' Wrote:Not if you posted it and was approved by admins in the special role play section.
Which is why its utterly bogus. Theres good RP, bad RP, and no RP. Only 'No RP' should be against the rules. Also, I have never had such a case, but I am certain that the process is not stramlined and balanced. No, I am not Akumabito 'flaming' the admins, I am posting my genuine observation.
Well I think we are getting into a good discussion sort of.
So I'll keep saying stuff until my desire to be heard is satisfied.
First off I'd like to apologise (again) to you Baltar.
I was in a rush earlier and I reacted to your posts.
I should've taken my own advice and walked away from the
computer when I was steamed up.
And with this...
Quote:@ Hyung Soong: 1). Your responses did not sound supportive Hyung. Sure you can role play and ignore others who give you a hard time about your setup or whatever. 2). But the problem comes when they physically destroy your ship with total disregard what's going on. They don't ask questions ... they don't even TRY to understand what your role play is. They see your ID and IFF and "don't care" what you are trying to do. I've even tried posting stuff in the forums in complete role play to let folks know what's up. But when I go online all they see is red and start shooting. 3). Nobody is willing to show any kind of tolerance. I'm asking for people to hold their trigger fingers when someone says "I give up ... please don't shoot me ... I'm non-hostile." Why do people gotta be so flipping trigger happy? Responses are always "I don't care what you say you are ... defend yourself or die." I'm tired of this. There is no role play value in destroying a ship just because he's red to you. By the way ... I could have used your last post and would have responded differently if it were your first response to my post. 4). But people do know how to push my buttons.
1). Yeah. They weren't. I was upset with you, so I'm not surprised that they
didn't sound supportive. Fact was I got quite angry with what you said.
But I think I could've said what I wanted to in a better way.
Sorry about that. I've learned a little from this.
2). I understand. I really do. The [LR] gets the same treatment. I got the same treatment when I was not part of the faction and I got he same treatment when I was part of the faction. It really doesnt make a difference if you are in a faction or not. And with my timezone, there was usually only one or two other Rogues I had built a friendship with to call for support. Thats the only difference that a faction gives between a non-faction player is a support network. I call that a positive thing, but some people here don't think that way. Instead they complain about getting teamed up against. But to me, that makes sense for unlawfuls. They often are at a disadvantage with ships (either self imposed or by ship line). But more than that, the unlawfuls often operate in a gang mentality. Its good RP to continue doing that. It is the opponents responsibility to either run away, cope, or RP their way out of it. See the RP thing that you are talking about runs both ways. You know that many traders or people caught by pirates (either solo or in groups) refuse to pay and just say "kill me now". As a pirate faced with that kind of attitude the only in RP option left IS to blow them up, to show them that you are serious. When a pirate is faced with that every day it gets frustrating, just the same as a BH/Navy engaging you for no reason other than you are red.
That particular problem is not solved by coming onto the forums, because the majority (I would say) possibly dont even come onto the forums. And frankly with all the negativity on these forums and "kindergarten" attitudes, I'm beginning to lean towards, NOT getting people to bother signing up to the forums. (I'm not specifically talking about you here, its a more general feeling that I have towards these forums. In NZ we call it tall poppy syndrome. If someone is shining, there are people nearby ready to cut them down. Perhaps to compensate for low self-esteem or whatever. It doesnt matter the motives, it happens.
3). Comments like this just get people annoyed, and I took specific exception to it (and your previous ones), because of the following. It is too generaliaed, and with it you are lumping me in there. I have tried my hardest to avoid playing like that. And I know many other players who do not play like that. You are insulting those who DO play "nice". You are also insulting those who do extensive RP. So indirectly you attacked me. That does not excuse my reaction to you this morning. It does explain why I attacked you so strongly and why i was on the defensive. What I said before still is true, I haven't seen you change your negative attitude. I said what I could, but I know now, I could have said it differently, so as not to attack you. Again, I'm sorry for how it came out.
I hope that you and I specifically can work our differences out so that we can enjoy each others company or that we can actually face each other at our respective ends of our barrels and at teh end of it all say "that was good RP. Good job!"
And I hope that the community can learn from this "episode".
Sovereign Wrote:Seek fun and you shall find it. Seek stuff to Q_Q about and you'll find that, too. I choose to have fun.
' Wrote:Role play is defined by the guy (or gal) with the most powerful ship and most powerful weapons ... or the guy with the most friends to help destroy you. If you wanna role play a certain way ... hopefully they accept you. If not ... prepare to experience the vacuum of space. Bottom line. If you cannot win in PVP ... those who can win will determine whether you are INRP or OORP.
@ Hyung Soong: I'm in a Catch 22 ... if you don't know what that means ... I'm between a rock and a hard place ... damned if I do and damned if I don't. You don't like me generalizing ... but when I mention characters or groups (like a faction) by name I get accused of trial by forum. So which is it? Do I get specific and name names or do I generalize? Or maybe I should just shut up? Thank you for the apology. I appreciate that. As for the "kindergarten" attitude ... its present online as much as it is in the forums. The "kindergarteners" are the ones that would rather destroy you than talk to you (the red is dead crowd). And I have stated many times that 80% do not role play beyond "engaging hostile ... flash ... bang ... destroyed." The other 20% are like yourself are actually willing to role play beyond the guns.