TO: Rheinland Military High Command FROM: Leutnant Malexa Malte SUBJECT: EMERGENCY FLASH REPORT 02-05-817A.S.
Guten Tag Admirals and Pilots,
Today we encountered a Bretonian Warship called nights_fire in the Frankfurt system and we had to stop him with force due to his unresponsive and uncooperative stance towards the Rheinland Military.
We finaly succeeded and established communitactions with the Commander of the nights_fire.
Scannerdata of the Bretonian Gunboat:
His excuse beeing deep inside Rheinland space have been odd.
He claimed to be on a trading mission to our space and that he has authorization to operate here.
I ordered the Gunboat to set course to Omega 3 and contacted the Bretonian Police Authoritys.
After 5 minutes of escorting the Gunboat to the Jumpgate, the ship suddenly opened fire upon our Wraths and I was forced to order my pilots to respond the fire.
Guncamshot of the Gunboat opening fire:
A Wrath got criticaly hit during this incident and had to repair at the Freistadt Base in Omega 7.
We had to disable the Gunship to ensure our safety.
Guncam footage of the exploding Gunboat:
Ive ordered my pilots back to Berlin and tried to deescalate the situation with the BPA.
The BPA checked the database about this Gunboat and found nothing there. They assured that this vessel was not flown under the Bretonian Crown.
The details are attatched in my Voice-Records.
Voicerecords from the Wrath Blackbox of Lt.Malte:
As the ranking Officer in the field, I hereby take all responsibilities of this incident and of the resulting diplomatic complications.
TO: Rheinland Military High Command FROM: Leutnant Malexa Malte SUBJECT: Patrol Report 27 02-10-817A.S.
PATROL LOG 27/02-10-817
Ship: 1x 90-ARKM-N45 "Wrath" Pilot in Charge: Leutnant Malexa Malte
Leutnant Malte returned from a routine patrol from Frankfurt space, when she picked up a strange comsignal near the Ring.
The message contained recruitmentinformation for a certain organization.
When Leutnant Malte came into scannerrange, the was not really surprised.
Scannerdata of the Ship:
It was an Outcast Pilot recruiting for their criminal fleet.
Leutnant Malte ordered the Pilot to set course to Sigma 13 or she would be forced to drag his pod into Vierlande Prison.
Suddenly the missilewarning went off and Leutnant Malte made a sharp turn to evade the incoming missile.
After that turn she opened fire upon the Outcast ship and landed a few hits.
The Outcast tried again to launch a pair of missiles and got hit by a cruisedisruptor, launched from Leutnant Maltes Wrath.
Crippled of his ofn weapons, the Outcast wasnt able to turn his ship fast enough, and Leutnant Malte landed the final hit.
Guncam footage of the Gunfight:
Suddenly 3 Hessian ships appeared the scene and Leutnant Malte had to face them, but they only aimed for the Outcast pod. They tracktored him in and turned tail to one of their hidden bases inside Rheinland.
Ship: 1x 90-ARKM-N45 "Wrath" Pilot in Charge: Leutnant Malexa Malte
Leutnant Malte launched with her Wrath from the New Berlin surface, when she picked up to close signals right next to the Ring.
She got a visual contact soon and made out two fighters near the Base, currently in a firefight.
Scannerdata of the scene:
The signals were a Republican and a Hessian IDed ship.
Suddenly Leutnant Malte picked up nomad signatures on the Hessian fighter and she asked the Republican Pilot if he could use some help.
Leutnant Malte armed the weapons when suddenly loosing all power inside her Wrath.
She had to check the systems for 3 minutes until she was able to assist the Republican Pilot.
After her repairs she finaly entered the fight and turned the tide for the Republican pilot.
The possible wilde, Hessian pilot, got hit by a mine and blew up right next to the Ring.
Guncamview of the gunfight and the explosion:
The remaining nomad debries have been destroyed by Leutnant Malte and the Republican pilot thanked the Rheinwehr for their help.
Leutnant Maltes systemfailure was a bad timing, it could have cost the Republicans live.
TO: Rheinland Military High Command FROM: Leutnant Malexa Malte SUBJECT: Patrol Report 28 02-11-817A.S.
