Jack Handey Wrote:I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.
...or go out and get a gunboat and be able to do both. Which is what everyone is doing. You can't expect to get anyone's sh*t if there's no chance you're gonna kill them. I prefer pirating in a fighter, its more sporting. So if I'm stuck with a ship that can't do anything to a transport then I"ll just keep flying my Eagle.
At this point I'm assuming what weapons, stats etc. Doom puts on the thing are just place holders until Igiss makes a decision anyways.
With that in mind:
I say make it turn like the original CSV (slower than any other VHF-including the Spatial,) and leave the hold the same as the CSV. Give it the armor and sheild of a VHF, but give it a CD slot only, not a torpedo. 6 class 9 guns, no turrets. That way a VHF is still superior in a dogfight. ...not a threat really to anything but an unskilled fighter pilot or the innocent trader.
Still too much? Then we need to talk about just what kind of ship the CSV is. The original CSV is sort of a cross between a freightor and a fighter, so this ship should duplicate that and enhance it. The large hold it has reflects the Junker's way of life: looting, smuggling, pirating and trading. If we make it a Junker VHF we are only duplicating what the Eagle does already. Junkers prefer not to do overt fighting so a powered up Junker VHF would not fit the RP well enough. If we make it another Junker Freightor with no real teeth it will sit on the shelf for ever to occasionally be used by people to ferry their new characters to the borderworlds to buy other ships. Leave it with 3 class 9s and a couple of turrets and I'd be better off pirating in a Behemoth (which I would do anyways if it had a CD.)
The ship needs to be practical or it's a waste of time.
Quote:At this point I'm assuming what weapons, stats etc. Doom puts on the thing are just place holders until Igiss makes a decision anyways.
...yes, but lets help him as much as we can...he has enough to work on without editing every single ship...
ok....ship stats are easy...atm it has normal CSV speed and agility....still too fast
hows this sound?...
3 lvl 5 turrets, 2 lvl 9 guns, VHF shield, no torp CD only, agility like spatial (maybe a bit faster - it is after all smaller ship), power core of 9000, hull 15000, cargo 200 (or whatever spatial can carry)..also i may scale it up a bit (to be bigger then normal CVS) but that may lead to hit box problems...
now things to decide: shield - if i give it transport shield its agility must be reduced drastically cargo hold - if it we give it more cargo (like 300 or more) then it needs to be bigger (potential hit box problems), but then it isn't fighter any more...and it was meant to be fighter...
Awesome, always good to see other peoples work. I'd encourage everyone who wants to develop a ship for Discovery go for it. And If you're having trouble post up some screenies so that the community can help out.
dont worry I used the "Cleanup: function of wings 3d and manually corrected certain things. It works just fine. But I need to know HOW DO YOU MAKE THESE GREAT TEXTURES!!!
Beware legeonation... your last ship, the Tiger Shark, is small even for a light fighter. Too late to change now, but please make larger ships in future. Compare with original models.
Here is the final model of the Virage gunship, VFH or bomber, haven't decided yet. 1 massive main gun didn't look quite right on the model so i decided to add on a second gun just to make it look a little more fearsome. Finally I shortened up the main body and bent the front. Should be quite fun to texture. But first time to UV map the sucker.