' Wrote:Edit: On the other hand, I do get your point. Oftentimes people are far too quick to shoot as soon as they see a legal reason to do so. If someone isn't shooting at you (or someone you should help), and they're not a trader/smuggler trying to escape, spend a minute or two chatting with them before you decide to blow them away (or maybe NOT decide to blow them away, just for a change of pace). I saw people rush to attack an unarmed ship just because it was Rogue tagged/ID'd, while he sat there and tried to RP with them. I feel for ya, Archelon.
Thank you Drake. Don't know who's more passionate, Baltar or Hyung Soong. Well. I've already traded my ID for a Civilian ID. I'm gonna keep my level below 40. I'm getting tired of all the crap. Everybody's trigger happy. My Atalawohisdi character was destroyed 3 times by 3 different people in New York in under 30 minutes. All 3 times I was level 38 or 39. The guys that destroyed my ship were an [LN], a =LSF= and a Liberty Indie. All three came at me in the same way. They all stated ENGAGING HOSTILE before opening fire. I tried to say that I'm non-hostile but my pleas went unanswered. Too many people have blood thirsty characters. Nobody is willing to stop me and ask me what I'm doing there. They see me on radar 14k away and cruise up to me. Before they are even in scan range to determine my ID they're stating "Rogue spotted" or "hostile spotted." They drop from cruise and the guns start up. Soooo I now have a Civilian ID and will maintain a Civilian ID. I'm on my way now to get a non-Rogue ship and will probably sell all my weapons. I have no intention of adjusting my IFF and really do not care what others have to say about it.
You can either accept Atalawohisdi of the Nayehiya or you can go ahead with your blood lust PVP attacks on me. Its your choice. But if you wanna role play with me you'll need to open your mouth and not your guns.
Baltar, believe it or not, I'm trying to support you.
Don't. Let. Anyone. Dictate. How. You. Should. RP.
Including me.
If you can't RP in Liberty get out of it.
Dont let them stop you from RPing the way you want to.
If you can't RP the way you want to in Liberty then go
somewhere were they DO RP with you the way you want.
It's that simple.
If you want a cap ship, then get one. No one can stop you.
If you want to RP a merc then do so. Just understand the RP
that others can AND DO do. Every person can "PVP" as long as
you have more than a little RP justification beforehand.
Edit: The Alaska thing has been done to death. It's supposedly the most secure gate.
A mere trader/smuggler wont be able to use it (based on FL vanilla) since they dont have the codes.
(And because of the guards that are supposed to be there)
Edit2: As long as you obey server rules and the intention of the NPC faction,
You can do pretty much anything you want.
Sovereign Wrote:Seek fun and you shall find it. Seek stuff to Q_Q about and you'll find that, too. I choose to have fun.
' Wrote:Well, there's a difference between saying something is OORP, and killing someone for doing something that would cause your character to want to kill them. If the LN bans something, then they have the right to destroy violators of the ban, but they don't have the right to call someone OORP for violating the ban.
I did not "do" anything. Baltar was a mercenary. I would park him next to Newark Station and advertise my services to escort traders. Next I would see a Liberty Juggernaut or other capship fly up and open fire on me for being there.
Quote:And don't forget that unlawfuls are supposed to have a hard time, especially in House space. They aren't running things for a reason: the Houses are more powerful than they are, so they have to be careful with their unlawfulness. This makes sense.
Baltar was NOT an unlawful. Worst case, I was neutral. *SIGH* What we have is a single faction (actually 2 or 3 people) in complete control of 1/3 of what goes on in Discoland. About 90% of all activity on Disco occurs in Liberty (actually New York). So ... when [LN] makes a declaration it affects everyone. You want to have fun on this server ... ask [LN] for permission first. You wanna role play something that will be acceptable ... run it by Tenacity, Hyung, Akumabito and Orin. They're always telling me how wrong I am about everything. And they seem to have all the facts about role play.
So Alistev ... ignore everything I've said ... listen only to these folks and you'll grow to love Disco role play (especially if you choose to be lawful).
Quote:Alaska may have been opened, but it's more likely so that Liberty and the Order can have at it without one or the other having to fly half way around Sirius to get to the other. Not to open a quick highway for everyone to use, which makes little sense. Not saying it's necessarily OORP, but I can see arguments for it. Omicron-100 is the Order guard system. They can do whatever they want to anyone who enters, and neither you nor anyone else has any room to complain about it. OORP? Well, if you're already an experienced explorer of the Omicrons, then perhaps not, but the Order is certainly within their rights (and should) destroy anyone who decides to make a habit of wandering through.
Ah ... thanks for that clarification. Role play in Alaska is only permitted between [LN] and Bs|. Gotcha ... I always wondered why Igiss opened Alaska. Now I know.
I don't mind them declaring smuggling illegal on this route ... but I do object with them calling it OORP simply because they say so and because they've got the firepower to back it up.