PATROL LOG 28/02-11-817
Ship: 1x 90-ARKM-N45 "Wrath" Pilot in Charge: Leutnant Malexa Malte
During a routine Patrol in the Berlin system, Leutnant Malte picked up a strange signal near Brandenburg Border Station.
Suddenly the contact headed right to her position and Leutnant Malte got a clear visual on the target.
The first impression was the one of a normal Military Patrol Wrath, but scanners revealed some Nomad signatures.
Scannerdata of the Wrath: The Wilde took the lane in the direction of New Berlin and Leutnant Malte warned the Civilians around the area.
Suddenly the Wilde stopped right next to the Sigma 13 Jumphole and attacked a Bounty Hunter Bomber that was nearby.
After a short dogfight the Wilde exploded right next to Leutnant Malte and it seems that the Wilde got hit by something big. Leutnant Malte ordered previously all Cruisers and Battleships to secure new Berlin, but one of them disobeyed her orders. The Battleship Eclipse left her post and came after the Wilde Fighter.
Leutnant Malte ordered the Battleship back to Berlin and that the Commander must report in to High Command due to his actions.
Ship: 2x 90-ARKM-N45 "Wrath" Pilot in Charge: Leutnant Malexa Malte Wingman 1: Erich Meier
Leutnant Malte and Erich Meier have been called for an emergency patrol near the Hamburg Jumpgate due to an unknow signal in the area.
On their approach to the gate they picked up a Nomad signature.
Both Pilots have never seen this before so Leutnant Malte took some pictures of the ship.
Scannerdata of the Nomad vessel:
It seemed to be a Nomad Scout ship for recon missions.
Guncam picture of the Nomad vessel:
Right after she took the pictures a CIvilian ship appeared the scene and tried to engage the Ship.
Leutnant Malte ordered the Civilian to keep his distance to this Military operation.
The Civilian followed her Orders and pulled back.
Leutnant Malte ordered Herr Meier to engage but as both Pilots opened fire, the Nomad ship disappeared somehow.
The emergency patrol returned back to Planet Berlin and went back on standby.
Ship 1: 1x Rheinland Bomber "Snubnose" Ship 2: 1x 90-ARKM-N45 "Wrath" Pilot in Charge: Leutnant Malexa Malte Wingman 1: Flieger Jonas Alsburg
Leutnant Malte was called in by Flieger J. Alsburg, due to a Junker Cruiser operating in the New Berlin orbit.
The Junker Cruiser named Junker_Tenpenny* got hailed by Leutnant Malte and the Commander told her that he is here to get some fellow Junkers free.
The Cruiser Anders.Lund captured some Junkers an hour before this incident and the Cruiser Commander tried to pressure our forces to get them released.
Scannerdata of the Junker Cruiser:
Leutnant Malte ordered the Cruiser to return to his base and to sent a smaller ship if he wishes to visit his fellows in the cells.
Suddenly the Cruiser opened fire upon Flieger Alsburgs Wrath and Leutnant Malte had to return the fire.
After a few hits, the Junker Cruiser caught a critical hit in the reactor sector and the whole ship bursted into two pieces.
Guncam view of the exploding Cruiser:
Flieger Alster got only a few hits on his shields and was not injured during this fight.
He stood brave against superior and overpowering firepower and returned the fire in a Wrath.
TO: Rheinland Military High Command FROM: Leutnant Malexa Malte SUBJECT: Patrol Report 29 02-14-817A.S.
PATROL LOG 29/02-14-817
Ships: 2x Rheinland Bomber "Snubnose" Pilot in Charge: Leutnant Malexa Malte Wingman 1: Klaus Dietrich
Leutnant Malte and Herr Dietrich got called out of the hangar due to an emergency start, to intercept a Liberty Cruiser near New Berlin.
The Bomberunits launched from the pads and Leutnant Malte opened a systemwide channel to the Liberty Cruiser.
Leutnant Malte did not want to put Rheinland in the position of the agrressor and maybe starting the war, so she decided to give them one last chance to turn back to Liberty Space.
Leutnant Malte also warned the Commander of the consequences.
After this warning the Cruiser set course to Hamburg and proceeded to Planet Hamburg.
Leutnant Malte made the first visual contact there.
Guncam view of the Cruiser and the Scannerdata:
Suddenly the Cruiser opened fire upon Herr Dietrich and Leutnant Malte
was forced to order the destruction of the Liberty Cruiser.
