Why thank you Episkopos. Should I send you a picture of the evil *Neutral*BountyHunter battleship? I coloured it in myself!
Also, who is this being designated "Mama Dis"? How may I contact this being?
Hail the Almighty Eris!
*Transmission ends*
*Transmission begins*
ID: Saker
Certainly Mal, I'll draft something up now. How's this?
To: Doc Holliday and the Corsairs
From: Saker Kwah
Subject: Child 002
I am writing to you today becuase of a ship that will soon be seen in Omicron Theta. The ship will appear on your scanners as [TAZ]Child.002
This ship is a child under my care. She has decided to go and learn more about culture, humans and the universe by doing a sort of residential trip to Freeport 9, where she will assist people while learning more about her current subject, which is genders.
As such, I humbly request you do not fire upon her, as she is harmless. Also, answering any of her questions would be a great help, as she has a thirst for knowledge.
If she is caught hurting anyone or behaving badly please do send me a transmission, and I shall recall her immediatly.
With thanks,
If you could send a copy of that to the 'sairs Doc, I'd be grateful.
Just a quick update on the Cabbage Control wing's deployment:
Current status:
Unit A: In orbit above Curacao
Unit B: Freeport 6
Unit F: Freeport 1
Unit G: Freeport 10
Moving'n'Storage: Secure at Shasta, beans counted.
That just leaves "Mr. A" without a duty station.. suggestions?
Saker, lad, I'll leave it to you and Child 1 to determine if that BHG deserves a spanking, or just some Pineal Enlightenment.. Please advise.
Comm ID: [TAZ]I.K.S. Vor'cha,
1st officer Gor reporting.
To: All TAZ
Location: Planet Cambridge, Cambridge system.
Greetings, Tazzies,
I wish to inform you of our current status. We started by our return to Omega 49 from Baffin and received word of trouble at Freeport 1 so we headed out on a report that Tuco and some OPG's had attacked a Cabbage Control ship. With the help of fellow Zoner, Eric the Red, we arrived. On scanner was the nemesis Tuco, running his mouth per usual, complaining that he wasn't coming after a bigger ship but he stops running his mouth and runs to the OPG. After a stare down, they left for Omega 5 at which point the BAF arrived at the Freeport for backup.
Also in the mix was the Spirit of Freeport 7, who went into Omega 5 and was destroyed. As the BAF assisted us, we felt obliged to assist them.
Commander Matok, in one of the most courageous acts I've seen, ordered his crew off the ship at the Battleship Hood in Cambridge. He knew it was a battle he couldn't win and was going to subject his crew to an unknown fate by Corsairs. We objected but he ordered us off. We did so and he went in to meet his fate at the hands of a Corsair Dreadnought.
Matok is now in a Cambridge medical facility, beaten up, bruised and recovering. With him is our medical officer as the Bretonians know little about Klingon anatomy. He's been kept sedated but will be fine after some rest. The rest of us took a shuttle to Gran Canaria where we are awaiting Doc's return for a de-brief. Mal, you should be present for that, of course. Fortunately, a new ship is being re-fitted for us.
Odd as this may sound, we still don't view the OPG as an enemy, only the loud mouth Tuco. I want him brought here for trial. I will settle for nothing less.
Reports will be made to the Council of Zoners, Matok.
The C.C.F. was also destroyed in Omega 5. He arrived in time to see Tuco.Pacifico destroyed by BAF fighters, and stood off while BAF and OPG forces were engaged.
Finally, intel was received by "Mr. F" that the Corsair Dreadnaught preent had indeed attacked the Vor'cha. Proper engagement notice was given the Dreadnaught, but before the TAZ Fearless could close, numerous OPG vessels converged and took the Cabbage.Control.F out of action.
Until further notice, all OPG vessels are to be considered untrustworthy. I wouldn't be surprised if they are in cahoots with the Tuco.Pacifico, and used this opportunity to engage TAZ assets without reason.
What is even more disturbing is that previous to the encounter, in Omega 3, the OPG Grimly had promised the TAZ that he would report the renegade Tuco.Pacifico "to the Corsair Council". Either the Captain of the Grimly has an exceedling short memory, is short a few bricks, or was deliberately lying about his position regarding the renegade.
I will be encouraging the Council to open immediate negotiations with ALL Corsair Factions regarding the renegades who are instigating these incidents between Corsairs and Zoners. This must cease.
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Comm ID: Doc Holliday
Planet Erie, Pennsylvania System
Taking a rest at a bar on Erie in between load outs, the hand com of Dr. Holliday goes off. It is Malcalypse.
"Excuse me, Gentlemen," as he excuses himself from a conversation he was having and goes to the back of the bar where he finds himself alone. He stands, listening intently, on recent events. He raises an eyebrow at some news and then, his face drops and a deep anger stews within. Ambassador yes but a short temper never leaves once it is owned. He just nods and quietly says, "OK. I'm on my way home."
He closes his com, clutching in his tightening fist. All eyes in the tavern are on him as he hollers, "Dammit!"
Then, without a word, he takes his overcoat, and storms out the door.
"What's with him," asks a curious and shaken barkeep.
The answer was a silent head shaking from all present. A lone man runs in, the load master from the shipping dock.
"What's with him?" asked one of the patrons.
"I don't know," he started, "he just said to cancel his loadout and had said something in his com to the tune of, Stay put where you are, Midori, Matok was attacked and seriously hurt. It's a good thing I hadn't started loading him up."
Still puzzled and without a clue, the patrons returned to their activities and the normal tavern buzz re-commenced.
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Comm ID: Doc Holliday
To: Saker Kwah
Subject: [TAZ]Child002
Hey there, Saker,
The Corsair council responded to your request regarding [TAZ]Child002. Your request has been approved. Please, take a few minutes to read their response
*links to another communication* http://discoverygc.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=38554
Do be careful and be sure he treats the Corsairs with due respect.
The Peregrine is perfectly willing to help reduce the size of our "most wanted" list when it becomes operational, I have little to do right now anyway.
"This is a test of the Secure FnordNet System. This is only a Test.
Had this been a real warning, you would have failed already, and been booted out of the Church on your lazy arses.
Please indicate your current Transponder status, location, and desire not to have your Robes repossessed.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled general indifference.
Have a nice day."
Comm ID: Malagrump
Doc, Matok, and Saker, you are hereby exempted from the preceding threat of excommunication, as you've actually demonstrated a willingness to give a crap.