Quote:And most people do consider the diamond/niobium run to be pretty OORP for most traders, especially when they use the jumphole shotcut(s).
I consider it OORP as well ... but instead of initiating a thread about OORP traders, I chose to pirate these traders. And then we get the bounty hunters defending these traders in capships. Oh well ... big ships with big guns and friends win again.
Quote:With the continual problem of mercenaries-behaving-badly (and most did, from what I hear), it makes far more sense to ban them entirely than it does to place bounties on the bad ones. They'd have been placing bounties constantly. Why throw money at a problem without fixing it when you can instead rid yourself of the problem completely? And I'm pretty sure there was a Freelancer ban at one point, at least in some place(s). Don't know what happened with that.
Well ... I guess the big ships with big guns and friends win here too. Liberty allows Mandalorians ... and Liberty tried to force me into joining them or the Jupiter Guild. I wanted an independent merc but oh well ... death to me. Baltar accepted escort missions for 10k to 100k per system I escorted them through. Didn't make much money but had good role play goin on. That is until I escorted a trader INTO New York one day. I escorted this trader (while grouped) all the way to Manhattan. Then I see the capships swarm around me. I explained that I was grouped with a trader and was escorting him to Manhattan. They didn't care cause I was a merc when a merc ban was in place. Oh ... and this was after I was accepted and then the band came back. You just cannot win unless you are chums with the leaders of Liberty. It doesn't matter what your ID is ... your role play is in jeopardy if you are not one of them. Even the Mandalorians were attacked once while supporting the Liberty Navy hunt down a hostile near Zone 21.
I really don't care anymore ... and I don't care what people think anymore ... nothing will change. Liberty will continue to place their pleasure above others. They will continue to attack anything showing red on radar. Heck ... even if you show up green or white on their radar and they scan your ID and somehow determine they don't like that ID on that particular day ... tough ... sad to be you. Cause you're about to be swarmed.
Enjoy Alistev ... if you do not like tension ... might wanna stick with single player.
My god, Baltar. Will you please stop playing martyr?
You deleted your merc because he got blown up a few times by the LN? Give me a break. You need to learn to persevere and deal with things as they come, not whine and complain after something doesn't go your way. Guess what?
Life sucks.
Sirius sucks too. That's just how it is. How did I feel when my Outcast friend got ganked by 7 Naval ships including a Dreadnought last night? He had no chance whatsoever. Did I come onto the forums whining that he had no chance to RP and just got whored to death? No, guess what I did?
I RPed it out!
That's right, I used my character's disdain for the lawfuls' mass force mindset. It went great, actually.
But that's besides the point. You're a complete ignorant if you're going to sit by Newark with a ban in place. I have a Freelancer who flies a Nephthys. If I'm seen by a lawful, they go off on me with: "Where did you get that ship?" and "Leave now.". So what do I do? If I want to do escort, I sit by Rochester and adverstise from there. It's so pathetic that you would give up on your RP character so quickly just because you feel wronged by the big guy. Please, save it. If you want to throw in the RP towel because everything isn't perfect for you, fine, but don't preach your crap to new players. I'm really sick of this garbage from you.
I'm not saying Baltar was one of the bad mercs, I just said that many (perhaps most) were. He got punished for the transgressions of the rest of your type. Merc factions managed to make special deals for everyone under their banner, but it's more difficult to do that as an independent (or the LN just might not have bothered).
And Alaska is primarily there for LSF, Order, and Nomads. Just like Eta is primarily there for the Outcasts and Corsairs, though it's not tightly secured like Alaska is. And a smuggling route is not RP by itself. Do you have a reason why your smuggler even knows about Alaska? If you do, do you have a reason why he would risk the most tightly secured system in Sirius when he could spend 10 minutes on a safer route with less chance of getting caught and/or killed?
Faction power and big ships don't determine RP. The BHG capships may protect the OORP traders on the diamond/niobium run, but that doesn't make that in-RP. Likewise, even if the Order and Liberty factions never bothered to stop people using Alaska as an Omicron-highway, that wouldn't make it good RP for anyone to use it just because they can without repercussions. Liberty banning mercs doesn't make it OORP to play one in Liberty or anywhere else, it just makes it harder to survive as a merc in Liberty. Move elsewhere, or try (try doesn't mean it will work) to make a deal with the LN (in writing on the forums is best), or start working for the unlawfuls AGAINST Liberty, or do whatever to adapt. Liberty was being constantly assaulted by mercs playing lawful then attacking, so they adapted.
You know, this is so blatantly off topic. Alistev asked whether or not a few ships were OORP.
The Hacker in a BDGB is a little off. In RP, he wouldn't have access to that. That said, I don't know for sure if he could get any sanction for that.