Herr Dietrich and Leutnant Malte calibrated their Nova systems and managed to destroy the Libertonian agressor.
Guncam footage of the destruction:
Herr Dietrich managed to get the critical hit on the Libertonian Cruiser.
Due to this incident, I will order our patrols to the Bering Borders more often, to ensure the safety and sovereignity of Rheinland.
TO: Rheinland Military High Command FROM: Leutnant Malexa Malte SUBJECT: Patrol Report 30 02-16-817A.S.
PATROL LOG 30/02-16-817
Ship 1: 1x Rheinland Bomber "Snubnose" Ship 2: 1x 90-ARKM-N45 "Wrath" Pilot in Charge: Kapitaen Friedrich Lang Wingman 1: Leutnant Malexa Malte Wingman 2: Oberfeldwebel Johann Brunhild
Leutnant Malte was patroling the Bonn Station area in the New Berlin System, when suddenly something bigger than a fighter appeared on her scanners.
Scanningdata of the Contact:
The scan of the ship revealed a Corsair Gunboat with the name [D.Brothers]-John.West
Leutnant Malte was currently in a Wrath fighter and called in Bombersupport from Straussberg.
Kapitaen Lang answered to her call and showed up in his bomber, to defeat this Corsair.
Suddenly another Corsair Gunboat showed up, callsign [D.Brothers]Jimmy.Law.
Both Gunboats focused on Leutnant Maltes Wrath, because they thought it would be easy to shoot down.
Kapitaen Lang was able to aim for the Gunboats without getting shot at and he could do massive damage before the Gunboat commanders realized that they cant let the Bomber doing his work.
Oberfeldwebel Brunhild arrived on the scene as backup and managed to damage one of the Gunboats before his engines got a critical hit.
The [D.Brothers] went enrage and lost the overview of the fight.
Their guns missed the Rheinland ships, when they passed the second Gunboat and the whole broadside went into the unprotected gunboathull.
Guncam view of Leutnant Maltes Wrath, during the explosion of 1 Bomber and a Gunboat due to friendly fire:
Kapitaen Lang and Leutnant Malte chased the second Gunboat, which tried to flee. The Gunboat got destroyed during the chase.
Slowly exploding Corsair Gunboat:
Kapitaen Lang did massive damage to the Gunboat, before it blew up.
TO: Rheinland Military High Command FROM: Leutnant Malexa Malte SUBJECT: Patrol Report 31 02-17-817A.S.
PATROL LOG 31/02-17-817
Ships : 2x 90-ARKM-N45 "Wrath" Pilot in Charge: Leutnant Lukas Schwartz Wingman 1: Leutnant Malexa Malte Wingman 2: Flieger Viktor Blumberg
Leutnant Schwartz and Flieger Blumberg, called for help near Brandenburg Station.
Both Pilots have been engaged by two Unioner Ships.
When Leutnant Malte arrived the scene, FLieger Blumberg got criticaly hit by one of them.
Scannerdata of The Unioners:
We had to face one Sabre and one SHF Kiith Somtaaw, when suddenly an additional LWB showed up the scene.
The remaining two Leutnants fought over 45 minutes with the three enemys and managed to get one of them down.
Exploding LWB ship:
Leutnant Schwartz was able to land a good shot upon the fighters hull.
Soon after the first disabled ship, the RNC Tauren appeared the scene and Leutnant Malte ordered them to stay back.
Since the fight took place inside an asteroid field, it would have been too dangerous for the Cruiser to enter.
Leutnant Schwartz kept the Sabre busy, while Leutnant Malte clipped herself behind the SHF.
The Kiith Somtaaw was a durable ship, so she had to land a lot of hits, until the ship blew up.
With less than 5 % health, the Kiith Somtaaw passed near the Tauren and one of their gunners got trigger happy.
RNC-Tauren killing the SHF:
Leutnant Malte was not amused by this action, because she fought over 45 minutes with those enemys.
The last remaining Unioner got this message, that it would be better to run and turned tail as fast as he could.
Ships : 1x Rheinland Bomber "Snubnose" Pilot in Charge: Leutnant Malexa Malte
Leutnant Malte got called in with her bomber, from an Trader in an emergency situation.
