Tamara here! My first report ever for my new job! yay!
Anyway, me and my ***hole bother were fighting again in the King Cross launchbay when a logistics guy came by and told us to escort 2 Bowex haulers which were headed for Liberty. So we jumped in our Roc and went after the Whitecliff and Lawrence.
We caught up with them at the Cortez gate in Manchester and we took point. Everything went smooth until we came to Riverside. a Liberty Rogue called Lisa Baker in a Barghest was blocking our way forward. So Casey, actually being smart for once, tried to talk her into moving away. She didnt, at which point Casey attacked the Rogue! He never told me he was gonna attack her! I had -no- clue what to do. he was chasing her all over screaming stuff at me like 'light her up! and 'what the HELL are you doing, you stupid ******!, fire back!' .
Yes, we were like an oiled machine, the epitome of cooperation. Anyway, once I figured out what each button did, I fired some missles at the Rogue. turned out they don't do any damage, they just knock out the cruise engines! no one ever told ME that! Still, the Rogue dropped mines which exploded in her own face. that was funny to see.
The dogfight went on and I was sick as a dog at one point. Then casey told me to ready the SNAC. I had NO idea what the hell a SNAC is. Turns out Casey had foreseen this. he had made a small note with a marker on the trigger of my stick thingy that read: 'when target is shieldless, squeeze this to cause death' he then banked hard and told me to 'Fry that pirating *****!'
So I did and wow, I hit! I actually hit!
ok, Casey's flying helped a bit... just a little.
I still hate him though, making me sick like that.
After that we went on to Denver without problems. There, Whitecliff stayed as we and Lawrence went back to Bretonia. But in California we came across 3 Xenos, so Casey told the Lawrence to dock up and wait. We docked at Riverside, being unable to move the Xenos.
And they got pissed when I called them 'stinkin' rednecks'. Imagine that!
[The route taken, the cargo moved.]
NL-> Manchester ->Cortez ->California -> NY -> Colorado
We moved ore. No idea what type, I was doing my nails when we were given the manifest. Then I spilled polish on it so I couldn't read it anymore. thats not important, right?
~ Incoming Transmission from King's Cross Station, New London System ( ~
~ Date: 09. June 819 A.S. ~
To: Bowex InfoNet. Encryption: Low Topic: Convoy report.
[font=Agency FB]Convoy Participants:
ExSec Kiriko Hidamari, Hussar- convoy leader.
BES Gladstone, Shire.
BES Hawking, Shire.
BES Smallwood, Shire.
BES Whitecliff, Shire.
BES Ruthenford, Shire.
BES Faraday, Shetland.
BES Swift-Nick, Clydesdale
Convoy Information:
"Trying to export more of King's Cross stocked ores, We took Gold Ore to Planet New Berlin the Wheatstone and myselfe caught up with the rest of the convoy in Stuttgard. 16'400 units of Gold ore and 3920 units of Niobium ore were moved off the station."
Convoy Incidents:
"It seemed that a LWB Cruiser was waiting for the convoy in Stuttgard at the time I wasn't with the convoy yet but from hearing the Bounty Hunters took care of it."
Other Notes:
"The Smallwood had to take a break on New Berlin, it seemed that he had some issues wit his ship.
Else there where no other Incidents"
Mark Sanders
[font=Agency FB]
~ End of Transmission ~
“This font is good people said, this font is awesome others said, I say it works well enough to waste 2 seconds of your life reading this.”
~ Incoming Transmission from King's Cross Station, New London System ( ~
~ Date: 10. June 819 AS ~
From: Jan Peters, Supervisor. To: Bowex InfoNet. Encryption: Low Topic: Convoy report.
[font=Agency FB]Convoy Participants:
ExSec Kiriko Hidamari, Hussar - convoy leader.
BES Whitecliff, Shire.
BES Sassoon, Shire.
BES Woodford, Shetland.
BES Keynes, Shire.
BES Gladstone, Shire.