Now let's let this die. People just don't agree with your "all is lost" attitude, Baltar. You really need to learn to buck up. If you do, your RP will grow. Until then, stop trying to preach your gloom and doom.
I hearby promote Drake to my PR officer.
I think I need help on that.
I'm sorry I came across as attacking you Baltar.
The fact was, I was trying (yet again) to get you to see what your doing.
I don't know how to be any other way but brutally honest.
I'm trying and learning though.
The fact is, irrespective of circumstances you need to find your own fun in Disco.
Someone, no mattter what you do, will think that you are being OoRP.
That's why I hate the term so bandied about so freely.
Far better to not concern yourself with what other people think and
just RP have fun correct?
When you said you dont care anymore, I was like "Right on!" - you are almost getting there.
But you still need to grow a thicker skin. For your own good.
It's what I've been trying to say to you since quite awhile ago.
It comes down to this. Find your own fun, and protect it for all its worth, not on the forums but ingame.
Yoda has like... what..50 odd posts? But hes quite well known for being a Rper.
And despite his importation of a Jedi char, he does it well within Sirius, within Disco server rules and within his chosen NPC faction.
There are Many MANY ways of dealing with any circumstance you find
yourself, but coming onto the forums and trying to get people to change
isnt going to do diddle. Stick to RP ingame.
I hope i did better to you on this post.
Sovereign Wrote:Seek fun and you shall find it. Seek stuff to Q_Q about and you'll find that, too. I choose to have fun.
@ Orin Hasting: Well ... I guess I invited you to this band wagon. Jump aboard. My merc was deleted because I could not gain support for my role play. I tried to run a trader escort service and SA/LSF/LN/whatever they were/are declared the merc ban. I could not role play whatsoever as the merc I wanted to be because I was on the kill list for being a merc. All traders eventually end up in New York. So my role play was non-existent. Kick me while I'm down ... but it doesn't change anything. Baltar existed for a couple months ... and I thought things were getting better when Liberty said I could operate there. But then they went back to the merc ban and I was KoS again. All I'm telling this guy is watch what you pick for an ID because Liberty might one day make it illegal. And that's fact ... not fiction. Merc ID yesterday, Rheinland ships and cargo today, what's next? *SIGH* I guess when you try to appeal to others to let you role play differently ... they call you a whiner. Too true ... you gotta suck it up ... cause you're not gonna win with the status quo.
@ Alistev: Whatever you choose to do, I hope you are successful at it. But you must be aware that not everyone will accept you. And when you try to explain ... you won't always gain acceptance. You might actually find hostility.
Back @ Orin Hasting: Buck up? Dude ... I've been here nearly 2 years now and still going strong. Ignore the join date next to my name cause this forum name was only created in January of this year. But I've been here much longer. I haven't given up ... and I do the best I can to work with folks. But at some point you and everyone else need to recognize that there are those that absolutely will not go beyond "engaging hostile ... flash bang ... destruction." Most of these guys are in capships with a dozen class 10 guns. And they've got their buddies to back em up. Sorry for dragging [LN] through the mud, but they have the most power on this server. As for my role play ... its solid ... just because certain people don't wanna think beyond "red is dead" doesn't mean I'm having trouble with role play. Keep in mind that role play is a two-way street. One side has to initiate the role play and the other side has to play along. If the other guy is not willing to play along ... what's the point? There are a handful of [LN], =LSF= and Liberty Indies willing to play along with my characters ... and then there's those that like to blow stuff up and will make any excuse to do so. Copernicus ... my Junker ID'd, Junker IFF'd character in a Junker Cruiser gets destroyed by a Liberty Juggernaut because of a no foreign capship ban in New York. Low and behold ... there's a Zoner capship hovering above Manhattan at the same time. But only I get beat up. Oh well ... the bigger ship with the more powerful guns won. All I'm asking for is for others to be reasonable. Show some restraint on the trigger finger. Even my pirate WAITS for the trader to respond to my hails before I fire a CD. You don't have to pull the flipping trigger every time you see red ... does this register?
@ Hyung Soong: Your responses did not sound supportive Hyung. Sure you can role play and ignore others who give you a hard time about your setup or whatever. But the problem comes when they physically destroy your ship with total disregard what's going on. They don't ask questions ... they don't even TRY to understand what your role play is. They see your ID and IFF and "don't care" what you are trying to do. I've even tried posting stuff in the forums in complete role play to let folks know what's up. But when I go online all they see is red and start shooting. Nobody is willing to show any kind of tolerance. I'm asking for people to hold their trigger fingers when someone says "I give up ... please don't shoot me ... I'm non-hostile." Why do people gotta be so flipping trigger happy? Responses are always "I don't care what you say you are ... defend yourself or die." I'm tired of this. There is no role play value in destroying a ship just because he's red to you. By the way ... I could have used your last post and would have responded differently if it were your first response to my post. But people do know how to push my buttons.