Scannerdata of the Gunboat:
A Corsair Gunboat opened fire upon the trader, a few clicks away from Planet New Berlin.
Leutnant Malte rushed over to the scene and noticed the RNC-Tauren, already helping the trader.
Scannings of the Trader ship revealed critical hulldamage.
Leutnant Malte made the decision to end this dangerous situation quickly and opened fire on the Gunboat.
Guncam footage of the exploding Gunboat:
The Trader had to dock at Oder Shipyard for major repairs on his ship.
He was lucky that the Rheinwehr managed to get to him right in time.
TO: Rheinland Military High Command FROM: Leutnant Malexa Malte SUBJECT: Patrol Report 32 02-18-817A.S.
PATROL LOG 32/02-18-817
Ships : 1x Rheinland Bomber "Snubnose" Pilot in Charge: Leutnant Malexa Malte
Leutnant Malte was currently orbiting Planet Berlin, when suddenly two contacts appeared on the Battleship Straussbergs radar.
The Leutnant was ordered to check out the source of those signals.
Suddenly the both contacts appeared on her scanners near Planet Berlin.
Scannerdata of the Ships:
When she realized that two Corsair Cruisers, approached Berlin, she alerted the forces in the Planet.
New Berlin armed the Ground to Air missiles and two Battleships set course to the Planet.
One of the Corsair Commanders opened a systemwide channel and claimed to be on a War - Mission.
Leutnant Malte was curious, when the Corsairs declared war against Rheinland.
Suddenly both Cruisers turned around and jumped out of the System.
Maybe the two approaching Battleship Patrols showed them, that they would not stand a chance against Rheinland.
Ships : 1x Rheinland Bomber "Snubnose" Pilot in Charge: Leutnant Malexa Malte
Leutnant Malte was returning to Berlin, when suddenly a Trader contaced her over secured channels.
It was a passanger Carrier, moving Civilians from Kusari to Rheinland space.
The Captain told her that a Corsair Gunboat took all the Passangers onboard as hostages in the Frankfurt system.
The Leutnant moved to Frankfurt and made soon visual contact with the Gunboat.
Scannerdata of the Gunboat:
The Gunboat held multiple Pilots and Passangers as hostages.
Right before Leutnant Malte was able to negotiate with the Commander, the Gunboat opened fire without warning.
She had to defend herself and managed to get the Gunboat under preasure.
She managed to hit the Engines of the Gunboats and crippled it, that she could aim for the reactors.
Without the power to defend themselfs, she called a rescueteam in and they managed to get all Civilians and the Rheinland Pilots onboard.
Guncam view of Leutnant Maltes bomber, destroying the empty Gunboat:
The Leutnant destroyed the heavy damaged Gunboat, after the rescue was succuessfull.
Ships : 1x 90-ARKM-N45 "Wrath" Pilot in Charge: Leutnant Malexa Malte
Leutnant Malte was on a patrol near Oder shipyard, when she noticed an asteroid floating towards the Base.
The asteroid caught her attention due to a light reflection on its surface.
She approached the asteroid to ensure that it wont hit the station, when suddenly an engine fire lit up.
The Asteroid turned out to be an Bundschuh scout ship on a recon mission.
Scanenrdata of the Bundschuh ship:
Leutnant Malte followed the Bundschuh and managed to catch him with Cruise Disruptors.
A fight broke loose, when suddenly an unioner passed by and engaged Leutnant Maltes Wrath.
After 15 minutes of fighting, the Leutnant was not able to stand against those two opponents and had to eject.
Leutnant Malte managed to destroy the mounted camera on the Bundschuh ship during the fight and was able to inflict moderate damage to one of the two ships.
Ships : 1x 90-ARKM-N45 "Wrath" Pilot in Charge: Leutnant Malexa Malte
Leutnant Malte was called in from Oder shipyard to recon the source of two strange signals near Dortmund Station.
Suddenly she caught a distresscall from the RNC Aachen and a Rheinland Pilot named Terrordeath. (What a really strange name)
During her arrival at the scene, she took two pictures of the unidentified bombers:
The strange vessels managed to take out the Pilot Terrordeath in under two minutes.
Suddenly the Leutnant was alone against those two Pilots she never saw before.
It was a hell of a fight, until a Civilian Gunboat showed up and assisted Leutnant Malte agaisnt the two Bombers.
