It's clear that relations between our respective houses are strained at best. While we as two companies have been closer than most, due to our contracts, even that has suffered some... setbacks.
I would like to grow us closer once more. Many of our transport captains have expressed their feelings of joy upon seeing the Ryuujin train gliding through Kusari space on their frequent visits to and through. It would please us greatly to obtain one or two of these beautiful ships.
In return we are more than happy to grant you two of our own Mastodons, which, while not the prettiest of ships (I'll admit, quite possibly the ugliest thing I've ever seen) are unmatched in their sheer survivability in hostile grounds.
If this does not whet your appetite in the trade scheme, I'm more than willing to negotiate.
I hope together we can grow, as Companies, and as Houses.
::Transmitting from:: Planet Honshu
::Target:: Stephen Drake, Ageira Technologies
::Subject:: Your inquiry.
Konnichiwa Mr. Drake, it seems that your message was marked off as message with wrong content so it didn't pass our filters. You see, Samura makes the Ryuujin class ships not Kishiro. Kishiro has focused on making smaller and more agile ships while retaining the decent cargo space. Should you be interested in our Kujira vessel or the Big Dragon transport do contact us again. Good luck and sincere greetings.
>:Incoming Transmission:<
>:Sender's ID: Masanori's Yacht<
>Subject: Hello, I would like to help <
I am Yuri-Junci Masanori (In the blue) daughter of Hisoka Masanori Mastery of Kishiro. I am here, to tell you my father has been away on vocation. But I am fully capable of dealing with the transactions.. but as it seems you have already been given your answer. So I'll leave this honor well enough alone.
FROM: Kishiro Technologies info and ship distributions. TO: Mark Newman, CEO of Ageira Technologies. SUBJECT: Kujira request and Ageira leadership exchange CC: Kishiro Technologies CEO board, Honshu
I will transfer the message about new command of Ageira to the CEO board as instructed by the director himself Hokani Matsuo. You will be contacted within 12 hours. We appreciate your patience Mr. Newman.
Greetings Mr. Mark Newmann. I, Hokani Matsuo, CEO of Kishiro Technologies
would like to welcome yet another man on top of the throne of Ageira corporation.
I have had a merry roller coaster ride with your former CEO's. One was reasonable
so he gave me license to ship gate and lane parts. Other one went berserk and
decided to make that contract invalid. So he got replaced and I got my contract again
but then my contract ended and so did his "presidentship". He was replaced by a
man who made threats about sigma construction site should the embargo of certain
commodities be maintained. Since I do not appreciate anyone telling me how to run
my business or how to contribute to Kusari the relationships grew cold.
Now you are here with a ship request, that, fortunately does not involve Kishiro.
We make this ship for the companies based in Kusari, and should a company
wish to sell it to you we will gladly make some. I suggest you contact Gas Miner's Guild
with your proposal.
Sender: Mark Newman
Subject: Bad Relations
Greetings Mr.Matuso,
You have my apologies for the behavior of our former presidents. They may have not shared my enthusiasm for growth and partnerships.
We would have prefered to purchase the ships directly from the shipyards that make them, as we have a few slight modifications to make. We would of course be willing to pay all of this, as well as a licence fee to use the vessle, but if there is no way to get the vessles directly from Kishiro, then we shall contact the GMG.
In regards to the Simga Construction site, I hope the previous CEO Mr.Drake did not cause any delays.
Safe flying,
Ageira Technologies C.E.O
Mark Newman