Maximilian,Oct 2 2006, 06:55 AM Wrote:Transmit TO: Admiral Firenird
Comm ID: Lord Maximilian
This is Maximilian i am planing to returne when the server comes up and waiting aclearance to returne to active duty, if not i am leaving SF.
Transmit TO: Lord Maximilian
Comm ID: Admiral Firebird
K, spelling the contact name wrong on any application is a bad way to start, lol (no worries I know its a typo). :lol:
I'm willing to give you a second chance; however, your previous actions with regards to speed mod cannot be forgotten. Your rank will be trainee, and your finanical assistance will be delayed until you've demonstrated actions consistent with SF ideals.
As stated earlier anyone caught cheating faces expullsion from the SF and possible permenant server ban. I will examine cases on an individual basis which is why i'm willing to give you a second chance. Do not disappointment me.
PS: The SF huegenot needs to be something different, save that for your outcast or pirate chars. Also if you could stick to the naming conventions that would be beneficial so that when in a battle the command level can identify your ship class and make better tactical descisions. (Also looks cool if we're consistent :cool:)
Transmit to: All SF personal
Comm ID: The Basilisk
An attack was launched on Cambridge today. The attack group included Battleship Blackpearl as well as a couple of fighters from the GoR faction. Initially, only Gareth and a couple sso pilots were there to fend for themselves. They fought valiantly but could not overcome the Blackpearl. The Aldebaren showed up to save the day, however. The Blackpearl was promptly overcome by the might of the defence squadron. I arrived shortly after this battle had cleared up.
After remaining stationed at Cambridge for a short period of time, BS|COCONUT showed up on my sensors. I prompted him on his business in Cambridge. BS|COCONUT was unwilling to comply and became a nuisance. I asked that he leave Bretonian space immediately. After he did not do so, I gave him a second warning to which he responded by flying approximately 5km away from Cambridge and then returning to fire on my vessel. I immediately returned fire and destroyed his fighter. It did not seem as if Coconut was acting in the intentions of BS|.
Transmit to: All SF Peronel, The Basilisk
Comm ID: Captain Hyperwave
Hmm, this is interesting. Bs| is considered friendly, so it was no necessary to ask them to state his business in Cambridge.
However, his unwillingness to seems to be a problem. I tried talking to him earlier, and he logged out without a response. However, it was intended to be friendly. He almst immediately logged off, and logged on a little later, without a response from me.
Bs_COCONUT has been in Cambridge for some time, and his business there is unkown. I do not know if he is a member of Bs| as he is not in the faction status thread, but it may be a different member, or registered under the forum name. I do not know.
By all accounts, Bs| COCONUT should have said something about faction status or significant other.
However, it would be nice to know: Trip, you said that he returned fire, and then you did too. Who fired first?
I hope that this problem can be cleared up soon.
Captain Hyperwave out
Retired A very big thanks to Dark Oddity who put my signature pic together
Transmit to: All SF Peronnel, Bs| High Command
Comm ID: Admiral Firebird
I have been in closed descussions with Wolfpack. Actions are being taken on the Bs| side to deal with the lack of communication by Bs|COCONUT. I leave that issue to their capable hands.
Traniee Trip conducted appropriate actions to request the business of a vessel within Cambridge space. However, the Bs| do have a trade agreement and it is always useful to be polite to those you work with. Now I don't have information regarding whether his word choice was overly demanding, my assumption right now is that it was not. I will be discussing this incident with Trip in private at the first opportunity I get and after that I'll decide what actions should be taken.
To sum up, the incident is getting chalked as a friendly fire. Wolfpack and myself will deal with our members how we see fit. But the following actions should be ensured by both SF and Bs| that this incident doesn't happen again:
1. Bs| respond to the requests of SF personnel while in Cambridge, you are guests after all in our home.
2. SF personnel give the Bs| a wide berth they are guests after all.
Now quit fighting amounst ourselves and lets slaughter some Nomads. :crazy:
Transmit to: Admiral Firebird, Bs| High Command, Captain Hyperwave
Comm ID: The Basilisk
To Bs| High Command: I apologize for the whole incident. I was not overly demanding, as Firebird stated. I knew our factions were allied, however, I believed at the time that it was necessary to ask for the business of all vessels passing through Cambridge, allied or not. I thank you for being understanding.
To Captain Hyperwave: When I said "He returned to fire upon my vessel," what I meant was that he flew back to Cambridge and opened fire upon the Basilisk. So, to clear things up, I was fired upon first.
To Admiral Firebird: I feel I should apologize to you as I was acting on behalf of all SF. I also must thank you for being understanding over this issue.
Transmit to: The Basilisk
Comm ID: Admiral Firebird
Quote:To Admiral Firebird: I feel I should apologize to you as I was acting on behalf of all SF. I also must thank you for being understanding over this issue.
I place faith in those under my command or guidance, and I'm harsh on those that betray it. You did what you thought was right at the time and were acting in the interests of the SF. As for Bs|COCONUT firing first that's a mute point and I leave that to the hands of the Bs| high command since it appears they have a rogue pilot on their hands.
Transmit to: All SF Personnel
Comm ID: Admiral Firebird
With a good portion of the fleet coming online, now is probably a good time to workout battlegroup assignments, which may help with weapons loadouts and such. At the moment 3 battlegroups are in place with 3 different tasks.
I would like Battlegroup Strompike to proceed to the Omicrons to begin assisting with the hunting of Nomad craft and the protection of the trade route through the Omegas.
I've created another roaming fleet, Battlegroup Excaliber. Their assignment will be the Kusari front line.
And of course the Cambridge Defense Fleet defends Cambridge and Bretonia.
I've got partial assignments up, but if anyone wishes to operate in a specifc fleet that can be arranged. Also later on down the line switching from one Battlegroup to another can also be arranged.