As expected, both Pilots targeted the Gunboat and inflicted heavy damage, when suddenly a Torpedo missed the Gunboat and hit the other Bomber.
Leutnant Malte was able to shot down its shields, when the Torpedo hit the bomber.
Guncam view of Leutnant Maltes Wrath, hitting the enemy bomber:
The second Bomber must have been stunned due to this unlucky, but fatal hit. He pulled back out to another system, to rearm and repair his vessel.
TO: Rheinland Military High Command FROM: Leutnant Malexa Malte SUBJECT: Patrol Report 33 02-19-817A.S.
PATROL LOG 33/02-19-817
Ships : 1x 90-ARKM-N45 "Wrath" Pilot in Charge: Leutnant Malexa Malte
Leutnant Malexa Malte was currently stationed on Oder Shipyard in the New Berlin system, when a distresscall arrived on the Station.
The origin of the call was a Police vessel, who sighted a Hessian Ship near the Planet.
Suddenly the message cut off and the Police Base lost contact to their Patrol.
Leutnant Malte launched as fast as she could and headed towards the Hessian ship.
Visual data of the Hessian ship:
The Leutnant hailed the Hessian and she got an anwser.
The Hessian was a Nurse called Olga.
After this broadcast, in where the Hessian claimed to be Olga, the whole system went quiet.
No Unioners, no Hessians, not even the Bundschuh tried to get near Leutnant Maltes and Nurse Olgas, position.
They all seemed to be afraid of this nurse.
Suddenly she asked for a prisoner, named Udo Ackermann and that she was here to find out what had happened to him.
Leutnant Malte answered that Udo Ackermann was in big trouble again and this time in a Police prison cell.
As soon as the nurse found out where Udo was, she lit up her engines and headed into an asteroid field, near Berlin.
She vanished between all the rocks and Leutnant Malte had to pull out, due to the risk of getting ambushed in there.
Ships : 1x 90-ARKM-N45 "Wrath" Pilot in Charge: Leutnant Malexa Malte
Leutnant Malte was on her way back to Berlin, when she suddenly picked up a transmission from an Outcast in the area.
She armed her weapons and made herself ready for a Combat, when suddenly the Outcast showed up right next to her.
Scanningdata of the Outcast ship:
She also noticed that his ship was not armed and that he tried to contact her, via the comms.
He claimed that Leutnant Maltes origin, was Malta and she should get back home with him. He came only to Rheinland Space to contact her and lead her "home".
The Leutnant was not sure what this evil game was and told him, that she was born on Nuremberg and that she has no hispanic ancestors as she knows.
Also the Leutnant warned the Outcast, that she would never betray her beloved Rheinland and that he should head home, while he is still outside of a prison.
After a while the Outcast pulled out and left a confused Leutnant Malte behind.
Ships : 1x 90-ARKM-N45 "Wrath" Pilot in Charge: Leutnant Malexa Malte
On a routine Patrol thorugh Stuttgart System, Leutnant Malte picked up a Military Patrol signal near Planet Stuttgart.
The strange thing about this contact, was that there havent been any Patrols assigned to those coordinates, since she made the Flightplan for todays patrols.
She moved closer to the Military Wrath and asked the Pilot what he was doing out here all alone.
Also a scan of the Wrath was initiated by the Leutnant.
Scanningdata of the Wrath:
Suddenly the Wrath lit up its engines and loaded the weapongroups.
Right after that, Leutnant Maltes scanners revealed that the Wrath was not one of her boys.
It had been a Wilde.
Suddenly the Wilde shot down a Civilian transport and two Police patrols.
Blackbox Voicerecord of Leutnant Malte and Guncamview of the Wilde shooting at Civilian ships:
The Wilde aimed for the rescuepods.
Leutnant Malte had to take action and clipped herself at the Wildes tail.
She forced the Wrath into a dogfight with her, but the Wilde pilot disengaged her every time when a Civilian appeared on the scanners.
The Wilde shot down another Civilian fighter and dropped some mines to get Leutnant Malte of its tail.
Suddenly the Wilde turned his ship around and got hit by a salvo from Leutnant Malte.
The gunfire drained the Wildes shields to zero and right in this moment, it drped a Mine.
Aware of her one time chance, Leutnant Malte launched a Cruise Disruptor and blew the Mine up.
