Robert Turns on the camera, ANd goes back to fidiling with some robotics
Its been awhile since ive last replied, hasent it? *chuckles* NOt my fault if the rifle wont.....Cooperate Well, THat was a real nasty Brawl, now wasnt it? NOt....Nasty enough. I really do wish that My Eagle Was still functional.*Hammers on The contraption*. Perhaps, YOu might want to Hurry up those engineers? I tend to be.....Impatient*chuckles*
Im Afraid the Gun cam was damaged in the fray, Tough luck. *rachets on the machine*Me and a couple others CUt a few LN a head shorter...Now.........Lets see what this Puppy Can DO!
He carefully aims the contraption at a target on the wall.AS he pulls the trigger, A whirring sound And A Crashing Drilling sound occurs. Rubble flies over the room, ANd one hits the camera Is destroied
I've been reading a bit through the old writings and datafiles, gathering up on our glorious movement. It was not long ago that I asked to be among you, some of the finest people in Liberty.
I have learned alot since then. I have learned when to fight, and when to show mercy. This is useful when dealing with those who do everything to oppose our movement.
After my Starblazer last got demolished, I admit, I lost some faith.. But then again, so do all who walk a path which they do not know beforehand.
But I am confident now, that we WILL get our message across. If they do not listen, make them listen.
It seems there is a outcast double agent in Liberty that flies a Mining ship ID'd as Jaol that tried to bait me into fighting him in my starblazer as I was in my last hour of my eight hour flight time when I did not attack he followed me around demanding I attack him, the LPI were mind boggled when he told them why he was following me and wondered why he was complaining a Xeno was not killing him.
I left the system and went home to Ouray Base to get some more counter measures and sell a few things I took from the LPI storage dump when the Liberty Corruption were off chasing rogues before the Miner started to follow me. When I returned to New York I came to see Jaol again but he Landed on Manhattan and a Outcast fighter named Joal started to chase me he said he is going to kill me for not attacking his mining ship and his hate for Xeno's, he told me this before blowing me from the space of liberty as my cruise engines were engaged but luckily I was able to escape using the explosion of my starblazer as cover and a slight push to get my escape pod to the colorado jump hole where I had a fellow Xeno pilot pick me up and took me back to base.
Incoming Transmission:
ID: Richard Stiener
Loc: Ouray Base
Well, I went over to New York to get them dang foriengers out, when I realize that most people of liberty are scumbags who love the government. I got a need to rise up and challenge a LR feller who was trying to raise a cause or somethin.
Well, thats all I have report today.
8 hours and a message dump post. I would liked to be contacted so I can get my full Xeno rights.
JihadJoe Wrote:Xelgion, you have done a marvelous thing. Eppy is begging for mercy, in full caps.
Tyler called Richard Stiener and Joseph Johnsom to his room. They had been waiting outside for quite a while anxious to know and embrace what was coming. The reports and intel he had received suggested they both did their fair share of fighting for liberty and showing the people what was what. The Xeno Alliance could be proud!
As they entered he looked up from his desk and smiled broadly. "If it I'nt me two newest recruits, welcome. I's suspectin' ye know why yer here... Even though ye lost yerself a fine lil' ship in the end ye still did a damn good job Joseph... and Richard that be a nice speech I heard meself about!"
"Ye lot be promoted an' get yer own eagle... use 'em with pride Richard "Black Mamba" Stiener an' Joseph "Krail" Johnsom."
"An' remember... For LIBERTY!"
He rose from his desk. "Now... drinks be on me t'night!
"Here's... One dead loudmouth Synth, two Outcast bombers, and a little Bull Dog Junker."
"Oh, and two Outcast Destroyers."
"I ended up siding with a Liberty Battlecruiser to take down the two Cardi Cannons, I don't know if you find that policy, but it's sure as hell my personal preference. You know my family..."
At 0915 hours today, I patrolled the Silverton field alone. I ran across one trader, but he was running empty, so I let him pass and gave him the usual speech about in-house trading. I then proceeded to New York to start Radio Free Liberty up, but shortly thereafter another trader showed up at the NY hole.
A cargo scan revealed a hold full of shiney new APC's! I opened comms and he told me the shipment was from Ontario. I suspected at first that he was calling for backup, but it turns out he was a rather new pilot and was unsure of all the functions on his ship. I allowed him to pass after he transferred one of the APC's to my ship.
I handed the controls over to my navigator and went back to check our new prize. It turns out that the is the new XD-1 prototype that we've been hearing rumors about. The APC has already been prepped for battle, with a full compliment of munitions and small arms.
I'm currently on my way back to Ouray now, and will turn this over for closer inspection when I land.
That is all.
-Mojave out.
You ask me why Im weary, why I cant speak to you.
You blame me for my silence, say Its time I changed and grew.
But the war's still going on dear, and theres no end that I know...
And I cant say if were ever...
I cant say if were ever gonna be free.
Upon entering his quarters on Ouray, Didacus swiftly reached for a bottle of liquor.
Sweat from the previous battles were still running on his forehead as he reached for the voice recorder lying on the table.
Comm ID: XA-Machete
Origin: Ouray Base
The California System.. A large system, indeed. But crawling with Cardamine junkies, and other evildoers.
Dwarfpipe, Stiletto and I set upon the task of protecting the lanes from these wicked people.
It did not take long before finding our adversaries.
And as such I must congratulate the engineers on Ouray for their fine perfection working on this ship.
It performed admirably.. Although I must remember to keep easy on the trigger.. Black Widows tend to overheat easily.
Our valiant efforts were in vain, however, as a certain Hale forced us to leave the area.
If only these people could see reason. We are not the enemy..
But instead they put labels on us, name us "Terrorists". Well, I say enough.
If they refuse to see reason, we will have to.. *Static* their.. *Static* and.. *Static*..