Convoy Information:
"I arrived at the docks a bit late, but there was still enough time for me to join the convoy that was getting ready to haul BMM's ore to Rheinland. The Gold ore stocks ran out before all of our ships were filled, so we made the decision to take along some Beryllium ore as well. We set out for our destination when everyone was ready, and we arrived in New Berlin in good time! I would estimate that about 13'000 units of Gold ore and 8'000 units of Beryllium ore were delivered to Planet New Berlin and Dortmund station respectively. We bought engine components from Oder shipyard shortly after and brought them back to Southampton in New London."
Convoy Incidents:
"It was very quiet, the only pirate encounter we made was a transport that ran away as fast as it came! The convoy was a good example of excellent speed and efficiency thanks to good organisation, aside from the usual numerous Bellock incidents, including the Sassoon nearly getting torn apart by the arms of the Cambridge jumpgate at King's Cross."
Other Notes:
"How Ms. Hidamari bears leading a convoy with this lunatic giving everyone a headache is beyond me, but at least it was only his own life he endangered this time."
Posts: 6,376
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Joined: Aug 2007
Staff roles: Story Dev Economy Dev
To: All Trade Combine assets. From: Andrew Peterson, Trade Manager. RE: New orders.
Good day to you all! After much discussion with our King's Cross division commanders, we have decided to expand the station's aft workshops with a docking module retrofit centre. Our men on Scarborough have the manufacturing capabilities to fabricate the technology, but not enough free berths to fit or fine tune them to client ships.
Due to this, the retrofit centre will be moved to 'Cross and the units shipped across as required. Unfortunately, these modular units are currently suffering from minor software issues that prevents their current use, but this is to be corrected shortly. Needless to say, BMM has requested the following supplies for their construction effort:
~ Incoming Transmission from Canterbury Station, New London System ( ~
~ Date: 3. July 819 AS ~
From: Jan Peters, Supervisor. To: Bowex InfoNet. Encryption: Medium Topic: Work report.
[font=Agency FB]Convoy Participants:
Deliveries for Docking Module and Factory
BES Gladstone, Shire.
BES Rutherford, Shire - joined for last run to Newcastle.
BES Hawking, Shire - joined for last run to Newcastle.
First convoy to New Berlin
BES Gladstone, Shire - convoy leader.
BES Rutherford, Shire.
Second convoy to New Berlin
ExSec Jan Peters, Eagle - convoy leader.
BES Redgrave, Percheron.
BES Rutherford, Shire.
Convoy Information:
"King's Cross' Docking module factory, which has been under construction during the last few days, was completed today. After starting an early shift, the Gladstone delivered the remaining 3800 units of Industrial Materials and 28600 units of Ship Hull Panels within 15 runs to Stokes and one run to Lancaster, allowing the construction crew to open the factory and start the production of King's Cross' very first docking module. The only troublemaker I ran into was a Molly bomber who crossed my way multiple times, including a time I saved myself to Durham - eventually he managed to extort a million credits from me as I entered New London from Leeds - his torpedoes were more convincing than I would comfortably admit.
Upon receiving the shipping instructions, we went on and brought in the required materials on the Gladstone from various locations across Bretonia. After a total of 10 deliveries from Planet New London, Aland station, Douglas station, Stokes Mining Station, Scarborough Station and eventually Lancaster Trade Center, I was contacted by Mr. Wolfe from the Rutherford and Mr. Sanders from the Hawking, and both of them agreed to help out with the remaining IM deliveries.
As I passed Planet Leeds, I ran right into the hands of two pirate bombers - knowing my proximity to Leeds' mooring fixture, their civilized request "3 mil or die" seemed rather unattractive, so I opened fire on them and called for support. Both the Rutherford and the Hawking weren't far, and after the Gladstone had suffered enough damage to lead us to the decision of landing her on Planet Leeds, they managed to turn both pirates "Barbarossa" and "Sneaky_Simon_BLackBLade" into dust.
The repairs were done surprisingly fast, and it wasn't long before the Gladstone was back in space, flying behind the Rutherford to pick up Industrial Materials from Lancaster, while the Hawking brought a load to King's Cross that Mr. Sanders had picked up earlier.