Guncam view of the exploding mine due to a CD:
She destroyed all remaining debries of the Wilde Wrath and headed back to New Berlin.
TO: Rheinland Military High Command FROM: Leutnant Malexa Malte SUBJECT: FLASH REPORT 02-23-817A.S.
Guten Tag Sirs,
Today I have been contacted by an Zoner informant, about unauthorized Rheinland Military troopmovement to Systems outside of Rheinland space.
The ship spotted, was our Battleship Eclipse.
The commander moved to Omicron Theta, through the Sigma 17 and 13 System.
Beeing in Sigma 13 is a major violation of Rheinland laws and will be treaten with by firering squad, if the pilot or commander is part of the military.
I have ordered the Straussberg to monitor the movements from Eclipse, back to Rheinland Space.
Long range sensor data:
I strongly recommend that we take action against this Battleship, that has obiviously gone rogue.
The commander could have sold valuable information to our enemys and betrayed all Rheinland people due to his actions.
Me and my men are awaiting further orders about the treatment of the Battleship Eclipse.
TO: Rheinland Military High Command FROM: Leutnant Malexa Malte SUBJECT: Patrol Report 35 02-23-817A.S.
PATROL LOG 35/02-23-817
Ships : 1x 90-ARKM-N45 "Wrath" Pilot in Charge: Leutnant Malexa Malte
Leutnant Malte was currently patroling the New Berlin area, when she picked up a signal, not far away from her current position.
She approached the signal and could identify it as a wanted Unioner.
ID verification of the Ship:
This pilot called Schlosser, slipped her multiple times and managed to escape and hide into some asteroid fields.
But not this time. She approached the Unioner and told him to surrender, but he was not in the mood to give up this easy.
Suddenly the Unioner engaged and Leutnant Malte had to return the fire.
After a few jousts, she managed to down the Unioners shields and launched a Mine.
Direct minehit on the Fighter:
Leutnant Malte got a lucky minehit on the target and the Unioner was drifting in space.
She tried to tracktor him in, but got interrupted due to a Bundschuh patrol, who rescued the Unioner and vanished in an asteroid field.
Ships : 3x 90-ARKM-N45 "Wrath" Ships : 1x Rheinland Bomber "Snubnose" Pilot in Charge: Leutnant Malexa Malte Wingman 1: Hauptgefreiter Karl Stahlmann Wingman 2: Flieger Otto Weddingen Wingman 3: Flieger Klauss Hidden
Leutnant Malte was currently asigning the patrol areas, when suddenly a Liberty Rogue Gunboat appeared ner Planet Berlin.
She ordered to intercept the Gunboat in the Wrath fighters and approached there in a Bomber, to make sure the target wont endanger the Planet.
Scannerdata of the Ship:
The Gunboat opened fire upon the Wrath pilots and thought they would be an easy target.
Leutnant Maltes wingmen attrackted the fire upon their fighters, so the Leutnant was able to approach with her Bomber.
Exploding and burning down wreck of the Gunboat:
Due to the teamwork, it was possible to disable this immediate threat to Berlin in a few minutes.
Ships : 3x 90-ARKM-N45 "Wrath" Ships : 1x Rheinland Bomber "Snubnose" Pilot in Charge: Leutnant Malexa Malte Wingman 1: Hauptgefreiter Karl Stahlmann Wingman 2: Flieger Otto Weddingen Wingman 3: Hauptfeldwebel Johann Brunhild
After returning to base, the Flightgroup got a distresscall from a local trader near Dortmund Station.
Before the Trader could finish his call, his ship got destroyed by a Gunboat named Tommy.Gun.
Leutnant Malte ordered to proceed to the scene and defuse the situation with force.
After arriving, the Gunboat tried to flee right in the direction of a Junker Base in the New Berlin System.
Leutnant Malte ordered her Pilots to follow this Gunboat and show him what it means to shoot down a fellow Rheinland Trader.
Guncamview of the fight and the final explosion of the Gunboat:
Due to the fast and precise approach to the Junker Base, the conclusion is near, that the Junkers inside Berlin, shelter criminal elements on their bases.
We should dispatch an obersvationteam to monitor the Junker activities ner that Base.
Maybe we need to remove the Junkers from Rheinland, due to their possible close bonds to criminals.