@ Etaphreven: Don't know you ... never interacted with you ... not gonna respond to you but welcome to the band wagon ... take a paddle and get in line.
Baltar, no one is stopping you from RPing what ever you where RPing, everything that happened happened in RP and you should have reacted in the appropriate manner.
Example: Yesterday I was on my Republican Shipping trader shipping something to Rheinland to Kusari, a Bretonian gunboat stops me in front of a jump gate. He demands 2 million or something, I refuse to do so playing the "I am a citizen of Rheinland! You can't do this!" card. He will have none of it and continues demanding a fee. I continue to refuse, he opens fire and I dash into the jumpgate. Now he won't ship anything to Bretonia for some time.
Was what he did OORP? I don't think so. Don't wine when things don't go your way and learn to build your character from it.:dry:
the fact that it is an RP server but some RP is acceptable and some is not is FTL.
People confuse balance with RP all the time.
Its ludacris to say what ship you can and cannot fly. It is literally the real life equivilant of saying 'you are Mexican and therefore must drive a low rider. You cannot drive a Mercedes even if you have enough cash to buy one.'
Some good examples:
I was told by an outcast dessie that I was OORP for attacking him with my Trader ID'd bomber.
I was told it was OORP for a generic pirate ID to have a corsairs gunboat.
I was told it was OORP for a smuggler ID'd ship to trade legal goods.
It is absolutely stupid to say that i couldnt buy any ship if I had a high enough bid. for example:
Charles is an outcast. He owes a lot of money to the wrong people. Bob is a bounty hunter, and there is no bounty on Charles. At some point of bribery Charles would buy an Barghest for Bob. He would even buy razors for it. 20 million would prorbaly do it. 50 million woudl definately do it.
Of course that RP would be sanctioned here, even though it is totally legit RP.
' Wrote:Baltar, no one is stopping you from RPing what ever you where RPing, everything that happened happened in RP and you should have reacted in the appropriate manner.
How comforting. Yet another person telling me to adjust my role play to fit in ... "should have reacted in the appropriate manner." Great ... thanks man. Guess I'm the only one who's OORP eh?
Quote:Example: Yesterday I was on my Republican Shipping trader shipping something to Rheinland to Kusari, a Bretonian gunboat stops me in front of a jump gate. He demands 2 million or something, I refuse to do so playing the "I am a citizen of Rheinland! You can't do this!" card. He will have none of it and continues demanding a fee. I continue to refuse, he opens fire and I dash into the jumpgate. Now he won't ship anything to Bretonia for some time.
Was what he did OORP? I don't think so. Don't wine when things don't go your way and learn to build your character from it.:dry:
I don't have a problem with this scenario. I've been stopped in Kyushu moving Engine Components to the Omicrons when I got stopped by a Kusari Naval vessel. He informed me there was a no export law regarding this commodity. Not a problem ... I returned the goods to Planet Kyushu and got a different load. That's all fine and dandy. But had he opened fire on my without some form of interaction like that ... he woulda been taking it too far.
My problem stems from one of my characters flying about minding his own business and getting attacked out of the blue simply because he's got an offensive ID. Here's an example of what I'd like to see. A Rogue Gunboat in California mining water from the ice fields is engaged (by this I do not mean in combat) by a Liberty Navy vessel. I explain that I'm collecting water to bring to Alcatraz because the equipment on the station that produces water has been malfunctioning. Granted I'm a Liberty Rogue ID'd character flying a Liberty Rogue Gunboat and would be fair game to this Liberty Navy guy. This particular Liberty Navy guy let me go about my business and said, "but I'll keep my eye on you."
Is this OORP for the two of us? I say no ... this is perfectly good role play. You don't have to fight each other just because you show up on each other's radar. THIS IS THE ROLE PLAY I'M TRYING TO ENCOURAGE PEOPLE TO ENGAGE IN. If I'm not doing anything that is causing trouble at the time, keep a watchful eye on me and if I do something, by all means pounce. But you don't have to gang rape me just because I'm there.
' Wrote:It is absolutely stupid to say that i couldnt buy any ship if I had a high enough bid. for example:
Charles is an outcast. He owes a lot of money to the wrong people. Bob is a bounty hunter, and there is no bounty on Charles. At some point of bribery Charles would buy an Barghest for Bob. He would even buy razors for it. 20 million would prorbaly do it. 50 million woudl definately do it.
Of course that RP would be sanctioned here, even though it is totally legit RP.
Not if you posted it and was approved by admins in the special role play section.
' Wrote:How comforting. Yet another person telling me to adjust my role play to fit in ... "should have reacted in the appropriate manner." Great ... thanks man. Guess I'm the only one who's OORP eh?
Okay, you just twisted my words around there. What I was saying is that people react to situations. In SP Juni said something along the lines of "People are changed by the world and rarely the other way around" This is a good basis for a good RPer. Characters are effected by there world, not always in the way we want them to. In fact, heh, this is very ironic, you denied your character a chance to evolve beyond the pre-set cut you meant for him and are complaining that you are being forced into a pre-set cut.
As for the second half of your post, I'm not even going to bother with it.
Let me just say this, and think about this for a moment with a clear head: You are you, but your characters are not you.
' Wrote:In SP Juni said something along the lines of "People are changed by the world and rarely the other way around" This is a good basis for a good RPer. Characters are effected by there world, not always in the way we want them to. In fact, heh, this is very ironic, you denied your character a chance to evolve beyond the pre-set cut you meant for him and are complaining that you are being forced into a pre-set cut.
Yes ... this makes sense. And I've adjusted many of my characters based on how others responded to them. Baltar was intended to be what he was ... a humble working class merc trying to make ends meat for him and his hard knocks crew. But Liberty's not for the little guys.
Now the question for you. With the way Liberty Navy, Liberty Security Forces and all their indies are treating some of my characters (and other characters besides mine) ... the natural tendency for these characters change would be to become MORE hostile ... the opposite of what Liberty is striving for. If you beat a dog enough he'll eventually go wild and bite back.
Quote:As for the second half of your post, I'm not even going to bother with it.
Let me just say this, and think about this for a moment with a clear head: You are you, but your characters are not you.
True ... but when I create my characters I do keep this in mind. The characters eventually take on a life of their own.
Quote:Too true ... you gotta suck it up ... cause you're not gonna win with the status quo.
Liberty sucks. Some players will RP, and do so quite well. Some (most) won't. That's just how it is. So suck it up, or move out.
What Johann is saying here is what I've been telling you forever now. Deal with the situations as they come. Don't complain like this. It's useless. Take things as they come and see it as a challenge. Evolve with the changes. Make your RP grow around what happens in it. I'm not saying to nerf your RP to fit. Keep it the same, and just act accordingly. Maybe your merc could have developed a smoldering hatred for Liberty that grew too strong. Then, late in the day, when not many LN are about, you wreak your veangance upon Liberty.
EDIT: By the way ... Baltar was my first attempt at a "lawful" character. So much for that idea. As it is I've got 1 quasi-lawful ... A'den Jango, my Mandalorian ... he took the place of Baltar.