When Mr. Sanders left, Mr. Wolfe and I decided to pick up the two remaining Polymer deliveries from Douglas after a shipment of 8000 units of Gold ore to New Berlin. The trip was very quiet, and I enjoyed visiting Rheinland once again. The dockmaster on Douglas was pleased about the consumer goods we brought along, and wished us luck on our trip back to King's Cross.
Shortly after the first docking module had been completed, but not yet installed on any ship, Mr. O'Farrell, our new Trainee and captain of the BES Redgrave, joined us. Leaving the Gladstone at King's Cross and granting the crew a break after a very long day, I switched to my Eagle and decided to escort the Rutherford and the Redgrave on a second convoy to Rheinland. Behind the Cambridge gate, I already ran into hostile contacts! Two corsairs, a bomber and a gunboat, were sitting between the lanes, obviously waiting for victims. I informed our transports of the situation, advised them to return to Canterbury and dock there, and asked Mr. Wolfe to alarm the Armed Forces. However, before the BPA or BAF turned up, the captain of a bounty hunter gunboat saw the opportunity to make some cash and I assisted him in taking out both corsairs.
The following run to New Berlin was again pleasantly quiet, and we used the opportunity to make Mr. O'Farrell more familiar with the typical behaviour for Bowex convoys. The Rutherford delivered 4000 units of Gold ore, the Redgrave brought along about 2500 units of Super Alloy. On the way back, both transports brought Engine components for Southamptons engineers. All of us being very tired and content with our accomplishments, Mr. O'Farrell stayed on Southampton, and Mr. Wolfe and I decided to grab a drink in Canterbury's bar."
Commodities delivered to King's Cross:
34'000 units of Ship Hull Panels (68'000 cargo units)
8'000 units of Robotics
4'000 units of Super Alloy
8'000 units of Basic Alloy
23'800 units of Industrial Materials
12'000 units of Polymers
A total of 89'800 units(123'800 cargo units) in 31 supply runs.
~ Incoming Transmission from Augsburg Orbital Colony, Munich System, Rheinland Space~
~ Date: 4. July 819 AS ~
Convoy Participants:
BES Rutherford, Shire, Supervisor Stew Wolfe
BES Whittle, Shire, Trade Manager James Barnes
BES Wilberforce, Percheron, Trainee Hans Arthur Liljefors
BES Redgrave, Percheron, Trainee Glenn O'Farrell
Supervisor Jan Peters, Eagle
Convoy Information:
"While I, Stew Wolfe, picked up a Shireload of our fine Super Alloys from Scarborough Peters and Whittle accompanied by Liljefors and O'Farrell, went to Graves Station in Dublin and collected a load of Gold each before RVing with myself outside Planet New London. From there we proceeded to New Berlin without incident. Peters was efficient as lead scout and Liljefors and O'Farrell fitted in quite nicely between the teeth of the Rutherford and the Whittle. They showed skill and understanding and I do believe they are a great fit for our great company. I proceeded to deliver a majority of the Super Alloys at The Ring in New Berlin and took on a special delivery request and filled the gap with Basic Alloys. After launching back into space the convoy took Peters lead and headed to Munich via Frankfurt, landing here on Augsberg. Barnes, O'Farrell and Liljefors bypassed the many eateries and headed for the nearest hotel. After a feed and a chat with a few friendly locals Peters and I followed them. The return trip is planned for tomorrow."
Convoy Incidents:
"When we arrived outside Mannheim we held while Peters assessed the situation of a firefight around Mainz. Peters instructed and lead a detour around the situation and we rejoined the trade lane from Mainz to Munich jumpgate closer to the gate when we encountered a lone VWA member by the name of VWA|Erich.Klugmann. After a non-aggressive turn of conversation a 'donation' was paid to the Mr. Klugmann."
Other Notes:
"The return trip is planned for tomorrow."
~ Incoming Transmission from King's Cross Station, New London System ( ~
~ Date: 4. July 819 AS ~
From: Jan Peters, Supervisor. To: Bowex HQ. Encryption: Medium Topic: Report on Production of Docking Modules.
Thanks to the exemplary efforts in the past days of King's Cross' production crew and the captains and crews of many Bowex transports, including the Rutherford, Whittle, Wilberforce, Redgrave, Gladstone, Lawrence, Hawking, The Bruce and Maynard, the assembly of the eagerly awaited Bowex Docking Modules is far ahead of schedule.
