I was recently denied admittance to the player faction [LN]. I do not intend to scrap this character, quite the adverse, actually. I was going to buy a Bungoat and start Indie Navy-ing.
Is it still proper for me to engage in Navy-related tasks, say, if they're doing a raid or some other organized Navy force, could I join, as an indie? Am I allowed access to their Message Dumps IF I participate in this organized force? Is it not unheard of for me to assume command of other Navy ships "lower" in rank, say, in a fighter? I don't know if this would violate any kind of OORP or Faction rules, so I just need some clarification
I think you're good joining the LN unless they say otherwise. As far as "ordering" others, I'd stay away from ordering any LN around, but rather listen to what they say. You probably have a better chance of other indies listening to you than the LN. Message dumps I'm not sure, I know some factions allow indies to post in them, I'd ask first though which I guess you are:)
Well, that's the thing, is that many indies are "lawless" indies who only take orders from "A higher authority" and really, what reason is there to listen to another indie? Even if I'm in a gunboat, I can't blow him up for ignoring me. I can't give myself a pretty title, like "Cpt. Ukon" because then I'd be flagged by the official [LN] members.
Mainly, I want the bragging rights / RP immersion that Message Dumps offer.
Most of the times, indies do participate in organized events, as long as they have the brains for it. As for you ordering other indies around, well, I'd say that most indies are equal in rank, unless they somehow agreed otherwise between themselves. Being a indie Captain is okay, as long as you act properly and don't start ordering whoever you want just because you've given yourself that title.
Also, any liberty lawful can post in that message dump, either faction member or not.
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The best thing to do in an indie char is to obey any order given to you by the official server faction of that faction, they will then learn to respect and value your contribution instead of thinking your the type of player that will just gank another player into oblivion. For the most part official factions try to maintain of an even battle for the enjoyment of all involved. This isn't always the case, but generally the official faction's are good at maintaining a certain level of balance.
As a ranking member of the LN, i can say that you may post in the Liberty Lawful message dump thread, and yes, you may have a gunboat.
But, i would like to point out that -most- of the larger battles involve mainly fighters, and if the fight is fair, 1 gunboat can really screw things up. For example, when we have fighter swarms, and 1 gunboat shows up, they are usually the first thing to die, because everyone targets the big ship.
I would really, highly, recommend trying out being a lawful in a fighter first, before you go and buy the gunboat. Bigger =/= better.
And as for ranks, most indies that i have encountered will follow the "orders" given by any member of the [LN], with the rare exception of those who don't give a damn, or who are recognized as higher ranks by the [LN]. Generally, the [LN] members know what is going on, and are pretty useful in getting more assistance if neccessary.
Yeah, you can buy whatever you can afford to get for your LN characther as long as you have the propepr ID/rep and [LN] cant stop you, according to server rules.
That said, it IS advisible that you listen to them if you havent played as a liberty lawful before. Generaly the rank and file [LN] and most of the command are good folks, but as an indie keep in mind that there ARE a few [LN] that will treat you like crap and generaly ignore you for being indie.
Back when I still had a indie LN, nothing made me laugh harder than seeing the occasional [LN] that would refuse to group with indies get ganked within 5mins of his login, cause he wasnt in group to request backup or learn of a heavy presence of that lane he was about to take, keep that in mind as a reason to group up and communicate.
For [LN] not playing with indies... I only can laught about it, because:
1) That's the way my carreer started in the navy.
2) There are lot of Old Indie chars who are more than respected by the [LN] and, in fact, I get orders from some of them, and I obey it.
Crafty.Ukon, I saw you in game, and I noticed your effort playing as a navy officer, stick around, and you will learn a lot more.
My advice, don't take the gunboat yet, pirates will focused on you, and you will get nothing but lolwuts and PvPwhores like "Die navy", stick to your fighter.
If you see me in game, ask for private comms.
Quote:Most of the times, indies do participate in organized events, as long as they have the brains for it.
Lemme put it this way. You can, and it is entirely acceptable to do so. But you should do two things:
1) Act responsibly. Don't go butting into other people's fights when they don't want it. It can get very annoying, no matter which side you're on, when ANY sort of cap comes in uninvited. Ask permission to join in if the fight is going on.
2) Learn to work WITH the LN. That'll get you their respect, and that's always good.