete/irrelevant threads from appearing. Posts (comments) in those threads are not pre-moderated.
During approval, players who have concerns about certain setup might voice their doubts. I recommend not to post anything unless you have important reasons to. I also recommend not to interfere when the characters has nothing in common with the faction(s) you are involved with, and when you know nothing about the player who posts the request.
Please DO NOT post approvals ("Yes it's OK with me" in any form). Only administrators should do such thing.
If no motivated negative posts are seen after 7 days, the character is automatically considered to be approved. If there are such posts, administrator may delay approval until everything is fixed, or make the thread invisible (disapprove). If none of the administrators interfere due to lack of time within the specified time limit, character's author is advised to contact any of the server admins and remind about the request.
Note that 7 days last since the day when thread was made visible by moderator, not from the day when it was posted. Moderator approval should be relatively fast.
Server administrators may post their approval earlier than in 7 days.
If the player does not follow requirements posted in his/her own thread, violates server rules, or abuses his/her new status, the approval is revoked, and the thread made invisible again.
Now I would like to bring this up for a reason. Like just about everyone else, I have been keeping an eye on the special character requests section to keep up with who is doing what and why. Now I have personaly noted a lot of people going on with this like "Oh yeah, I like this guy and his rp" or "its cool with me". Ok, mabey not in so few words, but you all understand my meaning.
Now, as everyone can clearly see above, Igiss said do not post little approveal things like the short worded examples. People, if we are not posting clear reasons why we would have issues with a player and the special character then dont. The admins are the only ones to say its good or not good. Our input should be limited to the problems we would see with the character being requested or for player clarifications on issues with that character, not any personal approvals.
"The admins are the only ones to say it's good or not good"
The admins are not all knowing gods, they are players just like anyone else here (or were, before they became admins and had to deal with sanctions 24/7 leaving them no time to actually have fun). There is no possible way that ANYONE here can know anything and everything about all faction relations and infocards, etc. etc. in this mod. Even Igiss cant possibly know everything - that's why there are development TEAMS for each version, and not just one person making all the changes and hoping to not screw up.
While the admins do have a lot of say in whether or not a special character is acceptable, I think it is more heavily weighed on the opinion of the players which will interact with that special character.
' Wrote:Was that really necessary. I'll that does is degenerate this into flames. He makes a very good point, no need for being snide.
Apologies. I just find it hypocritical when someone goes on about how people are not posting well in the Special Characters Forum when they themselves waltz into a thread in the Special Characters forum and declare that you need to write up a story even though the person's thread has one linked and then they go on about why a character needs that request without reading the thread.
Well, the admins do shut some special requests down without giving the community the option on voting, and I think that speaks poorly of their process.
' Wrote:Well, the admins do shut some special requests down without giving the community the option on voting, and I think that speaks poorly of their process.
' Wrote:Well, the admins do shut some special requests down without giving the community the option on voting, and I think that speaks poorly of their process.
That's because some requests are stupid enough that they should never see the light of day.
' Wrote:That's because some requests are stupid enough that they should never see the light of day.
Perhaps, in fact although some I suspect would label several of the crazed half machine alien mutant killer ones that way, I would consider it rather lowbrow to say it openly.
But it still should be up to the community as a whole, who have the right to object as described in the rules, rather than a single admins dislike of characters that are not crazed half machine alien mutant killers or whatever else his personal taste is.