Let me direct your attention to this report. Said report can be found filed in this channel and has been publicly available since its creation. We don't put any kills on the board that don't have legitimate proof backing them up - that's why they're called registered kills.
Furthermore, if you're going to make more false accusations in such an informal and disrespectful format, send it to me through private communication.
From: Chairman Ender of Highland Security
To: Public Channel
Alright, well, I suppose I've been a little lax when it comes to filing these reports... my Chief of Operations, John Freeman, has taken care of most of it for me. We've all been a bit busy in the Tau's lately, spending a lot more time patrolling then on paperwork. Which is great, if you ask me.
An Outcast Sabre and a Destroyer decided to tussle with us one day... it was unfortunately a very one-sidded engagement against them. The fight began with myself in my Charon, and two HS.|Bombers. A few minutes later, both Outcasts were destroyed. For the kill on the destroyer, I'm not using the normal report format... this gun-cam image was too good to pass up.
It occurs to me that I seem to do the majority of my work against enemy combat ships; here are a few interdictions against smugglers.
The Finnegan's Wake is a notorious slaver vessel, in quite the power-house of a ship. Myself and John Freeman engaged the Junker Salvage Frigate and were able to destroy him. The next morning, I came upon a Legacy trader travelling through Tau-23 while patrolling alone, and convinced him to drop all the Cardamine but the little bit (20 units) he needed for his sick sister. Gave me a warm, fuzzy feeling.
That's all for now, folks.
Jefferson Ender
Chairman, Highland Security [font=Lucida Console]
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From: Chief Freeman, Highland Security
To: Highland Security Combat Pilots
I am fully aware that since we began to operate in the Taus and were marked hostile by the Outcasts, members of this group have been fiddling with their IFF transponders to avoid hostilities with Outcast patrols. While taking this kind of technical intitiative is somewhat admirable, the problems with such alterations can prove more prominent than the benefits.
Today, I was informed that one of our newest pilots was shot down by a jumpy IMG patrol, due to modifications made to his transponder in an effort to fool Outcast patrols. He barely escaped with his life and is now in a critical condition. I understand that this rookie was introduced to the concept of tampering with his IFF by the old-timers.
I have turned a blind eye to this tampering in the past, but I cannot stand for it any longer. Any pilot flying a ship with an irregular set of IFF/Repcodes will have his flight status revoked and be subjected to severe penalties - to be specific, if I see any pilot on non-hostile terms with Outcast patrols, they will be subject to a review highlighting their possible ejection from the company.
I hope I don't have to talk about this again.
John Freeman
Chief of Operations, Highland Security [font=Lucida Console]
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