After initial blueprints were turned into a prototype, its first installation on a Shire class transport proved to be functioning and efficient, being able to contain a fighter while losing no more than 300 cargo units. Ever since, King's Cross' researchers have been working eagerly on refining the production process, with the goal of raising the devices' flexibility towards various ship classes and ensuring a distinguished quality for all future customers.
Over 250'000 metric units of material were shipped to King's Cross within two days, pushing the capacity of the new factory to its limits. Four docking modules have been completed and passed quality control, with a fifth one under way. It may be time to conclude deals with our first customers, as the modules are ready to be shipped. Considering the production cost and labour time involved, I suggest a price range of 150 to 200 million credits to be considered.
~ Incoming Transmission from King's Cross Station, New London System ( ~
~ Date: 07. July 819 A.S. ~
To: Bowex InfoNet. Encryption: Low Topic: Convoy report.
[font=Agency FB]Convoy Participants:
BES Hawking, Shire- convoy leader
BES Tresher, Shire.
BES Gladstone, Shire.
BES Whitecliff, Shire.
BES Hobson, Perechon.
Convoy Information:
At first we supplied Kings Cross with enough Units of Industrial Materials and Polymers to build yet another Docking Modul, which where: 14'000 units of Industrial Materials. and 9'000 units of Polymers.
After that the Gladstone had to take a break on Kings Cross since Peters seems to have some trouble with the Vox arrays on the Gladstone.
While Nigel had to stay because he wrecked his engine while getting Industrial Materials. *shakes his head*
Well at least that keep him quiet.
The Tresher, Hobson and myselfe then headed out to Haul Berylium Ore to Pittsburgh.
We delivered about 10'410 Units of Berylium Ore.
Convoy Incidents:
On our way to Liberty we encountered a Rouge by the name Intelligent Fella asking for 5 Million Credits so that we may pass.
Since we where on a tight scedule we payed up and left it with that.
On our way back we encountered Tobi.Reaper who claimed there was a bounty on our heads and opened fire. As proud Bowex employees we did not flater in this situation and fought back.
In the End Mark Junior flying the Hobson saw to it that Tobi was flying in a Resuce pod.
Other Notes:
None to report.
Mark Sanders
[font=Agency FB]
~ End of Transmission ~
“This font is good people said, this font is awesome others said, I say it works well enough to waste 2 seconds of your life reading this.”
~ Incoming Transmission from King's Cross Station, New London System ( ~
~ Date: 09. July 819 A.S. ~
To: Bowex InfoNet. Encryption: Low Topic: Convoy report.
[font=Agency FB]Convoy Participants:
BES Hawking, Shire- convoy leader.
BES Hydra, Shire.
BES Redgrave, Perechon.
ExSec Casey & Tamara, Roc.
Convoy Information: We got some Gold from Graves and headed out to Rheinland after that the Redgrave had to take his leave.
But the Hydra took his place and we made our way back to Bretonia, the Hawking loaded with Cigars and the Hydra with Aluminium.
Convoy Incidents:
As we where greeted in New Berlin from an Officer of the Military Casey claimed that Bowex would have friendly relations with the Hessains and even meant that we drank tea with them.
Following that I had to speak with the Officer about the conditions Casey was in right now and he told me he would keep his eyes closed this one time.
After that let's say incident Casey and Tamara took out a Pirate that was luring at the Omega 3 Gate in Omega 7.
And after that it seemed that a Corsair Cruiser was waiting in New London which quickly died to the guns of the Armed Forces.
Other Notes:
The Redgrave had to leave the convoy in Munich at Ausburg Docking Wing if I recall correctly.
I strongly suggest to keep an eye on Casey when he is flying with one of our convoys to suppress any stupid comments that might escape his mouth.
Tamara seems alright on first impression though she seems to think Bellock was her saviour. *chuckles*
Well she'll find out the truth soon enough.
Mark Sanders
[font=Agency FB]
~ End of Transmission ~
“This font is good people said, this font is awesome others said, I say it works well enough to waste 2 seconds of your life reading this.”